
Wednesday, August 26, 2020


This boy's parents as well as his Catholic High School certainly formed a fine young Catholic and so articulate too. I have to admit, that I believed the original story on the news and thought this guy was a brat. I think many other Catholics did too. But when the full extent of what happened, which was also on video, was revealed as well as the evil intent of the liberal, politically leftist media that did not mind destroying a 16 year old Catholic's life, perhaps as a warning to other orthodox Catholics, it all became clear how vicious, cruel, evil and exploitative the political left is in our country. They don't care whose lives they ruin for they have no common decency.

I don’t care if you are a Republican or not, support President Trump or not, but no matter who you support, as a Catholic, you must listen to this young man. I hope he runs for president one day!


Anonymous said...

Fine young man but the “liberal”media attacked him!

ByzRus said...

The left has a profoundly evil component, totally agenda driven and at any cost. Avoiding making my commentary too political, yes, this young man is articulate and will hopefully have a bright future ahead of him despite the slander that he endured.

Bee said...

Bee here:

When I watched (what I could stand) of the Democratic National Convention last week (I don't have cable, so I watched on the broadcast T.V. networks), I noticed the media gave quite a positive spin on the various speeches that were made. But as I watch the Republican National Convention, it is jaw dropping how vicious and negative the commentary on the speeches and the persons are. I actually turn off the sound after the speeches, because the detraction begins immediately. On one station, a small screen appeared on the side to give a bullet point profile of the speaker. When Florida Lt. Governor Jeannette Nunez was speaking, one of the bullet points said something like, "Publicly criticized Trump in 2016". It blew my mind. "Really???," I thought, "REALLY???" This is what identifies her?

Yesterday night Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron gave a great speech. He is a positive, articulate, and accomplished young black man. Every one of the network channels cut away from his speech and DID NOT SHOW IT!!! Instead they all began to do commentary with their own political reporters (which I did not hear because I wanted to hear what Mr. Cameron had to say, so I tuned to PBS which did broadcast the speech). How is this fair reporting? How is this giving people a chance to hear both sides? How is this not editorial omission, canceling what a conservative black person might say because it does not further a particular narrative? Wow. That's all I can say is wow.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Didn't his own bishop throw him under the bus. And other bishops as well.

Anonymous said...

This young man’s Catholic high school must be different to many Catholic high schools in western Sydney, Australia (population c. 4 million people). The curriculum for religious education in many of these Catholic high schools has read the signs of the times and thus Catholic teenagers are encouraged “to recognise sexuality as an exploration in forming personal identity” and “to explore how social media is used to construct sexual identity” and “wonder about the faith in Postmodern culture”; other topics include atheism, Indigenous spirituality, “contemporary humanism” and “mobilised popularism”. The goal is to make religion classes more “relevant” in children’s lives.

(This is happening in the diocese of the Woke Bishop Vincent Long - NOT the archdiocese of the quite orthodox Archbishop Anthony Fisher....I hope?.)

As Miranda Devine, a Catholic, Australian journalist, now based in New York, puts it:

“This dumbed down, sex-obsessed sociology, disguised in the language of the Church is really advancing an identity politics agenda, which is poisonous to faith and reason, for the sole purpose of pandering to the Zeitgeist. This rubbish and dross is being foisted on unsuspecting Catholic children in Sydney.....Catholic parents in this diocese might as well save their money and send their children to public schools for their woke, secular indoctrination in LGBT studies, gender fluidity and identity politics etc.”

I don’t know how many dioceses in the USA or the UK have a religious curriculum similar to this in their Catholic high schools?

Is it any wonder many teenagers and young adults from Catholic schools will join BLM protests and global warming/climate extinction marches and so on rather than pro-life rallies and marches ?

Nigel M.

Anonymous said...

You say you don't care whether I support President Trump or not? I find that very hard to believe, given the criticism you have had of Biden. (And no, I am not a Biden supporter, nor was I a Clinton one in 2016.)

Sandman says the "professional" (?) protesters were giving their "anti-conservative" views. Yes, in a city that is 90 percent Democratic. In a region (including Northern Virginia and Maryland suburbs here) that is heavily Democratic and (unfortunately) very liberal on social issues like abortion and same-sex "marriage". A region where Trump will take a big drubbing in 69 days I mean, what else would you expect? I suppose if those professional protesters went to Kentucky, they would be met with protesters with "anti-liberal" views.

