This is from Vatican Radio and it all sounds very good and sound to me and good advice to priests!
2018.12.13 Foto di famiglia di Jorge Mario Bergoglio da giovane
Pope Francis: 50 years of priesthood serving God and His people
13th marks the 50th anniversary of Pope Francis’ ordination to the
priesthood. Vatican News celebrates this milestone recalling some of
Pope’s reflections regarding priests and the priesthood.
By Sergio Centofanti
On 13 December 1969, just four days before his 33rd birthday, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was ordained a priest. His vocation dates back to 21 September 1953,
the Feast of St. Matthew, the tax collector converted by Jesus: it was
during a confession that day, that the future Pope had a profound
experience of God's mercy.
The priest and mercy
Divine Mercy has characterized his entire priestly life. Pope Francis
speaks of priests as quietly leaving everything to engage in the daily
life of communities, giving others their own lives, moved, like Jesus,
when he sees people exhausted and “like sheep without a shepherd".
Addressing parish priests in Rome on 6 March 2014,
the Pope said: “In the image of the Good Shepherd, the priest is a man
of mercy and compassion, close to his people and a servant to all…
Whoever is wounded in life, in whatever way, can find in him attention
and a sympathetic ear....Wounds need to be treated… We priests must be
there, close to these people. Mercy first means treating the wounds”.
Archbishop Bergoglio in Buenos Aires
The priest and the Eucharist
Pope Francis describes the priest as a decentralized man, because at
the center of his life there is not him but Christ. In his homily during
the Jubilee for Priests on 3 June 2016,
he said: “In the Eucharistic celebration we rediscover each day our
identity as shepherds. In every Mass, may we truly make our own Christ’s
words: ‘This is my Body, which is given up for you’. This is the
meaning of our life: with these words, in a real way we can daily renew
the promises we made at our priestly ordination”.
The priest and the confessional
The priest plays an important part of his service to God and His
people in the confessional, where he can become an expression of God's
mercy. Addressing parish priests in Rome on 6 March 2014,
Pope Francis said: “It is normal that there be differences in the style
of confessors, but these differences cannot regard the essential, that
is, sound moral doctrine and mercy. Neither the laxist nor the rigorist
bears witness to Jesus Christ, for neither the one nor the other takes
care of the person he encounters. The rigorist washes his hands of them:
in fact, he nails the person to the law, understood in a cold and rigid
way; and the laxist also washes his hands of them: he is only
apparently merciful, but in reality he does not take seriously the
problems of that conscience, by minimizing the sin. True mercy takes the
person into one’s care, listens to them attentively, approaches the
situation with respect and truth, and accompanies them on the journey of
Pope Francis in the confessional
The priest and prayer
Pope Francis has always said that the priest needs to be, above all, a
man of prayer. It is union with God, he says, that overcomes the
countless temptations of evil. In his Letter to Priests marking the 160th anniversary of the death of the Curé of Ars,
the Pope suggests reciting the Rosary every day. “To contemplate Mary”,
he writes, “is to believe once again in the revolutionary nature of
love and tenderness. In her, we see that humility and tenderness are not
virtues of the weak but of the strong, who need not treat others poorly
in order to feel important themselves”.
The priest and the poor
According to Pope Francis, a priest’s spirituality is embodied in the
reality of everyday life. His is a prophetic voice in the face of the
oppression that tramples on the poor and the weak. In Evangelii gaudium,
para. 183, he writes of how the Church "cannot and must not remain on
the side-lines of the struggle for justice". The Kingdom of God begins
here on earth and it is already here that we encounter Jesus: the last
judgment will focus precisely on what we have done to Christ in the
poor, the sick, strangers, prisoners. We will be judged on how we have
loved. But, as Saint John Paul II said, there can be no love without
Pope Francis in prayer
The priests risking their lives
In his Letter to Priests for the 160th anniversary of the death of the Curé of Ars,
Pope Francis thanks those priests "who make their lives a work of mercy
in regions or situations often inhospitable, distant or abandoned, even
at the risk of their own lives". He thanks them "for their courageous
and constant example" and invites them not to be discouraged, because
"the Lord is purifying His Bride and is converting all of us to Himself"
In the same Letter, Pope Francis addresses the question of abuse.
While confirming his closeness to the victims, he expresses his
gratitude “to all those priests who faithfully and generously spend
their lives in the service of others”.
The priest and weariness
During the Chrism Mass in St Peter’s Basilica, on Holy Thursday 2015,
Pope Francis spoke openly about “the tiredness of priests”, saying it
was frequently on his mind. “I think about it and I pray about it
often”, he said, “especially when I am tired myself. I pray for you as
you labour amid the people of God entrusted to your care, many of you in
lonely and dangerous places. Our weariness, dear priests, is like
incense which silently rises up to heaven. Our weariness goes straight
to the heart of the Father”. The Pope described this weariness as
something positive, because it comes from being in the midst of people:
"It is the tiredness of the priest with the smell of sheep".
The priest and humour
Pope Francis often reminds priests "the saint is capable of living
with joy and a sense of humor”. This joy comes from union with Jesus, he
says, adding that he himself prays for a sense of humour every day. In a
November 2016 interview with Italy’s TV2000, the Pope described how “a
sense of humour lifts you up”. It is something very human, he said, but
it is also close to the grace of God.
The smile of Pope Francis
The Pope's appeal to support priests
Pope Francis asks priests to be always close to the people, but at
the same time he asks the faithful to support their priests. During his
homily at the Chrism Mass on 28 March 2013,
he said: "Dear lay faithful, be close to your priests with affection
and with your prayers, that they may always be shepherds according to
God’s heart”.
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