
Thursday, January 16, 2020


Press title for complete article:

Father Raymond J. de Souza

And this is my interview in 2013 with the most fascinating Archbishop in the world, Archbishop Georg Gänswein:


Vatican Zero said...

I tend to agree with the author, but I cannot help but Holy St. Gallen Father rather brought this on himself, especially with his "who am I to judge" remark.

Previous popes have spoken with reticence and precision and guarding their tongue has served them well. Speaking like a loose cannon publicly on hot-button issues doesn't reinforce one's formal declarations or private beliefs and certainly doesn't create a picture of clarity for the faithful.

Victor said...

I think it has been quite clear from the beginning of this papacy that, except for the occasional slip of the tongue, Bergoglio says orthodox things thereby pleasing people like Mr Thomas, but then encourages the very opposite through his silent actions. There is a hidden agenda of neo-Modernism at the Vatican with this papacy to complete the "Spirit of the Council" which most of the Western and materialist part of the Church supports, but not the more spiritual part of the Church like in sub-Sahara Africa.

Mark Thomas said...

Victor said..."I think it has been quite clear from the beginning of this papacy that, except for the occasional slip of the tongue, Bergoglio says orthodox things thereby pleasing people like Mr Thomas, but then encourages the very opposite through his silent actions."

Victor, please cite examples of unorthodox teachings/practices that the Vicar of Christ has encouraged.

Thank you.


Mark Thomas

Vatican Zero said...

I'm not Victor, but I would be happy to provide one example that comes to mind: During the Synod on the family, after Cardinal Kasper spoke in favor of allowing divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Holy Communion (something many do with no regard for the Church anyway), the pope forced his way to the microphone and praised Cardinal Kasper's "serene theology".

Sometimes you don't have to openly espouse something to send the wrong message. Remember Cardinal Dolan publicly applauding a man for merely announcing his "gayness"? Just praising the messengers of rotten ideas is enough. This pope thrives on implicit messages and lacks much in the way of clarity when it comes to being explicit.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marktroll,

Could you please at least stop it with the whole condescending "Pax" charade?

Dan said...

Ummm... pachamamas..., throwing the entire Chinese Catholic Church under the bus...., adulterers receiving communion...., non-Catholics receiving communion...., stating that we should obey the UN....



Dan said...

How about publicly saying comments that may be interpreted to be against abortion, and cosying up to several abortionists..., saying things that might make the gullible think you believe in hell, and the divinity of Christ... and privately having conversations with a journalist friend that reports you saying the opposite... AND you dont bother correcting ANYTHING! (btw. Francis just met with this guy again!)

How about saying that walls are not Christian... and living behind one...



Victor said...

Mr Thomas:
Refusing to answer the dubia questions because it would force him to reveal his hidden agenda is an interesting example.

Mark Thomas said...

Victor said..."Refusing to answer the dubia questions because it would force him to reveal his hidden agenda is an interesting example."

That is an example of Pope Francis having engaged in an unorthodox teaching/practice?

Thank You.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

If nothing else, the refusal to answer the dubia is a refusal to offer clarity to a significant segment of the Church that is troubled and confused by what they see. What kind of shepherd ignores large parts of his flock--or, for that matter, mocks them?

Dan said...

How about FALSE SHEPHERD Anonymous?

Mark Thomas said...

Victor said..."Refusing to answer the dubia questions because it would force him to reveal his hidden agenda is an interesting example."

Pope Francis has a hidden agenda?

Victor, to borrow a quote from Father Raymond de Souza, whose article in question was posted by Father McDonald:

You "do the Holy Father a great disservice, suggesting that he is conniving or manipulative or deceitful, teaching one thing in public and promoting another thing in private."

"There is no such thing as a secret magisterium."


Mark Thomas

Dan said...

Mark T., if Francis doesn't have a 'secret magisterium,' why won't he clarify some of the dubia and questions that keep arising during his 'papacy'?