As for Trump being the victim of "unfair" media coverage, well, Trump's definition of unfair media coverage is any press which is critical of him. Heck, he is even going after FOX these days because a lot of their reporters don't like to toss the "softball questions" that Sean Hannity likes to give Trump. He doesn't like to admit he was wrong that the virus "would just go away" with longer days (which of course are getting shorter this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere) or that he could eliminate the national debt in 8 years.

These conventions (and I am speaking of both parties) ought to be shortened to 2 days. There is not enough legitimate business to justify 4 days, but especially when an incumbent is renominated. Day one, have the convention roll call. Day two, acceptance speeches of vice president and president. Then conclude. Kind of like an old saying from a visiting pastor one time, "be brief, be brilliant and be gone!" Amen....

Monsieur said...


Maybe Father Kavanaugh will address your concerns?

Monsieur said...

Bee, while Father Kavanaugh is explaining that, he can also explain how the 2 Catholic grade schools in my Village outside of Chicago are open while the Public grade schools are not since we have been told time and again the Democratic controlled Teachers Union are “for the children” and whose teachers make 3 times the salary of a Catholic grade school teacher!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that Fr. Kavanaugh's name is invoked so often when he's not around.

Seems he has taken control . . . as planned.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous K at 1:18 PM,

President Trump has been under vicious, non-stop attack since he won the White House. It is beyond peradventure. In stark contrast to Obama, who received such sycophantic coverage from his fellow abortion droolers in the press, that a lifelong Democrat, Bernie Goldberg, wrote a book "The Media's Slobbering Love Affair with Obama."

I will say one thing for President Trump, unlike his two predecessors, has started NO new hot wars, has wound down many, and has just achieved a historic victory in the Mideast with certain Arab countries finally throwing in the towel on Israel. But for you, and your ilk, that counts for nothing. If Trump were a Democrat, Pope Francis would be praising him to the high heavens and he would be a shoe in for the Nobel Peace Prize, something Obama got, before he was even sworn in

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I do have to say that this Obsessive Compulsive disorder concerning Fr. MJK and some of his posts has grown beyond tiresome. Truly, I think psychiatric counseling or prescription drugs to reduce the OCD may be worth pursuing.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Fr. MJK stopped with his TDS, people might back off. He politicizes virtually everyone of his posts.

Anonymous said...

"President Trump has been under vicious, non-stop attack since he won the White House."

Yes, and he brought every bit of it on himself and deserves every bit of it as well.

Every bit.

Anonymous said...

As a supporter of Native Americans who I believe have gotten the short end of the stick for decades, Nick Sandmann was NOT in anyway disrespectful of Nathan Phillips of the Omaha nation. It was the Black Israelites who were pouring their racist venom at Nick who is only a teenage boy from Kentucky attending the Right to Life March. CNN and the other Left wing media tried to destroy this young man because they have the power to do so, this is a boy a Roman Catholic boy from Kentucky who only was there to protest the killing of unborn babies White, Black, Brown and Asian we as Roman Catholics only protest the murder of babies not by the color of their skin. I firmly believe Trump will win in a landslide gaining as much as 30% of the African-American vote, which would be unheard of, our cites are on fire Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, D.C., New York, Denver and now of all places Kenosha Wisconsin. This has nothing to do about George Floyd it NEVER did, its about bringing down President Trump and The United States of America with funding from George Soros.

johnnyc said...

These conventions (and I am speaking of both parties) ought to be shortened to 2 days. There is not enough legitimate business to justify 4 days, but especially when an incumbent is renominated. Day one, have the convention roll call. Day two, acceptance speeches of vice president and president. Then conclude

Lol yeah who wants to hear from minority success stories like John Ponder and Maximo Alvarez.

What a contrast though between the positive Pro Life President Trump administration and the negative pro abortion of the democrats.

Anonymous said...

