
Wednesday, December 11, 2019


We enter into the realm of the Twilight Zone:

From Crux:

ROME – A leading Vatican official says he would “hold the hand” of someone who was dying from assisted suicide, even though he considers it wrong, because “no one is abandoned” by the Church.
Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia was speaking on Tuesday during the presentation of an upcoming symposium on end-of-life issues co-sponsored by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, which he heads.

“I believe that from our perspective, no one is abandoned, even if we are against assisted suicide, [!] because we don’t want to do death’s dirty job,” the archbishop said, when asked about one bishops’ conference’s directive that a priest not be in the room if euthanasia or assisted suicide is performed.

“To accompany, to hold the hand of someone who is dying, is something that every faithful must promote as they must promote a culture that opposes assisted suicide,” Paglia said.

My Comment: 

Should anyone in the Church, clergy or laity, hold the hand of a person who is committing mortal sin and thus cuts themselves off from Holy Mother Church and sanctifying grace necessary for salvation after death?

As a priest do I go to an abortion clinic to hold the hand of my parishioner who has chosen to have an abortion?

As a priest, do I go to a bank robbery and hold the hand of the person doing the stealing?

As a bishop, does he hold the hand of a priest as he molests his young parishioners?

The stupidity coming from high places in the Vatican is absolutely astounding and reminds me of the 1970's when anything went because there were no anathemas, no mortal sins and no hell.


Marc said...

“ As a bishop, does he hold the hand of a priest as he molests his young parishioners?”

This is the guy who commissioned a homoerotic mural of himself for his cathedral, so probably.

rcg said...

The short answer is yes, I would and should. It is all in how you do it. And there would be awkward moments for the medical staff.

Paul McCarthy said...

Father, what’s Hell again. I grew up in the 70’s and until this day I’ve heard hell mentioned in homilies less then a hand full of times and yet I can wager a bet it’s more filled in last 50 years then any other time in history.

Anonymous said...

Shall I hold the hand of someone while he points the gun and then pulls the trigger.

Jason Green said...

I remember reading somewhere that when the Blessed Mother told Lucy of Fatima about the coming of World War II and that millions would die, she (Our Lady) also lamented that the majority of people killed would go to Hell.

Now if the people of THAT generation--most of whom were much better people than we are--went to Hell, what does that suggest for us?

Can we finally deflate the balloons, stop all of this "celebrating" now and start praying?

Anonymous said...

Words attributed to Our Lady of Fatima can be disregarded. They are not divine revelation and there is no obligation to believe them.

In any case, Our Lady cannot know where souls will sped eternity. She is not God and does not have the capacity to make such "predictions."

Jason Green said...

Yes, anonymours, words attributed to OLF can be disregarded. No one is obliged to believe them.

But SHOULD they be disregarded?

I was just saying what that quote made me think about. As far as what Our Lady does and does not know, I don't think EITHER of us is qualified to speculate.

From what I have read, seen and heard, I would be very hesitant to call Sr. Lucia Dos Santos a fraud or a liar or even suggest such a thing. But I certainly won't try to stop you.