
Thursday, August 27, 2020



The video is more powerful! Apart from Sister’s endorsement of President Tump, every Catholic Democrat And any Democrat of good will should give Sister a standing applause!


Anonymous said...

I’ll go ahead & say it: Trump has been personally responsible, paid for, enabled more abortions than every other president put together. (Biden, zero). He gets a free pass on decades of infidelity, lies, racism, fraud & fanning hate. Why so-called religious people worship him as a messiah & saint is way beyond me. Hypocrisy like that is what sours the young people on organized religion. Sorry, Sister, but you’ve lost your way.

The Egyptian said...

THIS IS A NUN, what a short talk, but if you do a dive into her background she has quite a story. Bet if push comes to shove she gets what she wants. Very forceful and dynamic
We need sisters and nuns, and PRIESTS like her
Bet the polyester nightmares don't like her

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I would like to know how you know about abortions Biden or Trump have paid for? Btw, through taxes we all are paying for abortions.

If your moralizing about Trump is true, has he promoted the choice to do these things as a right he fans and by law everyone should have a rift to do? Just wondering!

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Auto correct problem: as a right he publicly promotes and by law every one should have a right to do?

Monsieur said...

The Anonymous at 7:19 am is detached from reality, must be a Democrat, one with a very guilty conscience. We have a pretty good idea who this poster is

Anonymous said...

Father, I know you get your back up every time somebody criticizes Trump. There’s no need for me to recap what’s been endlessly reported for the last five years. If you want to know the truth about Trump, take your head out of the sand & read a credible news source, something other than Fox or Breitbart or Infowars. Take your blinders off.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I am quite aware, btw, (as though you know everyone's inner education) of Trump and his peccadilloes. I am aware,too, because I have studied it, of the peccadilloes of many great Old Testament and New Testament figures, King David and the Woman at the well, to name too. God made David a great King despite his adultery and murder. The woman at the well and also the woman caught in adultery are examples of faith because of how God's grace enabled them to become examples.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

or of you prefer, to or two.

Bee said...

Bee here:

"We must ask ourselves: What we are saying when we go into a womb and snuff out an innocent, powerless, voiceless life?"

The question hangs in the air... God is always calling us to repentance. Will we hear it this time, as individuals... as societies... as human beings?

God bless.

Monsieur said...

Anonymous at 8:22,

Take your head out of the and about the Evil Obama (who as a state senator in Illinois voted against saving the lives of babies who survived an abortion). I could go on about Grifters Clintoon and Joe Biden too, but since you are not into reality, you would brush that off. You are a Democratic operative who comes here to cause trouble rather than engage in legitimate discussion. Quite frankly, I wish Father McDonald would limit this blog to Liturgy so we do not have to listen to left-wing crazies who pretend to be Catholic

The Egyptian said...

Thanks Fr A, I've been saying that since the last election, even in the new testament, Peter denied, Thomas doubted, Mary Magdalene anyone? Even St Augustine,save me Lord, but just not yet. The bible is full of fallen men that God chose to do great things, Paul (Saul) for crap sake, what a piece of work. God seems to prefer fallen men, to contrast the work he can do rather than the sanctimonious "perfect" most of whom are a pain in the a---. People look at a changed person with respect that is earned rather than "expected"
Is Trump Perfect, goodness no, but he cares, he has not made politics his life, he knows how to work, look at his kids, not one on drugs or spoiled, Don Jr "I know how to hang drywall and do the finish work, I can operate a D9 Cat, some of you may think that is a disease, it's a bulldozer" Find me a dem who has done a decent days work, Biden? professional politician!. last ones I can think of are Truman, Teddy, and Eisenhower
for a good read try this, Don was involved also

Anonymous said...

How wonderful & Godly that the religious right always trots out the King David argument when one of their own is caught with their pants down. Trump, Gingrich, Mark Sanford, Herman Cain, Giuliani, dozens more. Somehow, Republicans who commit adultery are always right with God. Somehow, we are told, God’s grace is only extended to conservatives, never to their opponents. Do you think anybody believes that? It’s a selective Political argument advanced by their always useful, always credulous apologists. More rank hypocrisy.

Joseph Johnson said...

Compare and contrast with Sr. Simone Campbell, who spoke at the DNC, and who, in a recent interview, sidestepped the opportunity to echo the Church's teaching on abortion (that abortion is always wrong) by saying that "abortion is above my pay-grade."

Anonymous said...

If you think the the Trump family, or Republicans in general, are against abortion & wouldn’t pay for abortions no matter what the law says, you’re a useful chump. Look at the abortion rate in a red state like Georgia. If you don’t think a man like Biden has lived a better, more moral, more Catholic life than Trump, you’re a phony Catholic, just like he’s a phony “Christian.”

Anonymous said...

Hey guys Trump is no saint and many men and women who became saints were not exactly perfect. Look, Trump has done and said many things that are not moral or nice through the years, he is a man from Queens New York he talks and acts rough because this is who he is, he speaks like no other President in American history because he is NOT a politician. The post on top seems to have the facts wrong and hates Trump with a passion and that is his right to do so. Trump is neither a racist,homophobe,
bigot, anti-immigrant, anti-woman or hardly pro-abortion. Something or someone took Donald J. Trump by the hand and has guided him to become the MOST pro-life President in history, he admits he was pro-abortion years ago and has become ardently pro-life! Many think it is Melania Trump who is a Roman Catholic from Slovenia who has guided him in this path of LIFE, and maybe Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano as well since Trump has been speaking with Vigano privately. Are cities are burning Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, D.C., Denver and now Kenosha Wisconsin, I have said this before and I will say it again, this has NEVER been about George Floyd it NEVER was. BLM which was founded by three openly Black Lesbian and self avowed Marxist-Leninist's out to destroy the nuclear family its all there for you on the website they HIDE nothing. If you think the Democrat party is the party of your parents or Grandparents you are blind to the fact they are not!