As a supporter of Native Americans who I believe have gotten the short end of the stick for decades, Nick Sandmann was NOT in anyway disrespectful of Nathan Phillips of the Omaha nation. It was the Black Israelites who were pouring their racist venom at Nick who is only a teenage boy from Kentucky attending the Right to Life March. CNN and the other Left wing media tried to destroy this young man because they have the power to do so, this is a boy a Roman Catholic boy from Kentucky who only was there to protest the killing of unborn babies White, Black, Brown and Asian we as Roman Catholics only protest the murder of babies not by the color of their skin. I firmly believe Trump will win in a landslide gaining as much as 30% of the African-American vote, which would be unheard of, our cites are on fire Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, D.C., New York, Denver and now of all places Kenosha Wisconsin. This has nothing to do about George Floyd it NEVER did, its about bringing down President Trump and The United States of America with funding from George Soros.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous K at 1:18 PM, this is a man who has done more for the African-American community than any other President, Obama included, who by the way is a multi-millionaire with a $13,000,000 home on Martha's Vineyard and a $8,000,000 home in Georgetown please read the facts it's all true. Trump cares about all Americans Black, White, Hispanic, Asian regardless of race or gender or sexual preference, its who he is. He said he is NOT a politician and he is he not, he is a man from Queens New York who has dealt with everyone you can imagine,that's what makes him so different than any President we have seen in our lifetime. What man can take the constant attacks every single day in and day for the past 3 1/2 yeas like he has? The answer is only TRUMP. We have been warned by Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Rush, Levin, Michael Savage, Rubin, Horowitz, and Shapiro come November if Trump loses, The United States of America as we know it is over and done with. You see nightly the images from Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Denver, New York, D.C., Atlanta and now of all places Kenosha Wisconsin the utter destruction of this cities being burned to the ground should make all over you tremble in horror! The warning is fair and your choice is simple.

Anonymous said...

My friends take a look at the majority of the rioters, looters and killers, the vast majority are at least 70% YOUNG WHITE thugs most African-Americans are embarrassed at what is going on in their name. These white privileged punks were chanting last night in Kenosha Wisconsin are you ready? Death to America and kill the police! And the other day at the Cathedral in Philadelphia a female lay lector was PUNCHED 3 times in the face by an African-American woman why??? And not one male in the pews came to rescue of this young lady, and now Philadelphia police say oh it's no big deal and this BLM thug gets away with it, this is America 2020!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 7:22,

You are confused. Anonymous K, a catholic priest, hates President Trump, and would never admit Trump has done more than Obama for Blacks. Meanwhile, Obama lives in a seaside mansion as far away from his people as he can, in violation of the Global Warming Religion.

Paul McCarthy said...

Males in the church have been neutered by the Vatican II Church Lady’s. Notice that these riots have been in liberal city’s? If this continues we will have more night’s like last night with people being fed up with their city’s being burned down and law enforcement being told to stand down.

We will defend and protect our life’s and property. Remember what Our Lord Sid at the last supper and in the garden to his disciples. Be prepared to defend yourselves. Spend your purse and scrip to buy a sword. That’s good advice which I’ve taken.

Anonymous said...

Father McDonald,

I hope you will print this remark from the mother of the young Black man shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin:

As for the president, she said she was sorry she missed the call he made to her.

“And then also, for President Trump, I’m sorry I missed your call,” she said. “Because, had I not missed your call maybe the comments you had made would have been different. I’m not mad at you at all. I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country.”

Too bad white liberal clerics and academics cannot be as generous, respectful and liberal as Mrs. Blake.

They are the haters they always rail about.

Anonymous 2 said...

This is an impressive young man. The media really messed up over this one. And they have had to pay for it too after being well represented by an effective team of lawyers. It is a shame, though, that Nick Sandmann’s goodness and principles are so cynically manipulated by the Trump campaign. I certainly don’t fault Nick Sandmann for this. He is only a teenager after all. I don’t even fault those in his family who may have encouraged him to make this video. But I do blame the campaign for using him in its efforts to gaslight America.

This said, like young Nick, I have little time for the extremism of the far left or indeed any kind of mob mentality--any more, therefore, than I have time for the extremism of the far right and its fanatical devotion to the corrupt Great Leader.

Where, then, is the Party of Virtue that can truly represent people like young Nick? Perhaps he and like-minded others will help to create it.

Anonymous 2 said...

I am glad Anonymous drew our attention to the remarks made by Jacob Blake’s mother, Julia Jackson. I have just read the following article and watched the embedded video of the interview with Don Lemon on CNN. I recommend the article and video to everyone. But when we do read the article and watch the video, we should pay attention to everything Ms. Jackson says, not just our preferred sound bite:

Anonymous said...

