
Saturday, December 28, 2019


I don’t know what is worse, the priest who does this, or his groupies, I mean parishioners, who love him doing it and think that this is appropriate for a Catholic Mass.

It is unimaginable that this would happen after an Extraordinary Form Mass. What it is about priests who see themselves as entertainers at Mass which enable them to think they can do this kind of thing and congregations that enable his exhibitionist tendencies and desire for accolades?

Why is the OF Mass susceptible to this kind of thing and not the EF Mass?

I ask; you answer!


Victor said...

"Why is the OF Mass susceptible to this kind of thing and not the EF Mass?"
Because the OF is mainly about the people while the EF is about God. So in the OF, the priest always has to relate to the people, while in the EF it is about relating to God. Active participation of the people above all else, community spirit for oneness, etc., were the guiding principles of the liturgical movement which became enshrined in Sacrosanctum Concilium which in turn guided the OF.

Anonymous said...

The Ordinary Form doesn't lead to this.

Silly priests lead to this.

Anonymous said...

I think the clapping and the hooting and the hollering by the congregation is just as sacrilegious as the priest "playing". Don't they realize they are in the House of God? Isn't the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar? No wonder so many people think of the Mass as "that's when they put the white thing in your hand then we sing a song."

Anonymous said...

Bee here:

How would we lay people know why? It would seem you yourself, as a member of the clergy, who see the attitudes and behavior of other priests, and who see what clergy are in general being told and taught and what kinds of "theologians" they are reading would have a much better take on the answer to the question.

As an outside observer, I often think what is the heart of the problem is no real belief in the supernatural. Priests who act this way, in my experience, have intellectualized God, and no longer think of or experience God as a real and actual person, or understand and relate to God as Father, as Son and as Holy Spirit. So they behave toward God in a rather detached way, as if God is some kind of amorphous generalized good, perhaps as a non-personal "force" for good in all the universe, but not an actual person.

I also would venture to guess priests who act this way don't really pray much, if at all, and are basically living in a secular way instead of God being at the center and core of their existence...their reason for being. And so, as a result, and it should be no surprise, the classic gifts of the Holy Spirit are missing, especially Piety and Fear of the Lord. Why are they missing? I would guess because of lack of Faith, and lack of prayer, which results in a diminished and even a lack of sanctifying grace.

In a word, these are priests who have no Faith, are not religious, and do not do God's work on earth. I believe what happens is they soon get bored and aggravated at the tasks required of a true priest, that is, saving of souls through the administration of the sacraments, and through prayer, and they rebel, or worse, take matters into their own hands, thinking THEY are the dispensers of grace, and they save people.

So God said, do this, and do it this way, and I will work through it. But clergy said, I hate doing that. It's boring, and slow, and is like watching paint dry. I want to DO something! And so we get ineffective human action, not God's grace.

These sorts of priests changed the Mass at Vatican II because they really had no Faith, and they wanted to stop doing what God requires of a priest. But they had to appear as if they weren't doing so. It's like a mother who no longer wants to do the tasks of motherhood, and so begins to find other things to occupy her time. Her children become neglected, and all the things they need from her are not forthcoming. She is physically still there but no longer doing the things her children need for her to do. Because she doesn't want to.

But all this is only my speculation as an observer from the pews. I can't know for sure because I don't have an inside view of the situation. But if this is what is going on, I wish to let clerics in general know that in terms of the Catholic Church I don't need to be led by an atheist or agnostic. Those people have nothing to say to me, and in fact can only lead me astray. I need a leader who actually believes in a real, actual person of God, who knows Him personally, and loves Him personally, and can communicate that to me by his actions and words. That sort of man is mindful of the respect and reverence due to God, and would not even think to ride a scooter on sacred ground.

This doesn't even take into consideration the homosexuals that entered the priesthood because it makes an excellent closet, where they could engage in their preferred lifestyle in secret without social consequences. These hypocrites are the worst.

If I were a member of the parish where the priest left the altar via a scooter as in the video, that would be the last service I would ever attend there.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

That is so gay.

Anonymous said...

A priest rides a scooter, therefore he doesn't pray, have no faith, doesn't do God's work, has no faith in the supernatural, don't think of God as real, and is probably homosexual...


Anonymous said...

The faithful laity who grew up with the Traditional Mass and were educated by good nuns who wore floor length habits, and cassocked priests etc. NEVER asked for the Mass to be changed, they never asked for a “protestantised Church”, they never dreamed nuns would discard the habit. Never in a million years would they have even thought for a moment that virtually every diocese in the world was protecting evil priests.

All of this silly nonsense, basically the destruction of the Faith, was done by arrogant clerics who thought they knew better than everyone else.

It amazes me the that the supposedly incomprehensible Latin Mass, which was the same in EVERY Catholic Church in the world, which gave guidance and comfort to millions, generation after generation was destroyed. The churches were packed.

And now we have this supposed revised Liturgy which is “more accessible” to the laity. What is the result: a Pope that causes confusion on a daily basis, a hierarchy that has shielded and protected pervert priests the world over, the collapse of religious orders on a scale that Henry VIII would have envied, complete loss in the Real Presence, worldwide liturgical abuse is now the norm, and effeminate clergy that turns the Mass into a lounge act, empty churches and the list goes on endlessly. The laity had nothing to do with any of this. Bishops and priests and nuns have caused all the trouble in the Church.

Stop admitting men and women who do not believe in the Catholic Faith and who have severe psychological problems into the priesthood and the convents.