The Egyptian said...

who said that, the difference is "most" conservatives are willing to admit a mistake, not shove it into our faves, and demand respect for it,
Barney Frank anyone, Gary Studds??
I don't hear anyone on the right demanding infanticide, Gov of Virginia, or anything near. To make a mistake and know it vs demand respect for it is quite difference, to quote the great David Burge
leftists rules of institutions
1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
the left and democrats have been doing this a lot

Anonymous said...

How many race riots occurred in this country under Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, etc.?

Victor said...

Anonymous @ 8:22am
It is sad, but there seems to be no credible news source left in America any more, pretty well confirming George Orwell's ominous conclusions. The sources all seem to be political camps:

I try to use as many non American sources as I can like AFP, not the best in the world but way better than AP which so many American media use.

Anonymous said...

To the anti-Trump individual who is posting here, Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit, Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Pirro, Gutfeld, Rush, Savage, Beck, Rubin, Horowitz, Shapiro, and the man who is putting not only his career on the line with Fox but his life as well and that man is TUCKER CARLSON! He shows America every night on his show what is happening in our cities and what America will look like if Biden and Harris win this November, love him or hate him Trump is the only one who can save this country from itself. Trump has done more in THREE years for African-Americans than any president in history its a fact and facts don't lie. In 8 years as President what in the hell did Obama due for African-Americans? The answer is sadly not a damn thing and they hoped with good reason that he would, yet he let them down and now owns a $13 million dollar mansion on Martha's Vineyard and an $8 million home in Georgetown.

Anonymous said...

“Many think” that Melania led Don to a Catholic life? LOL. Who thinks that? Is there a scintilla I’d evidence of that? Why does Donald golf every Sunday morning? Did Melania live her 20s & 30s in a convent? You are the perfect Republican voter. You will believe anything.

Anonymous said...

I have always found it amusing that the Left, The Democrat party, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, the tech giants Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook and the RICH Hollywood elite call our country day in and day out the we are a evil, racist, bigoted people and country YET millions and millions of people from around the world risk everything to come to this so-called evil country just look at our Southern borders, so to those who continue say this stop already you have nothing to give to your country expect hatred of yourself and your own country, how sorry I feel for you.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic party of my parents and grandparents was dominated by Southern racists who enforced Jim Crow segregation, lynchings and an American caste system. You're right, that's not my party. It's yours.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 9:59 am,

Our ersatz catholic priest adores the looting and burning Dems - in his world it is peaceful protest!

Anonymous said...

These are NOT race riots these are class warfare riots with 70% of these rioters being privileged WHITE kids look at your tv screen!! Most African-Americans are embarrassed by these people and want nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the hilarity of some of these comments, like Trump has done more for blacks in 3 years than any other president. Really? Like more than Lyndon Johnson, who guided passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965? Or Trump is the only one who can save this country from himself. What is he, some Messianic figure? Or yesterday that Trump will get 30 percent of the black vote and win a landslide this November (what, like a 49-stater Reagan got in 1984). As for Trump defending life "at all stages", I believe he would allow abortion in cases of rape and incest. (Though I will admit that is still far better than Biden's position---and lack of backbone.)

Even Georgia of all states is close in the polls. (For all those who think Georgia is red, no, it really is more purple these days, and metro Atlanta, where a majority of Georgians live, is getting blue by the day, kind of like Chatham County-Savannah is.)

John said...

Remaining silent in the presence of a pro-abortion jihadist is vilolence. Of course violence is so Democratic!

Anonymous said...

Trump is the savior. Trump is the messiah. Forget about Jesus and his socialist Sermon on the Mount. Let’s put Trump on Mount Rushmore & the Holy Trinity too. Do you know how deluded you sound? I remain in the Catholic Church. Most of you left & now worship in the Church of Trump. You are sad.

Anonymous said...

Well you can have Biden an avowed late term Abortion advocate and a phony Catholic to vote for and I’ll take Donald J. Trump the MOST pro-life President in history. And speaking of our First Lady Melania, the disgusting hatred towards her is sickening, she is a beautiful and sincere woman who speaks 5 languages and a mother, but she does not fit the narrative of the MSN which would be an ugly, bitter, angry America blaming abortion advocate. As far as you denouncing her Catholicism just who are you to talk about her faith or Trump’s for that matter, drink your Koolaide and keep being angry and bitter all your life.

Anonymous said...

“Man is a stupid and hard-headed being,”
~ Pope Francis

I find it incredible that any person of faith would support Trump. I understand how some focus on the single issue of abortion however when Trump's detrimental actions and inactions are deemed acceptable that is mind boggling.

Yes, abortion is a sin but when one ignores Trump's attitude about the healthcare of the poor and underprivileged that is a sin as well. Ignoring Trump's stance on Global Warming is a sin as well. Ignoring Trump's treatment of the most vulnerable, children separated from their parents, is a sin as well. Ignoring Trump's scapegoating of others, Mexicans are rapists and killers, to promote anti-immigrant agenda is a sin as well. Ignoring Trump's lack of leadership vs the pandemic is a sin as well. Ignoring Trump's promotion hate against the third world calling them %$#@hole countries is a sin as well. Ignoring acceptance of hate, "there are good people on both sides," is a sin as well.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

You must find a lot of things incredible, like Catholics who declare they are pro-choice. Good for you, at least you are consistent and treat every politician's corruption in the same way.

Not K said...

People on this blog denounce other people's faith every day, including Biden's, in this very discussion. So why shouldn't we question Melania's faith?... since people here are nominating her for sainthood. Where is the evidence that she or Trump have any real religious faith? Zero. Hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous K at 12:47,

Well YOUR media acted like Obama was the Messiah and school children (just like good Hitler youth) sang a song of praise to him. Engage in projection much?