Blake was not a saint his rap sheet is a mile long, however I hope what his mother said is true and that our wonderful President Trump tried to call her. My friends please please understand what the Democrat party is trying to do which is to divide us by race and hatred and class warfare, I work in a job that has many African-American customers and believe me when I say that ALL that I have served are more than happy and cordial to me and have no hatred or anger as the Left wing media portrayed them as. Yes we have our issues in America but my God don't fall for what the Leftist MSM is telling you about African-Americans that they have no rights or that Black men are being hunted down by Law enforcement it is simply a LIE because the Democrats have nothing else to offer. Biden continues to hide in his basement and says nothing about the burning, looting, and killings going on in Portland, Seattle, Denver, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, and now Kenosha Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

Paul you are correct, all of the cities being destroyed are run by Left wing Mayors who do nothing to stop any of it, rather they cheer it on which is just absolutely sickening. All of these cities are in Blue states and yet Red states are peaceful and have control of their cities and Covid 19 is falling in these states.

Anonymous 2 said...

Prompted by Anonymous’ post at 7:22 p.m., I did a little research. Compare the Obama family with the Trump family:

Here is a list of all the presidents ranked by net worth:

It would be interesting to know the net worth of all of our national leaders, how much they have profited from our political system, and how far this is consistent with the ideal of a Party of Virtue. Here is a start:

Question: Do we live in a Republic or an oligarchy?

Mark Thomas said...

Anonymous said..."If Trump were a Democrat, Pope Francis would be praising him to the high heavens and he would be a shoe in for the Nobel Peace Prize, something Obama got, before he was even sworn in."

President Trump has insisted that he and Pope Francis have enjoyed an excellent relationship with each other. The Holy See and the Trump Administration have cooperated with each other in regard to several issues.

Vice President Mike Pence has met Pope Francis. Vice President declared that he and Pope Francis enjoy a cordial relationship with each other.

Vice President Pence:

"So, for me, to have the opportunity to meet with Pope Francis today was substantive. He extended his regards and greetings to President Trump.

"During the President’s visit here in 2017, they — they forged a bond; that was clear to me in the way the Pope spoke about the President.

"And when I spoke to the President after the meeting, he — I know he was pleased with the — with the exchange that we had had, and with the — with the strength of the relationship that the United States of America enjoys with the Vatican and the Holy See."


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

Trump wealth - $2.1 Billion

Obama wealth - $40 Million

If wealth is the thing that indicates disconnection, Trump is far, far more out of touch than Obama.

Trump has spent the last two weeks telling us that we will be in danger of uprisings and rioters and property destruction if Biden is elected.

Well, who is president right now? Who is president while this goes on? Who is the president who says BAD things MAY go on in our communities if Biden is elected?

Trump, the president right now while is IS going on.

It's TRUMP'S circus and they are HIS monkeys. No "hate," just fact.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Fairness alert: The states where most if not all riots are happening are democrat led states, i.e. governor and usually, most if not all, are democrat Mayors. The riots are on their watch. They must ask President Trump for federal law enforcement assistance. They have, for the most part, refused. So let’s be fair. And in terms of Trumps exotic, extravagant wealth, he is the most blue collar billionaire there ever was.

But don’t forget, this post is about Nick Sandman and what the democrats did to him for political gain with their minions in the liberal press.

Apart from this post, no one who has democrat leanings is calling out Biden and Harris’ pro choice record and advocacy for laws that allow abortion to birth and genocide immediately after birth. Don’t use the argument that they many support other Catholic moral principles. Would you say that about Cardinal McCarrick (at least he didn’t kill the bodies of his victims) or any clergyman, no matter the religion, Boy Scouts’ leader, politician, doctor, teacher who molested minors and some in the most heinous way, but they also did some good?

Let’s be consistent in our condemnations. Biden and Harris do not deserve to be elected by Catholics and Catholics are damnable if they make excuses for them as it concerns their pro-choice ideology.

Anonymous said...

Fairness correction: If riots when Biden is president are Biden's fault, then riots when Trump is president are Trump's fault. You can't blame Biden, but then excuse Trump, saying it is mayors' and governors' fault.

Trump's wealth is not exotic - he's finagled, schemed, plotted, cheated, and lied his way to wealth - just as many others have. He has admitted as much - he uses the tax laws like the smarmy businessman he is. As he grabs women by their private parts to get what he wants, he does with his businesses.

