
Thursday, April 11, 2019


Press title to read article:

Ex-Pope Benedict contradicts Pope Francis in unusual intervention on sexual abuse

 The pope emeritus, in emphasizing the retreat of religious belief and firm church teaching, provides a markedly different explanation for the abuse crisis than that offered by Pope Francis, who has often said abuse results from the corrupted power of clergy.


George said...

The teachings of God, His laws and precepts, correspond to His Divine Essence and Nature and His exceeding Holiness. It is the desire of God that we have a good relationship to Him and this can only come about by us by our will conforming ourselves to His Holy Will. We have a right relationship to fire by respecting its nature. The mercy of fire is that it provides heat and light, the justice of it is its power to burn and consume. So likewise God by His Nature is just and merciful. Unlike natural phenomena, however, which are constrained by the laws they operate under, our God is a Living God whose justice is informed by His love.and mercy.
The Holiness and Majesty of the Lord must be respected. The Justice of God must be served just as surely as the justice of gravity is served if in some way it is not respected and we end up falling and getting injured, or that of fire when we end up getting burned. The ultimate communio is that which describes the inseparable unity between God's Justice and His Love and Mercy. There is no conflict and contradiction within God and these Divine attributes work in harmony to the good of all.
Does not God want us to obey His Holy laws? He wants us to obey them out of love and respect for Him. It is for our own good to do so because disobedience to His ordinances can bring serious consequences, even spiritual death and Eternal damnation. We obey the physical laws of God's creation. We do so because not obeying them can bring immediate and possibly life-altering consequences. The laws that govern electricity are good because in properly respecting their nature and employing their power according to verified principles, we derive great benefit. If, however, we do not respect the laws governing electricity, it can result in serious injury and even death.
There are immediate consequences that are experienced when God's physical laws are not respected. This is often not the case when God's spiritual laws are disobeyed. If the consequences of disobeying God's spiritual laws were immediate, then man would obey - not out of respect for God- but rather for the law itself. But obeyed must they be and if not, there will be consequences either in this life or the next

Mark Thomas said...

Cardinal Ratzinger contradicted supposedly Pope Francis...

Oh, my! Earth-shattering! How can the Church possibly survive such a thing?


Those who thrive upon controversy will spin this as Cardinal Ratzinger vs. Pope Francis.

Utter nonsense.

1. Pope Francis has insisted upon each person having his or her say (in respectful fashion) about issues within the Church.

2. In his new letter, Cardinal Ratzinger deferred to Pope Francis.

3. Pope Francis has demonstrated that, in holy fashion, he has exercised without hesitation his awesome authority to teach, govern, and sanctify the Holy People of God.

Pope Francis is very secure in who he is...Jesus Christ's Vicar.

Pope Francis is in charge...a powerful figure Nobody is a threat to Pope Francis' God-given authority to govern the Church.

4. Cardinal Ratzinger heaped praise upon Pope Francis.

"At the end of my reflections I would like to thank Pope Francis for everything he does to show us, again and again, the light of God, which has not disappeared, even today. Thank you, Holy Father!"

The Cardinal Ratzinger vs. Pope Francis spin is preposterous.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

The extreme reactions to Cardinal Ratzinger's letter are ridiculous.

They range from..."What a monumental letter...just what the Church required...such clarity!"

To "Embarrassing, dreadful, Cardinal Ratzinger vs. Pope Francis...Cardinal Ratzinger will divide the Church!"

Utter nonsense.

Cardinal Ratzinger deferred to Pope Francis...praised Pope Francis.

Cardinal Ratzinger offered his take on the topic in question. He has that right. Pope Francis has exhorted us to speak, in respectful fashion, our minds.

Cardinal Ratzinger has his opinions. Other folks have their opinions.

As for the supposed division that will result from the letter...Cardinal Ratzinger has made it clear that Pope Francis governs the Church.

Cardinal Ratzinger is a loyal son of Holy Mother Church. The notion that he will divide the Church is absurd.

Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, reactions to Cardinal Ratzinger's letter have broken along old and tired liberal/conservative lines.

The bottom line is, I believe, that Cardinal Ratzinger's letter won't have any great impact upon the Church.

The letter, as least as I have discerned, does not offer anything monumental...anything that would prove of great impact upon the Church.

Cardinal Ratzinger offered his opinions. It is that simple.


Mark Thomas

Dan said...

Mark Thomas, you are absolutely correct in your opinion that this letter will have no effect.

But why aren't you using "Pope Benedict, emeritus" or some such title. You do not seem to me to be one that is disrespectful. I say this as someone who knows that I am often disrespectful.