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I suspect that Trump and Melania are nones but may be using religion to get reelected, like Biden, Pelosi and other prominent Catholics who are pro-choice but insist on being good Catholics. In the end, the Great God of all truth and judgment will make all things known.

Not K said...

Anonymous 9:59. It's true, Trump is not a politician. Or a statesman. Or a leader. Or an executive. Or a businessman. Or a father. Or a husband. In fact, it's hard to identify anything he's been successful at.
But if you agree to re-wire my house and you burn the place down instead, "I'm not an electrician" is not much of a defense, is it?

Anonymous said...

Well here is what one Black man , Lloyd Marcus, had to say about President Trump and the Dem Party:

"President Trump is the best thing for blacks since sliced bread. Under Trump, black unemployment is at an historic low. The record of Trump's extraordinary business career is filled with examples of advocating for and hiring blacks.

For decades, I pleaded with the GOP to make a strong effort to reach out to black voters. The cynical response was, “Why bother? African-Americans will always vote for Democrats no matter what we do.” My retort was, “Republicans have a moral duty to counter Democrats' destructive lies by taking the truth about America's greatness to black communities.” Trump is the first Republican president in my lifetime to seriously and sincerely court black voters.

Branding Trump as a racist is yet another evil Democrat lie to steer blacks away from a Republican who has their best interests at heart, implementing policies beneficial to them.

Unlike the Democratic party, the Republican party does not treat me like a poor inferior child in need of constant government intervention."

Only a racist would dispute this!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not K, you are K. LOL

Not K said...

Father McDonald, compare the piety, respect & sincere grief one sees in Biden through the many losses he and his family have suffered... compared to Trump golfing as his brother died, and later unable to express any condolences that weren't actually about praising himself. People know honest faith when they see it, compared to the money changers, the Pharisees and the hypocrites praying on the street corner. And those who make excuses for them.

Daniel said...

Of course Donald & Madame Melania are “nones.” All the Bible-waving & tongue-speaking with the evangelicals is just sop for the rubes. If you haven’t figured that out, you’re one of them.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Of course you have a right to vote your conscience and extol the virtues of your candidate, but you do seem to be obsessed with the Trump's and appear to me to be just a bit too judgemental about personal things which they really haven't discussed.

Not K said...

Obsessed with the Trumps? Is it OK to discuss our president, or can people only criticize his opponent? How about the people still obsessed with Obama? Once again, your double standard is showing. I don't expect you to agree, but as a priest, you could listen & be fair to all. Isn't that part of the job description?

Anonymous said...

"I am quite aware, btw, (as though you know everyone's inner education) of Trump and his peccadilloes."

Peccadilloes are small, unimportant offenses or sins.

Adultery, fornication, lying as Trump does are neither small nor unimportant.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

You know, when it comes to Donald Trump, hopefully not Melania, there truly is Trump derangement, which is not anyone's fault. But the spiteful hatred, my, my and the hatred of those who will vote for them, most in secret, because of the hatred and vitriol that would be shown them by Trump derangement syndrome people, is, quite frankly, breathtaking if not tiresome.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Not k, are you pulling the manipulation card again???? @2:59? Is that all you have to offer is vitriol against those who disagree with Biden, the leftist democrats and how these people will malign, like you just have of me, the good nun in this post, and a 16 year old boy, who your extreme party members and their minions in the press not only maligned but tried to destroy. Keep in mind, a 16 year old boy. Those people are guilty of child abuse and should be placed on trial and if found guilty imprisoned.

Anonymous said...

For over 60 years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 African-Americans have utterly destroyed by the Democrat party, the family unit, no father to be seen, 75% of Black women have babies out of wedlock, the Democrats tell African-Americans that racism is under every rock and behind every corner where tell me where???? The KKK is non-existent, neo-Nazis are counted by a handful, there is not one group of people in this country who cannot do as they please and work where they want to work. Every four years the Dems roll out for the elections and tell Blacks that they have not rights, black men are being murdered by cops and they cannot do anything on their own without the help of the Democrat party. If we want change you have to tell the truth and talk with candor about things that are uncomfortable to talk about.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I am half Italian, from Naples. If you want to know about the peccadilloes of Italian Catholic politicians and in office, many of them with the Vatican's door open to them, just go to Italy and find out. Pope Francis and the Vatican City State are very cordial to them.

Not K said...

Father, you post obsessively about Trump (can do no wrong) & Biden (spawn of Satan) without regard to facts or fairness. Yet people who respond are obsessed. Presenting the alternative point of view -- or actual facts -- is vitriol. Look in the mirror, my friend.

Not K said...

Your version of the Sandmann case is absurd as well, and you apparently get all your news from Fox Internet trolls. I doubt you've read any factual accounts of the case.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

You are mistaken about my obsessions, unless my psychiatrist has broken his professional confidentiality. And no I am not wrong about Master Nick. There is video evidence from CNN, MSNBC and democratic operatives trying their best to destroy him. Master Nick would not have won his lawsuits if the truth as I have highlighted is not true. Not K, you are capable of doing better than that.

Not K said...

Check your facts. Sandman has not won any lawsuits. I know of two that were settled -- amounts unknown. Likely nuisance money, less than the cost of taking the case to trial. It's a common practice among big corporations. The two news organizations have not conceded any errors, nor did any court find against them. Check your facts. We've all seen the video and know what was in them.

Anonymous said...

A nun who speaks at a political convention to hype one candidate & disparage another is a politician & ought to be judged as one. You can't embrace Trumpism on national TV & then hide behind the habit when you're criticized.

Anonymous said...


I bet you went gaga when Bill Clinton waived his Bible for the Dem rubes after he was caught red handed with Monica!

Anonymous said...