Blue collar billionaire? He lives in a 126 room, 62,500 square foot mansion in Florida.

His three story penthouse apartment in the Trump Tower in New York has gold-trimmed furniture, marble floors, columns, tables, and walls, frescoed ceilings, bronze statues, and crystal chandeliers.

Oh, did I mention the Trump yacht, the "Princess?" Purchased for $30 million, Trump spent $8.5 million refurbishing it. He calls it his "incredible toy."

Only a person suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome thinks this is in any way a "blue collar" life.

Anonymous said...

President Obsma has made his money off of selling his public life influence. Harry Truman would have called him a crook. President Trump made his in the private sector and donates his presidential salary. Why does Obama live in a seaside mansion away from his “people “ which also violates the tenets of the Global Warming Religion?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 8:13 am,

President Trump is responsible for riots and looting in cities that have been Democratic controlled for 50 plus years? When it is the Democratic mayors who have primary responsibility, who in many cases, ordered the police to stand down, and next the Democratic governors. Who do you think you are trying to kid with that utter bilge?

You still haven't addressed how a man like Obama becomes a multi-millionaire through his presidency when he has nothing to sell other than influence or why he is living away from his "people' in his seaside mansion? A real man of the people. Blacks have fared much better economically under President Trump than under that greedy grifter. That's what the Dems fear most, that they know longer can count on the monolithic Black vote.

Anonymous said...

"Several Republicans, including the vice president, have now made the case that the riots and protests and violence happening in Trump's America wouldn't be happening in Trump's America."

The President's salary is $400K annually which Trump donates...

While presidemnt, Barack Hussein Obama donated more than $1 million to charity...

A man worth $2.1 billion vs a man worth $40 million.

You tell me who gave a greater share of his wealth, and then go read Luke 21:1-4.

Anonymous said...

If this kid supports Trump, then his Catholic education has failed him. Whatever happened to critical thinking & the Jesuitical reasoning skills?

Anonymous said...

Let's be Catholic: A Catholic makes a choice about presidential candidates based on who that Catholic believes is the best person for the job.

The Church does not have the authority to constrain a Catholic voter's conscience and judgment. And no Catholic is forbidden to vote for a specific candidate based solely on that candidate's position on abortion.

Anonymous said...

Trump has LOST wealth while he has been president. Does that indicate a willingness to sacrifice?

No, his losses are based in part on his lies.

"His (Trump's) net worth, by our calculation, has dropped from $4.5 billion in 2015 to $3.1 billion the last two years, knocking the president 138 spots lower on the Forbes 400. Much of that decline is due to deeper reporting, which revealed, for example, that the president had been lying about the size of his penthouse. Some of it is due to larger market forces. Trump owns commercial space at a time when e-commerce is decimating brick-and-mortar retail, shaving more than $100 million off his fortune—and no amount of bully-pulpit Amazon-bashing will change that."

"Trump has tried to leverage the trappings of the presidency to benefit his commercial projects, from visits to his golf courses to hosting summits at Mar-a-Lago to launching a new hotel-licensing business aimed at his voters."

"In further polarizing the country, he has also further polarized his business—to the tune of an estimated $200 million hit against his net worth."

There's much more here:

Iskandar said...

"Trump's argument for re-election is that he will put a stop to this. But it's happening while he's president. He's running as a challenger to himself. 'Re-elect me so I can stop the awful stuff that happened while I was president' is a strategy I don't think I've ever seen before"."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 9:30,

You have got to be kidding. This young man does not go to a union goon indocrination center aka public schools. You are still a sorry excuse as a priest and a man, attacking a fine young man who does not accept leftwing loonism.

If a Catholic does not cast a vote in line with Catholic teaching, be he a priest or layman, is not a Catholic but a religious fraud. Thanks for outing yourself

Anonymous said...

Mr. 9:57 Anonymous: Racism, fraud, greed, hating the immigrant, cheating, lying, cuddling up for Putin and scheming on his behalf are not Catholic values. Not mine anyway. Obviously, they are yours, so please go ahead and vote for Trump and stop pretending you're a real Catholic.

Anonymous said...

Father, we've had riots in Atlanta, a state with a Republican governor. Has Governor Kemp asked for federal help? No, he has not, because historically we've not used federal troops for law enforcement. Stop trying to boost up your orange-haired messiah by making this a partisan issue.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:22. Please provide any evidence whatsoever that "President Obsma (SIC) has made his money off of selling his public life influence." You haven't and you can't. This is called bearing false witness. A Catholic priest should be ashamed to post this sort of dishonest garbage.