The people who applauded that ridiculous priest are a result of decades of silly, radical, atheistic, and psychologically ill men and women religious. I refuse to believe that a grown man who is a priest and does something like that at Christmas is a psychologically balanced person. That behavior is what children do. The man is unbalanced and clearly the priesthood isn’t for him. I want to know what else he is up to. There has to be more.

John said...

Anon 7:15 pm

Silly priest yes, but lack of faith and narcissistic behavior in general. Also lack of manners and respect for other people. Even an atheist who has respect for other people's religious sensibilities would know not to act out this way. You will never see this at a TLM. No it is not due to the NO, the NO is due to priests/bishops who are silly and faithless and some even evil?

His bishop needs to publicly reprimand him. It would be an opportunity for evangelization.

Anonymous said...

Bee here:

To Anonymous at December 29, 2019 at 9:53 AM:

It's not that he rides a scooter. It's that he rides a scooter in church. Just after Mass. As an exit.

God bless.

rcg said...

Bee explains it well, but misses an important point: clergy of this sort act this way because they believe there is nothing to respect, i.e. no God, or are at war with God in their own lives and are acting out the battle in the parish. The bishops are in a pinch because they can’t send in a replacement and shuffle the poor man to a remote convent to contemplate his faith because they blew up the supply chain back in ‘70. This assumes that the bishops would disagree with him rather than demand their own scooter.

Mark Thomas said...

The OF doesn't compel a priest to go about on a scooter to the hooting and applause from the congregation.

The EF, when in place throughout the Latin Church, did not compel priests to mumble and race through 20-minute Masses.


Mark Thomas

Gene said...

Anon @ 9:53, Those are not the conclusions to be drawn...the conclusions to be drawn are 1). that the Priest is a moron and thinks the Priesthood is all about him and 2) the NO theology lends itself to such protestant, humanistic, self-indulgent displays.

Anonymous said...

What aspect(s) of "NO theology" supports scooter riding in church?

Please cite the relevant documents.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

There have been so many corruptions of the OF Mass and it began with the vey first reforms of the EF Mass in the mid 1960's with the 1965 Missal. There is that Elvis Presley movie, Change of Habits, with Mary Tyler Moore, where folk music is sung an a 1965 Missal Mass, ad orientem no less and Elvis in the folk bank singing from the front. This movie even capitalizes on the changes in the Church at that period and two befuddled older parishioners wondering what's happening to the Church.

Fast forward to the destruction of classic church interiors and horrible new architecture. I post my interview of Santa Claus at a children's Mass in the early 80's which is exactly the kind of thing encouraged by liturgists at the time for children's liturgies. It is usually at a school Mass or children's liturgy that these bizarre kinds of things take place.

And what about the super creativity of nuns and seminaries and others with specialized Masses, puppet Masses come to mind.

And yes, the Ordinary Form Mass, feeds the narcissism of priests and congregations. They enjoy Mass as a form of entertainment and dispiese the reverence, awe, wonder and rigidity of the EF Mass--they simply don't want that, they want casual, friendly entertaining type Masses and the OF Mass is designed for that and for narcissism and clericalism.

John Nolan said...

In his letter to the bishops which accompanied Summorum Pontificum, Benedict XVI made this wry observation: 'The use of the old Missal presupposes a certain degree of liturgical formation and some knowledge of the Latin language; neither of them are found very often.' This on the face of it is a damning indictment of diocesan seminary education and the bishops who oversee it.

It is not the 1962 Missal per se which precludes such outrageously silly behaviour; it is the liturgical awareness which is required for its use, which prior to the 1960s was universal. Nor has it much to do with the Novus Ordo itself, although the liturgical sensibility (or lack of it) on the part of the celebrant is usually obvious from the manner of its celebration, which, as Benedict also observed, varies widely.

Marc said...

The rubrics of the Novus Ordo do not bind a priest under pain of mortal sin as do the rubrics of the traditional mass. So this sort of thing happens — not that this priest appears to believe in sin anyway. But the principle of adherence to rubrics is gone.

Ultimately, people support this by going to the Novus Ordo. This is their religious service and their faith. So this is what they get.

Bean said...

"Father failed to hold his hands together, palms down, above the oblation when he said 'Hanc igitur' and he failed to hold them in this position until the words 'Per Christum Dominum nostrum.' He did this intentionally. Father died this morning. Now he is in hell for committing a mortal sin."

Ultimately, this is what traditionalists want - that priests who violate rubrics end up in hell.

I can imagine the conversation between the priest and St. Peter at the Pearly Gates now. "And you, Fr. Jones, you FAILED to hold you hands over the oblation as prescribed in the rubrics. Eternity in hell for you! Next...."

Marc said...

Remember how God prescribed the worship in the Old Testament such that the priests had a rope tied to them so they could be dragged out of the Holy Place if they were killed for having made a slight rubrical error during the sacrifice.

It would seem that God cares about such things. Traditionalists care about pleasing God. Following the rubrics pleases God. So traditionalists care about the rubrics.

John Nolan said...

In what circumstances would a priest, when celebrating the traditional Mass, intentionally ignore a specific rubric in the Canon? Perhaps Mr Bean can enlighten us; after all, he claims to know what 'traditionalists' want, so he's obviously a very clever chappie.

Sometimes a priest who normally says the Novus Ordo may commit rubrical solecisms when called upon to celebrate in the Extraordinary Form, but no-one thinks the worst of him for it - he is given credit for going out of his way to make the effort.

I would point out to Mark Thomas that a weekday Low Mass, with no Gloria or Credo and no communicants (except of course the celebrant), and with a competent server, can be said in 20-25 minutes without 'racing' or 'mumbling'.