Bearing false witness: "Those people are guilty of child abuse and should be placed on trial and if found guilty imprisoned."
Perhaps you should seek moral clarity in the political world, rather than trying to play lawyer.

Anonymous said...

The newest bit of news is that Nancy Pelosi does not want Biden to debate Trump. She put up bs reasons, but the real reason is that his failing cognitive abilities will be on full display. It takes a pretty evil media and party to try and foist a senile man on the American people. But hey, they are used to pushing evil!

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

No you are ridiculous about what democratic operatives did to Sandman and not criticizing your part’s extreme abortion views, infanticide. If only you could say, I hate abortion and it is repugnant to God and is child abuse in the extreme and anyone who supports that is anathama.

Daniel said...

Clinton wave the Bible? Didn't happen. Clinton is many things, including a horndog, but he's no hypocrite.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, but you are dead wrong: Check this news story out, several pictures down he is holding Hillary's hand, waving a bible, after he was caught red handed with Monica. Have a nice day!

I suppose you also "forgot" him wagging his finger at us saying he did "not have sex with that woman!"

Anonymous said...

Not K who is K,

LOL - Sandman received big dollars. They had those left-wing loon, evil news cites by the short hairs.

Marcus Tullius said...

Priests often try to browbeat the faithful into throwing away their votes, but as Catholics, we can and should vote according to our conscience. The church teaches that we should consider all issues. We are not one-issue voters.
We can and should consider racism, social justice, poverty and income inequality, human rights, how our nation treats our brother and sister immigrants.
Nations have the right to enforce secure borders, but policies must be fair and just. Preserving families should be a top priority. The American Church historically is a church of immigrants, and demonizing new Americans is insulting to us all.
We are primarily all members of God's family and must be treated with respect; the boundaries of nations are arbitrary and of secondary importance.
And as Catholics, we care that our brothers and sisters have food to eat, homes, education and access to health care.
Abortion is a sin. So is apathy. So is racism. You can't be a good Catholic while hating three-quarters of the country.
That's not according to me. That's all according to the Catholic catechism.
If you disagree with that, you are literally not a Catholic.
Vote your conscience, but educate yourself, then vote.

Father G said...

"As Christians, we first met Jesus as a stirring embryo in the womb of an unwed mother and saw him born nine months later in the poverty of the cave."

Great speech, but I'm going to nitpick and point out that she was incorrect in referring to Our Blessed Mother as an unwed Mother. Our Blessed Mother was already Saint Joseph's wife at the time of the Annunciation.

Pierre said...

Father G,

Why then did St. Joseph want to repudiate her? I thought she was with child during the engagement period but my recollection could be wrong

Anonymous said...

I don't think you are wrong Pierre.

Mark Thomas said...

President Trump is pro-abortion.

On May 18, 2019 A.D, President Trump declared:

"As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions - Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother - the same position taken by Ronald Reagan."

During the 2016 A.D. Presidential Campaign, Donald Trump declared more than once that he supported abortion in the above situations — rape, incest, and life of the mother.


Mark Thomas

"Abortion is not the lesser of two evils. It is a crime, an absolute evil." — His Holiness, Pope Francs, 2017 A.D.

Anonymous said...

Marcus Tullius Kavanaugh,

You learned this nonsense from Cardinal Bernadin who tried to give the Dem Party cover for its rabidly pro-abortion message. Epic fail. You obviously do not recognize Catholic teaching on intrinsic evil.

John Nolan said...

Under Jewish law, betrothal was not simply engagement in the modern western sense. Joseph's family would have paid the bride price, the couple would have made vows, and Joseph would have given Mary a ring. The bride would have spent a year in her father's house before moving in with her husband. Infidelity on the part of either was regarded as adultery.

Joseph could not have put Mary aside without a legal divorce, although he did not wish to shame her publicly (and risk her being stoned for adultery).

Mary was not an unmarried mother, still less a 'single parent' as I have heard her preposterously described. Matthew 1:25 claims that the marriage was not physically consummated until after Jesus's birth (so he was born of a virgin) but Protestants generally believe they went on to have other children.

Marcus Tullius said...

Anonymous 10:59 pm: You are woefully misinformed about church teaching. Most Americans are. If you do not believe that the life of a black child shot by police or an immigrant or a Muslim child or a prisoner all have equal value, you’re not really pro-life. This is the teaching of the Church worldwide. Only in America do you hear Catholic voters who believe life begins at conception and ends at birth.

Coach K said...

Different nun, different message. Why is the media focusing on the pro-Trump nun?

Catholic Lobby: Catholics Cannot Vote for Donald Trump

Sr. Simone: “In this time of crisis we are called to speak clearly: Catholics cannot support another presidential term for Donald Trump and be true to their faith.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In its almost 50 year history, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice has never advised its members who to vote for or against. We have always encouraged members to get involved in politics, spoken about the issues, compared candidates, and equipped our members with resources to choose elected officials who support the common good. And we will continue to do that, but this year’s election is different. Catholics cannot be true to their faith and vote for Donald Trump in November.

Pope Francis and Catholic teaching are clear about the sacred issues that voters must bring with them into the voting booth. Catholics are called to defend, promote, and protect the sacredness of human life in every way. To do that, we must support candidates who will protect people in poverty, the elderly, and migrants and reject racism. To be true to this holy call, we cannot be single issue voters. Faithful Catholics are multi-issue voters. Prayerful consideration of the candidates for President makes it clear: Catholics cannot vote for Donald Trump.

NETWORK Lobby has a lot planned for the next 85 days, including bringing people together for the virtual Nuns on the Bus tour, publishing a multi-issue candidate comparison scorecard, and launching a new Pope Francis Voter website. The faithful way forward is to elect new leadership for our nation’s highest office. Catholics must show the country that they do not support this President and his policies of hate and division.

Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice said:

“Catholics cannot be true to their faith and vote for Donald Trump in November. Every day, I see the cracks in our nation’s foundational values growing wider. President Trump is doing everything in his power to divide us, while our economy and health care systems collapse under the weight of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a spiritual crisis, and our faith and patriotism compel us to speak and to act.

“Pope Francis has been clear about the sacred issues that Catholics and all people of good will are called to prioritize. These include protecting people in poverty, the elderly, and migrants and rejecting racism. Donald Trump does not share these values or act on these principles. In a word, President Trump promotes racism. This evil cannot be ignored. Once again I hear Pope Francis’s words: “We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.” Dismantling racism in our country must be a foundational part of any pro-life agenda. President Trump’s attitudes and policies are contradictory to this holy effort.

“In this time of crisis we are called to speak clearly: Catholics cannot support another presidential term for Donald Trump and be true to their faith.”


NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice – advocates for justice inspired by Catholic Sisters – educates, organizes, and lobbies for economic and social transformation. They have a nearly 50-year track record of lobbying for critical federal programs that support those at the margins and prioritize the common good.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

The good sister in the video, also makes abundantly clear, that being pro-life begins with its foundation, the protection of the innocent, defenseless baby in the womb from the moment of her conception through natural death. Sister’s life is not just about protecting the unborn She has a track record of working for the poor and vulnerable and advocating for them and on the ground, not from an ivory tower.

Democrat Catholics who do not understand this Sister or think that other pro-life issues trump its foundational ethos, are gravely mistaken. They must disavow the evil that the Democrat party has made a “god” a worse or a “sacrament” sacrilegiously. What the Democratic Party has become is a non Christian institution like the Masons, the KKK and others who advocate for the elimination of people or their religious practices.

I think that the democrat party should be listed on the list of organizations forbidden to Catholics because of their ideology of abortion, euthanasia and other issues repugnant to God and the Catholic Faith, the true Faith, not the heterodox faith of some catholics.

Anonymous said...

Mark Thomas:

I have NEVER ONCE on this blog heard abortion referred to as "The Lesser of the 2 Evils", so there is no need for the quote by your beloved Pope Francis.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the explanation John Nolan. So what you are saying is that they were in fact married, just not living together at the time according to Jewish Law. Never realized that!

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Coach K, my comment after yours was written by me before i saw yours and yours came in as i was writing and posted mine. Sr. Simone is heterodox and does not see protecting the innocent unborn, the defenseless unborn, the human person who can not speak or advocate for herself as the foundation of the other things the good sister might advocate. The sister in the video connects pro life with its foundational status, the protection of babies in he womb from the moment of her conception with social issues after birth. And the good sister in this post has a track record on the ground as a nun and before that as a doctor and a career military woman. She has credibility because of this whereas the heterodox Sister Simone does not and because abortion isn’t her issue. The

Anonymous said...

Marcus Tullius Kavanaugh,

Like the others in your party, you view everything through the prism of race, in stark contrast to Dr. Martin Luther King's vision. That has been your party's tradition before the Civil War and continues until today unabated. If you cared so much about Blacks why are you not actively working to end the genocide of black babies? Why are you desperate to keep Blacks on welfare? As your old buddy, LBJ said:

"I’ll have those n-----s voting Democratic for the next 200 years” as he confided with two like-minded governors on Air Force One regarding his underlying intentions for the “Great Society” programs.

You are dead wrong on abortion, it is an intrinsic evil, and even your soul-mate Pope Francis said abortion was akin to using a hitman on an innocent baby. As I have said before, you are a sorry excuse for a priest, but I will grant you that you are a zealous politician, albeit for the Party of Intrinsic Evil

qwikness said...

Politics makes strange bedfellows. Catholic Democrats seem to have their conscience formed by the Democrats. The Catholic Democrats have ZERO influence on the moral compass of the Democrat Party. Democrats are for Transgenderism, Gay Marriage, Contraception, Abortion, and Socialism (more or less) and more. These are not "single issue reasons" to vote against the Democrat platform, these multiple reasons to vote against them. Catholic Democrats are SUPPOSED to be against these causes so therefore if they are actually against these what are the for? They are the ones voting on a single issue cause, and that is "Social Justice."

Anonymous said...

Neither the radical left nor the radical right get it. Church teaching is clear: LIFE is the first and foremost issue for Catholic voters. Really, the only issue.
But LIFE is more than abortion.
Issues of war and peace are also LIFE issues. 400,000 dead Iraqis is a LIFE issue. Providing a safe home for refugees is a LIFE issue. Climate change is a LIFE issue. Capital punishment is a LIFE issue. Young people getting shot in the street is a LIFE issue. Hunger, starvation, lack of health care are all LIFE issues. 175,000 deaths from a pandemic that didn't have to happen is a LIFE issue.
If you're not taking all these LIFE issues into account, you don't get it.

Marcus Tullius said...

Anonymous at 9:20: Please provide a source for that apocryphal LBJ quote.

As Pope John Paul II said, "Posting made-up quotes on the Internet to smear another person is a mortal sin and an intrinsic evil and just really stupid."

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

a @ 10:08, I think most orthodox Catholics understand clearly what you wrote about being pro-life and certainly does the sister in the video.

But that isn't the point. The point is the Democrats by way of their very platform promote abortion through the 9th month to include partial birth abortion and even killing the child immediately after birth. That's their policy and no amount of other pro-life issues they embrace can justify their existence as a party Catholics can join.

The issue is abortion and also another pro-life cornerstone, euthanasia which the democrats also support as well as assisted suicide.

Who belongs to an organization that promotes this kind of thing and then we have Catholics saying well, they are pro-life in other ways. It's like say a scout leader who sexually abused minor boys and many, many of them did some really good things besides that.

What a crock! What corruption!

Anonymous said...