Anonymous said...

How the Left hates young men Catholic, straight and yes I must say it White men, because they do, if you want to fix the problem the Left is only making it worse by blaming ALL white people for the wrongs of yesterday and today, well guess what it is working against them, my grandparents came from the former Austrian-Hungarian Empire and had nothing to do with slavery at all . Yet we as white Americans are to blame for something that happened 200 years ago.

Not K said...

President Obama and First Lady (yes, lady) Michelle have both written best-selling books -- in the president's case, several. That's where a good chunk of their income since leaving office. Here's the best part: They wrote them themselves. Imagine that!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm Obama was a nobody prior to his election, a street organizer in Chicago and now he is a multi-millionaire. You think he lives in the inner city? His two homes combined are worth $23 million, yet he and Michelle still complain that she is still persecuted and lives in a racist country really Michelle really? We elected a Black man twice as the President and yet according to the Obama's we are still racist and evil, enough already we are tired of being called these awful names.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats are obsessed about race race race, everything they talk about is about Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Bi-racial, the majority of whites in this country could care less what somebody's skin color is. Yet the Democrats are the ones who point out everybody's race, sexual preference, religion, day after day, it is an obsession with these people to the point of a "sickness" they of ALL people are the racist's not you not I.

Anonymous said...

"...enough already we are tired of being called these awful names."

Then stop being racist and evil.

Yes, you are. Just go look at your line, "You think he lives in the inner city?"

There it is, plain as day. Because the "inner city" is where the black people live, right? They don't own homes in exclusive parts of town, at the seashore, in the mountains.

We got it.

Anonymous 2 said...

The posts in this thread reveal yet again why it is so important for the Democrats to find a way to make their “big tent” large enough to accommodate those who are “pro-life” but also disgusted with the Trump Party (or should we call it the Rump Party?). Why can’t they, for example, return to the notion that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare”? And then actually promote measures and initiatives that rely upon genuine and compassionate persuasion rather than coercion to help make it rare? That demonstrate empathy and respect for the horrible predicament so many women find themselves in and the awful choice with which they are faced, while doing everything reasonably possible to save the life of the unborn? It confounds me that they do not do this. It is not only the right thing to do; it is the politically expedient thing to do.

If the Democrats did do this, then, it would go a long way toward removing abortion as a political football from the field of political combat and thereby revealing the true motivations of many of those who support the Trump Party. As long as such supporters can hide behind the issue of abortion, their true motivations will remain concealed, often indeed from themselves.

Anonymous said...

Let's be Catholic: A Catholic makes a choice about presidential candidates based on who that Catholic believes is the best person for the job.

The Church does not have the authority to constrain a Catholic voter's conscience and judgment. And no Catholic is forbidden to vote for a specific candidate based solely on that candidate's position on Auschwitz.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

If President Biden could only bring himself to say, I am Pro life and will promote the Proliferation agenda and definitely seek to legally limit when an abortion can take place and I will encourage women to have their babies and if they still don’t want their child to put her up for adoption. ADOPTION NOT ABORTION! If he disavowed abortion I would vote for him.

Daniel said...

That essentially is the Biden position. There are many legal restrictions already in place. Educate yourselves, Trump "Catholics"

Anonymous said...

Yes the inner city sucks and most Blacks would love to get the hell out of there, it’s you Democrats that keep them there not Conservatives or Republicans we want them in our party and to live the best lives they can like all American citizens. The racist name calling does not work anymore it’s tired and overused, just like Biden is tired and overused.

Anonymous 2 said...

Father McDonald:

I suspect there are many Catholics and other Christians, and indeed members of other faith traditions, who feel the same way as you do. But unless and until the Democrats find a way to reach these voters, the Republicans will continue to capitalize on the issue of abortion, in some cases sincerely, in others (I suspect most) cynically. It is a crying shame for a host of reasons.

Anonymous said...

All Roman Catholics must vote Trump it is their religious duty to do so, vote Biden at the risk of your own soul.

Anonymous said...

