
Friday, April 26, 2019


When I was vocation director I attended seminars with some of the biggest names who treated priests for sexual disorders.

I was told directly by one of these priest-psychiatrists that pedophilia in the priesthood is a minuscule
problem. A true pedophile can have hundreds of victims if allowed unsupervised contact with prepubescent children. Their crimes, priest or lay person, are quite heinous and often violent.

Most true pedophiles are heterosexual in their adult desires. Gender of the child is not important. It is their smallness and vulnerability that is desired.

The crisis in the Catholic priesthood concerns homosexual abuse of teenage boys who are physically developed. This is homosexual ephebophilia. There is also heterosexual ephebophilia. An adult man, priest or layman is attracted sexually to a teenager, be it a boy or a girl. They have the same sexual orientation with adults as well. Bisexuality could also be involved.

Priests have traditionally been entrusted with the care of boys with the presumption that the priest
was heterosexual and uninterested sexually with boys. Priests were not allowed the same kind of trust with teenage girls because it could be an occasion of temptation since the presumption was that the priest was heterosexual.

Thus arrested development of homosexual priests took advantage of the presumption that they were heterosexual and also celibate and took advantage of that trust to betray that trust and abuse those in their care.

It appears to me that using the term pedophilia exclusively by progressive churchman and the media is motivated by political correctness and another form of cover-up of the actual problem which is homosexual predation of teenage boys primarily but certainly not exclusively.

That problem historically is the coverup by bishops of sexually active priests no matter to whom they
are sexually attracted and the denial of the true form of the attraction, that of attraction to teenage
boys or young adult men.

The coverups have to end and honesty needs to reign.  The coverups are the clericalism that must end.


Anonymous said...


Yes. Correct diagnosis of the problem will lead to a proper response and cure.

If we get the diagnosis wrong, we will fail to correct the problem.

Anonymous said...

Someone with more degrees than I have, needs to inform A-non that there is no true “cure” for ephebophilia or pedophilia. St. Luke’s charged dioceses big bucks for such, and failed miserably. I point to “Wayward Wayland” as a classic example.

Anonymous said...

Having said there is no “cure”, I add that there IS a “proper response”. Once we deal with the issue of clerical cover-up, the response can happen.

TJM said...

Putting homosexuals “where the boys are” is idiotic, a recipe for disaster. But the gay mafia within the Church wants us to bless their perverted behavior. No sale