Father, your Boy Scout analogy is all wrong. Nobody has to join the Boy Scouts You can give Scouting and camping and merit badges total pass.
But the Church teaches us to be involved citizens, that voting is important & that we should use our vote for the greater good. We do this knowing that neither party fully supports Catholic values. Sitting out an election, especially a presidential election, is not taking the high moral ground. It's the childish tantrum, taking your ball and going home. We waste our previous vote, which Americans fought and died for. We miss the opportunity to do better if we don't vote or waste it on an odious wanna-be dictator simply because he claim to be pro-life. He is not. We know that. Unlike Joe Biden, Trump has actually lived the pro-choice life. Watch what they do, not what they say.

Marcus Tullius said...

The argument that Catholics should be single-issue voters is not contained in Church writings or church teachings. It was created largely by American Republicans, likely to neutralize Catholic voters. Worldwide, Catholics are taught that we should consider the entire candidate and all of the issues. Abortion is chief among them, not the only one.
Should a Catholic vote for Adolph Hitler if he claimed to be "pro-life"?
American Republicans say yes.
The Church says no.
"Pro-life" Hitler sounds absurd, doesn't it? Of course it does. That's why we believe pro-life is not one single issue. Lot of people claim to be "pro-life," but it ain't necessarily so.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

You miss my point A@11:02. How in the name of God and all that is holy can Catholics vote for a man who supports infanticide to the 9th month of pregnancy and possibly minutes after birth and the gory, despicable partial birth abortion. That is morally corrupt no matter how Catholic he is in other ways. A priest who molests children in a heinous way or provides abortions but is orthodox and faithful as a Catholic in all other ways does not need to be praised for the good he does because of the grave evil he commits.

However, and I have said this, often we have to choose between the lesser of two evils in political candidates. Trump and the Republicans do not support abortion (except to save a mother's life, rape/incest, which goes against Catholic teaching too). They don't support euthanasia. They are rabid gender ideology either.

But let's say that Trump supports abortion, euthanasia and gender ideology like Biden, I guess I would vote for Biden if not becoming a conscientious objector to both.

I might add, Pope Francis when he was the Archbishop in Argentina has said he did not vote in elections...

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

They are NOT rabid gender ideology either.

Joe Shlabotnick said...

As I watched Trump deliver his speech last night, I told my daughter watching with me that in spite of what he says, as many women as Trump has gone through in his lifetime, it is very likely that he has fathered a child who might have been aborted and she agreed. However, his past is not the question. The question is how he governs.

Trump has actively done more to try to stop abortion than any other president I can think of. About all old "George W" did was limit research on embryonic stem cells. Big whoop. Trump actually has tried to defund Planned Parenthood. He has actively made some serious enemies of people who were once his allies because of his abortion stance. I believe--based on his first term record--that we can trust Trump to appoint pro-life judges. About all we can trust Biden to do is follow his decaying party-line.

Frankly, both parties have their share of embarrassments, but as bad as he may be on some things and as disasteful as some of his behaviors might be, something has happened with Trump and I believe he is in the process of becoming a better person. What that will end up looking like I have no idea, but at least he says what he means.

Coach K said...

I vote the candidate, not the party. The platforms are window-dressing that does not bind the candidate to anything. They're forgotten a week after the convention clears. Biden's position is close to mine. He's personally opposed to abortion and supports reasonable restrictions. He would end it if he could. If America had a single up-or-down natiowide binding vote on ending abortion, the courts be damned, I would vote yes, and I believe Joe would too. But if you are asking people to vote for Trump to end abortion, you're not being totally honest.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I miss your point because it keeps changing. Whenever you're wrong about something, you change your point. Maybe if it sat still for a few minutes, we would all understand it.

Eva Peron said...

Francis served as archbishop during the reign of a fascist regime. Elections were largely bogus, when they occurred. So in his position, sitting them out and keeping his head down was probably a good idea. The political situations are not at all comparable. If you don't want to become Argentina, you ought to vote.

Anonymous said...

Marcus Tullius Kavanaugh,

LOL - I doubt you and St. John Paul II have much in common!

It was well known LBJ used the “N” word (just like JFK did when running for Congress in 1946 , according to Kennedy Idolator Doris Kearns Goodwin) and that statement of LBJ can be found in numerous historical sources, although some lefty sources are now claiming LBJ never said it, just like another Dem saint Margaret Sanger was never really a racist, nor was Senator Robert Byrd!

You are a good little foot soldier for the Party of Intrinsic Evil

Anonymous said...

Coach Kavanaugh,

LOL - the Dems get big bucks from Planned Parenthood (Abortionhood), so no, Joe Biden (if still sentient) would not vote to end abortion. He is a phony “personally opposed” type like you.

Anonymous said...

Coach Kavanaugh,

LOL - the Dems get big bucks from Planned Parenthood (Abortionhood), so no, Joe Biden (if still sentient) would not vote to end abortion. He is a phony “personally opposed” type like you.

Mark Thomas said...

I relate to my brothers and sisters in the Faith who have insisted that they will not vote for Joe Biden as he supports abortion. That is the chief reason as to why I will not vote for Joe Biden.

But I reject the following:

It is a mortal sin to vote for pro-abortion Joe Biden. Therefore, as Catholics, we must...we are vote for anti-abortion President Trump.

Sorry, but President Trump supports abortion.

It is mind-boggling that certain folks have claimed that Donald Trump is anti-abortion.

During the 2016 A.D. Presidential election to date, Donald Trump has declared his for abortion.

If it's a mortal sin to vote for pro-abortion Joe Biden, then why is it not a mortal sin to vote for pro-abortion President Trump?


Mark Thomas

Marcus Tullius said...

Anonymous 12:10. I asked you to prove it (the LBJ quote).
You couldn't & changed the subject.
Case closed.
"It is well-known" you're not truthful or honest.