Watching the beginning of the RNC right now on Fox as Tucker Carlson is speaking to Laura Ingraham and in the background Ave Maria is being sung by an Opera singer! This has all been foretold and Trump is the Roman Catholic savior of our Nation.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmm, why don't we see Asian, Latino, or any other races burning, looting, killing, ripping down statues and destroying our cities? Well because they are busy working, raising a family, going to church, and well just being normal American citizens that's why you don't see them rioting. If this was about race you would see them, but it's not about race or George Floyd, it has to do with class warfare and bringing down the United States Government, this is Socialism at work with the funding from George Soros, it is filled with hate, rage, anti-Catholicism, anti-family, anti-police, anti-military, anti-Capitalism, anti-white, and it seems to be spreading like a plague. It must be stopped in its tracks because once they are done with us they will come for ALL who stand in their way. Does this sound familiar? It should because that is how the Nazi's, and Communist's did it, nobody is safe from the evil that has taken root in our streets.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Father, it is "Democratic" party. Not 'democratic" party. Proper noun, in other words. Like you would capitalize "Republican" or "Episcopal/Anglican" and so on.

As for Biden, there isn't really much he would be able to do to ban abortion even if he were so inclined. Abortion was traditionally a state matter prior to Roe v. Wade, and with the filibuster rule in the Senate, it is impossible---or nearly so---to pass any major pro-life legislation anyway. (The Republicans have not had 60 seats in the Senate since the 1920s, and they certainly will not have that many next January---heck, they may not be in the majority then, unfortunately). But he could state support for the Hyde Amendment (which has saved countless lives---even a number of pro-choice voters opposed taxpayer funding of abortion). He could say) and a ban on late-term abortion. OK, that would be far from ideal from a Catholic perspective, but at least a start on his going in the right direction.

Yes, riots happening in Democratic cities, but some of them are in purple or red states. Atlanta is still in Georgia (geographically, not politically!), and at last check Georgia has a Republican governor---in fact a Democratic governor has not been elected here in over 20 years. Charlotte is in North Carolina, a purple state (Democratic governor, Republican legislature). As for the Wisconsin violence, once again, we have a case of a person with a criminal record resisting arrest. I suspect 99+ percent of these police shootings would not happen if the suspect simply did not resist arrest. If the arrest turns out to be unlawful, then the person can sue for damages. It is not as if police are simply pulling over minorities at random on the streets.

Anonymous 2 said...

Anonymous at 8:03 p.m.

Thank you for illustrating my point so well. For the sake of your own soul I hope you are in the sincerely camp.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

CNN political analyst Joe Lockhart lashed out at Covington Catholic graduate Nick Sandmann, who won a multi-million dollar defamation settlement from the left-wing network, following Sandmann’s speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC).

Anonymous said...

And the "peaceful" protests continue as Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky was leaving the RNC last night in D.C. CRAZED MOBS from ANTIFA and the Communist terrorist group BLM founded by three openly Black Lesbian Marxist-Leninist's almost got a hold of him and his wife "shouting" kill them kill them" by the grace of God the D.C. police were there to save him and his wife from certain death! This is the Democrat Socialist Party, Trump warned America last night that if Biden wins the country as we know it will be destroyed.

Anonymous said...

For an understanding of the ideology embraced by many college educated, Democrat voters I can STRONGLY recommend checking out :

The Grievance Studies Hoax (just google this).

3 academics (James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose and Peter B) absorbed all they could about : gender studies, queer studies, women studies and critical race theory etc and then presented 20 papers to respected peer reviewed journals in these subjects.

Their papers uncritically embraced the dogmas in these areas of “knowledge” and then deliberately wrote nonsense, often bizarre and crazy nonsense and deliberately made
serious mistakes and blunders in scholarship.

The results were hilarious !!

Their papers were taken seriously and some were published.

Including the famous “Dog Park” research paper. Data, they claimed, was gathered by observing the behaviour of dogs in a Portland dog park for a year and the conclusions after analysing this data was that “Rape Culture” was real and it might be possible to train white males, as dogs are trained, to be less sexist, racist and homophobic.

Another paper just involved taking a chapter of Hitler’s “Mein Kamph” (sp?) and where Hitler wrote Nazism and Nazi Party they just replaced that with Feminism and the Feminist Movement and this too was published and praised.

Another hoax paper was on obtaining a different but deeper and better understanding of astronomy by bringing either a feminist or queer perspective to the study of astronomy.

