
Wednesday, September 18, 2019


I just ate my very first Impossible Whopper! If I had not been the one to order it, I would not have known that it was not a regular beef Whopper!

It is a no beef Whopper made of plant materials from outer-space or manufactured by aliens from another planet  who are in Roswell, not Georgia, Nevada and have a plant burger facility there to make money.

And now the conundrum. Can a Catholic safely eat an Impossible Whopper on Good Friday or any Friday of Lent and not commit the mortal or venial sin of disobeying Holy Mother Church as it regards her laws of abstinence?  Impossible minds want to know!


rcg said...

I bet it’s based on intent. If you are eating an impossible whopper to avoid eating meat then you’re OK. But if you actually like it then ypu go to hell.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I guess I don't pass go or collect $200 either!

Anonymous 2 said...

Either way, one faces a bit of a pickle.

Carol H. said...

Good one, Anon2! :D

Anonymous said...

If you partake, you may have to ketchup on your Lenten penance some other way...

Anonymous said...

my uneducated guess is that if you can eat alligator, you can eat the impossible whopper.

Marc said...

Glad to see you’re keeping the Ember Days.

Anonymous said...

Although eating one of these on a Friday of Lent would obey the letter of the law, it would not obey the spirit and intent of the law. In my mind, it's cheating. It would be like kosher Jews who can't eat dairy products and meat at the same meal putting non-dairy whipped topping on their dessert. They are obeying the letter of the law, but not its spirit and intent.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

My impossible whopper is great for meatless ember days although a lobster roll would have been nice too!

Marc said...

Tomorrow is Ember Friday -- treat yourself to a lobster roll!

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

In Richmond Hill it will have to be faux lobster or a crawdad roll!

rcg said...

Just to be clear to our non-Italian readers - I was joking. I suppose if you want the flavour of a burger so badly you need to concoct this thing then it is penultimate proof that you will comply with the Church demands for acts of contrition, especially if you eat it. I am not a fan of making an imitation of a food item such as tofu-scrambled-not-eggs, Portabella hamburgers, etc. There are too many ways to make something delicious in its own right without dressing it up like a French Maid for dinner.

Dan said...

I'm sure it's still horribly sinful as veggie whoppers mean virgin forests are cut down to clear area for farms to grow soybeans.