Anonymous said...

Trumpers gonna Trump.Twist the facts, the Constitution & Church teachings to fit their political agenda.
They can't accept fact-checks or opposing points of view any better than their Messiah can.
Here's how to shut down every dishonest discussion:
Just ask "Prove it."

DJR said...

Franciscan Priest Likens Nun Who Spoke At RNC To Nazi Supporter.

Anonymous said...

Donald John Trump sent by the Lord Our God to save the United States of America!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump defender of the unborn, defender of the American people, defender of the military, defender of the police, defender of the family, defender of the United States, defender of the FAITH!!

Anonymous said...

Marcus Tullius Kavanaugh,

I am not doing your research for you, but as a Southernor, you know that it is true. Do I need to provide you with research about Clintoon and Monica, Senator "Oldsmobile" Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne? The Dem Party is a crime organization masquerading as a political party with its stormtroopers, BLM and Antifa, wreaking havoc on Black communities they claim to "care about."
Sad that a "catholic" priest would support such corruption.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 7:17,

Well after the disastrous and treasonous job Obama did, we need saving.

Notice that Donald John Trump has started no new "hot wars" and has cleaned up the foreign messes created by his immediate predecessor and his pathetic Secretary of State! Of course a corrupt media never mentions this.

Anonymous said...


JR said...

Is there a full moon out tonight?

Kavanagh Living Rent-Free in Your Head said...

Prove it.

Anonymous said...

Mark Thomas says Trump is pro-abortion. Really? Compared to Biden? I guess he issues that decree because Trump allows for the usual "exceptions." But we don't live in a perfect world and never politics, ya gotta compromise (yes, as unpopular as that is). That is why the Georgia heartbeat bill signed by Kemp had exceptions for rape and incest, otherwise it would not have passed. But there was some opposition to the bill from the Right because it contained exceptions. Under Mark Thomas's view, if a bill would "only" prevent 97 percent of abortions, we should oppose it---all or nothing is his view. But a bill completely prohibiting abortions will never pass the Georgia Legislature (in large part because metro Atlanta is pretty liberal these days---and I don't mean just the city of Atlanta, I mean the 29-county metro Atlanta area that voted for Clinton and Stacey Abrams). So Mark, would you rather just wait for the "perfect" bill to pass?

Sophia said...

Sophia here: re Catholics' obligation to vote according to a "well-formed conscience". not just "conscience" which can be independent of any objective standard. A "well-formed conscience" on the other hand is one which is informed by an objective set of criteria as found in the Bible or in the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church as found in its Catechism. Moral issues, have by necessity an intrinsic order of primacy. The "seamless garment" approach which Cardinal Bernadin used to explain how various moral issues are interrelated has been misinterpreted to mean that all moral issues carry equal weight. But he himself obviously did not believe that because that is patently false. Logically, there has to be a hierarchy to moral issues d be virtually impossible to make a moral choice when confronted with more than one. Innocent life has to be primary because without life all other -even moral-issues are irrelevant.

As the society became increasingly secularized, the Church (including its clergy) became increasingly influenced by the culture rather than she influencing the culture. And since "Nature abhors a vacuum", the void left by the Church's ( and other Christian Churches') abdication of her proper role in society has been increasingly filled by Godless ideologies, including Relativism (no objective truth/right and wrong), Marxism, Humanism, Satanism etc. So it should come as no surprise that even Catholics can justify voting for a members of a party that has unfettered abortion at every stage of the pre-born's development up to the point of birth, at the top of its list of non-negotiables and has been aptly named "the party of death". And since the Democrats in Congress refuse to vote for the passage of the Born Alive" Act, babies can even be left to die if they survive the hired executioner's efforts and are born alive. Correspondingly, for Catholics with "well-formed" consciences, abortion is also a non-negotiable and at the top of their list -they cannot morally vote for politicians who push policies which enshrine laws that enable, support and maximize the killing of the most innocent of all human beings-preborn babies and by extension embryonic stem cells and fetal tissue research. In fact these immoral behaviors are so egregious and so contrary to Natural Law that they are accurately characterized as intrinsic evils. So it's a no-brainer that such Catholics vote for Republicans who champion policies which are pro-life, pro- Religious Freedom and pro-the Constitution, of which Pius Xl said, "The whole American nation had ordained...even the Natural Law in general- in the American Constitution".

Sophia said...

Sophia says

The USCCB at their last annual meeting reminded Catholics of the preeminence of abortion in making their decision about whom to vote for. And as recently as 2 days ago, Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley had to reiterate the same message after a priest publicly supported the right to choose (euphemism for abortion). There was a time not that many years ago, when a majority of Catholics abided by Church teaching/Biblical teaching re abortion and would not vote for pro-abortion politicians. Now Catholicism is viewed as a smorgasbord by all too many Catholics who help themselves to whatever teaching they feel like accepting. They have succumbed to the same seduction as Adam and Eve did in the garden. They too will not serve, will not submit their wills to their Creator and His Commandments. They all want to be their own gods, "and do whatever they think is right in their own eyes"!

Let us all recognize that the Ten Commandments are not a "seamless garment"-they are in rank order of importance!

President Trump's incredible record of pro- life and pro-religious freedom policies would in no way be undermined even if, as the more cynical have proclaimed, they were motivated by totally selfish reasons. Very few people do good deeds out of purely altruistic motives- at the very least they get some satisfaction/pleasure out of doing them. Now if these incredible moral goods were achieved via evil means, then that would be a different matter. Because If you recall your Moral Theology 101- "The End does not justify the means"! And what must a person who holds that opinion of President Trump, think of a Joe Biden who proffers policies as intrinsically evil as unrestricted abortions solely to win the votes of pro-abortion voters-unless of course he has genuinely become pro-abortion?