The Grievance Studies Hoax revealed a lot. Including that the so called expert scholars in various “Grievance Studies” can’t tell the difference between deliberately made up nonsense and what they regard as fine scholarship. Also, that the Grievance Studies scholars hold their beliefs like a fundamentalist religious sect holds to their dogmas (eg white privilege, white fragility, toxic masculinity and systemic racism etc) and regard views that oppose their beliefs as heresy and will refuse to debate those they despise for their unacknowledged racism and sexism and “false consciousness”.

They show up the Cult of Woke to be a secular religion. Whiteness as original sin and so on. And they have their Canon too. But in this quasi religion or cult there is no forgiveness nor redemption ( and no humour and zero gratitude etc) Nick Cave put it recently : the worst religion ever invented.

Anonymous said...

"The Cult of Woke" as a secular, pseudo religion clearly fills in many young people an unrequited desire for community and common purpose; it is also a cry for meaning and a burning desire to lay hold of something (anything !) true.

It is sad that millions of young people in the West have been taught that really all that needs to be known about Western civilization - including Catholicism - is that it is rotted through with white, Western, male heterosexual biases and to be WOKE means rejecting the civilization that created terrible systems that have caused and still cause so much oppression and suffering for racial and sexual minorities.

So sad in our era to see the generosity and loyalty common to many young people given to the flawed, untrue and dangerous ideology of the Cult of Woke.

Gerard S.

Anonymous said...

Grievance Studies Hoax sounds similar to the Sokal Hoax back in 1995.
A dogma of applied postmodernism is that almost everything is a social construct.
Sokal, a physics professor, set out to flatter the ideological preconceptions of the postmodern, pathological left but deliberately wrote nonsense in an article that claimed quantum gravity was a social and linguistic construct.
His article was accepted and published in a prestigious postmodern/leftist journal.

The insane ideology of the postmodern left has many people continually asking themselves :

Is my choice of words, is the way I (and others) talk about anything either contributing to the maintenance of the oppressive, Western patriarchy or am I contributing to it’s dismantling ? !!

For millions this ideology has replaced basic, traditional Christian beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Helen Pluckrose is brilliant.
I have never heard anyone explain more clearly and in a way an average person can understand the intellectually bankrupt and divisive, dangerous garbage that is the ideology of the postmodern Left.
Interesting too that Pluckrose is a secular liberal and believes racism and sexism etc do exist but she has a great gift in explaining and exposing the flawed scholarship in the extreme and harmful ideology of grievances studies people that is now so dominant in the universities and media and even some corporations. And it is the ideology of those now rioting and looting and burning down buildings in our cities.

Anonymous said...

Senator Rand Paul is calling for the FBI to investigate the attack on him and his wife by terrorist BLM Communists last night in Washington D.C. violent mobs were shouting KILL THEM KILL THEM they barley escaped with their lives with the help of the D.C. Police. Also African-American Democratic rep. from Georgia Vernon was accosted by BLM terrorists as well calling him names such as "Uncle Tom" race traitor and names I cannot mention here, utterly disgusting and this is only the beginning so if your an a Black Trump supporter you are a TARGET, this is the TOLERANT LEFT IN ACTION.

Anonymous said...


How dare you criticize the Democrats stormtroopers, BLM and Antifa, when they are spreading "love and understanding" by burning and looting the Black communities they claim they are standing up for.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2,

Why would Republicans try to take advantage of the abortion issue for cynical reasons? I think even Pope Francis has said that abortion is a hit job on the innocent unborn so they are on the same page with him. The Democratic Party's position is horrendous and far to the left of other civilized nations and is virtually the same as Red China's. There is nothing in the modern Democratic Party platform which gives us any hope they will soften their position. As a matter of fact, they have run candidates to chase out any pro-Life Democrats, most recently Congressman Lipinski of a suburban Chicago district. Senator Dick Durban of Illinois used to be pro-life until he was told point blank that he had no future in the Party unless he abandoned his pro-Life views. My problem is not with him so much but a corrupt national hierarchy that will not decisively address this issue. Do you really think that prior to the Council any Democrat would have dared challenge the Church on this issue?

Anonymous said...

Republicans have used the abortion issue cynically for 40+ years. It is the ONE issue that gets them more votes, that is more "red meat" to their followers, surpasssing the Second Amendment nuttiness.

Without it they would disappear from the political landscape in 20 years - or less.