This is what His Eminence says:
Speaking Monday on the Italian television show Stanze Vaticane, 85-year-old German Cardinal Walter Kasper said the discussion of the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia “has been reduced to the discussion of a footnote…and this is ridiculous.”
The footnote in chapter 8 of the document seems to open the door for some divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion.
Cardinal Kasper calls criticism of pope’s family document ‘ridiculous’
- Crux StaffApr 2, 2018
Cardinal Walter Kasper appears April 2 on the Italian television show 'Stanze Vaticane' to speak about 'Amoris Laetitia.' (Credit: TGCOM24.)
Eminence Front, It's a put on.
The Who
Bee here:
I have a feeling Cardinal Kasper does not like the scrutiny the internet lends in the modern Church....
God bless.
You are correct. He is also a condescending racist who would have been fired by now in the business world. He's lucky he's a cleric and thus is not subject to the same criteria of we mere mortals.
If Popes John Paul or Benedict had dealt with him decades ago maybe we wouldn’t be in this situation. Call me crazy but maybe just maybe a man who doesn’t believe in the teachings of the Catholic Church should not be a priest let alone a bishop and Cardinal. Why are they allowed to remain in the clergy when they clearly play word games to get around a formal declaration that they are indeed heretics. With a stroke of the pen JPII could have gotten rid of all of them. I heard that story about some bishop begging Pope Benedict to do something and supposedly Benedict said “do you see that door, that’s where my authority ends”. It seems that Pope Francis has more authority than all the popes put together going back to Peter. Too bad the previous ones didn’t have the same authority. But every dog gets his day even cardinals and popes.
TJM asserts: "He's lucky he's a cleric and thus is not subject to the same criteria of we mere mortals."
Comedy Gold. You savage clerics here and, I suspect, everywhere you go, leaving a trail of putrid venom on the pavement behind you.
And here comes the justification...
Anonymous Kavanaugh,
And you're lucky you're a cleric otherwise you would have a hard time finding work except as a barista at StarBucks. You'd fit right in with the lefty culture there. Comedy Gold. LOL at YOU!
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