Pax. Pray for the gifts of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom as you make this extremely important decision.

Anonymous said...

Among the many executive orders President Trump has signed was one reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which deals with non-governmental organizations and abortion access.

The Mexico City Policy was originally announced by President Reagan in 1984 and required nongovernmental organizations to agree as a condition of receiving any federal funding that they “would neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations.”

It is a United States government policy that blocks U.S. federal funding for non-governmental organizations that provide abortion counseling or referrals, advocate to decriminalize abortion or expand abortion services.

Abortion rights groups have long opposed the policy.

Joe Biden said he would rescind it as soon as he became President.

That should tell you everything you need to know about the man.

For all human beings, first comes conception and then birth. These stages of life must be allowed to realization first before any and all other aspects such as capital punishment, hunger, starvation, and health care are to be considered.

Sophia said...

Sophia here: First to the larger question of how one can decide which candidate to vote for, if both are actually going to push or even just support pro-abortion policies. Given such a choice, you would vote for the one whose policies would result in fewer babies being aborted. That is a better example of voting for the lesser of 2 evils. President Trump this time around has so superbly and unquestionably demonstrated his pro-life credibility that there is no question whether a Catholic in good standing can/should vote for him.
Now to your specific question, Mark Thomas. I think you are genuinely seeking an answer re voting for Trump whom you identify as pro-abortion-by that I think you mean he may have a couple of exceptions eg life of the mother? rape? incest? I am not sure what his exceptions if any are, but the answer to that is not germane since he has a solid record of pro-life policies for all to see.
This clarification may be helpful: Mr. Joe Biden has not only promised to expand abortion rights and have taxpayers pay for it, he has selected one of the most radical pro-abortion senators as his running mate, knowing as he himself has said that if elected he will be a one time president and that his running mate will have to be ready to take over the reins on day 1- which nobody who is the least bit honest about his condition, can possibly doubt.
President Trump, on the other hand, as he promised, has been so pro-life in his governance that he has been named the most pro-life president we have ever had! In fact that's likely one of the main reasons he is so hated by the opposition! Unrestricted abortion is so central to Democrat platform, that there is virtually no pro-life democrats in the House-one of the last two, Lipinski lost his primary this year- not sure if Cuellar won his. The Party has made it quite clear that pro-lifers are not welcome! He has very publicly supported pro-life positions. His VP is pro-life. Most of- if not all- his cabinet members are pro-life. He has also nominated pro-life judges. He has spoken at the annual March for Life-the first sitting President to do so. He named January 22nd, the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision, "National Sanctity of Life Day". He has a long list of actions which demonstrate how pro-life he is. One of the latest examples of the result of having this pro-life President in office and therefore a pro-life administration is the following:

I do hope this helps, Mark


Anonymous said...


Mark Thomas is a leftist and a very confused young man. He will never respond when you prove him wrong, he just goes on his merry, uninformed way


I think we all need to admit something to ourselves. In spite of any sense of humility we like to think we have (myself included) there is a certain amount of pride that enters into the mix when we disagree with someone. We WANT the assurance that we were right all along. Sometimes this results in us doing anything to save face--which sometimes includes trying to humiliate the person who disagrees with us.

I was a Democrat for all of my political life. Once in a while I voted Republican (the Mondale candidacy comes to mind), but I completely bought the "self-righteous, enemy-of-the-working-man, bigoted, closed-minded, hyper-patriotic-phony" stereotypes that have dogged the Republican party for so long. I bought it hook, line and sinker. There was just one problem--I couldn't reconcile it with being a Catholic. As the party began to veer more and more towards "there is no morality" and an "anything goes" ethos, as well as its virulent hatred for religion (except "approved" religious groups who embrace ever-changing doctrines) I just couldn't keep pretending to be a part of it. I finally got into a heated debate with a conservative friend of mine and I simply could not convince myself that he was wrong. I also realized that much of the hyperbole and stereotypes propagated about conservatives was completely false.

The Republican party is not perfect. It is not a panacea. But for me, it is the only viable political force I can align with in an age where everything is supposed to be relative. Benedict warned us of the "Dictatorship of Relativism". It is upon us. It is hard and humbling to admit you were wrong. It was hard for me. But I was. I simply cannot vote for a Democratic candidate or align myself with the platform of the Democratic party. To quote Ronald Reagan: "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left me."

Instead of trying to save face--let's just try to be honest with ourselves.

Anonymous said...

And again this is NOT the Democrat party of your parents or Grandparents of JFK or FDR these are avowed Marxist-Leninist's and they openly say they. Black Lives do matter, however NOT the Black Lives Matter terrorist Communist Organization, there in lies the difference, this was never about George Floyd at all! Floyd was a giant smokescreen to unleash on American streets total anarchy, burning, looting, killing, tearing down of not just our Confederate War Dead Memorials but statues of: Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lee, Douglas, Lincoln and of all people Lincoln the Republican President who freed the slaves! Trump told us last year who's next Washington, Lincoln, or Jackson? Well his question was answered this year and it was all of the above, his predictions are always correct and now our cities Portland, Seattle, Denver, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, New York, and now Kenosha Wisconsin ALL of these cities have one thing in common: LEFT WING DEMOCRAT MAYORS who encourage the destruction of their own cities. Trump is the wall who stands before FREEDOM or COMMUNISM like him or not he tells it like it is and that is what need to save this country from BLM, ANTIFA, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, the Squad, Waters, Newsom! The warning is fair and the choice is simple Trump or total and complete submission to the MOB!

Mark Thomas said...

Sophia said...": First to the larger question of how one can decide which candidate to vote for, if both are actually going to push or even just support pro-abortion policies. Given such a choice, you would vote for the one whose policies would result in fewer babies being aborted."

Sophia, thank you for your response.

My main point is that the claim that President Trump is anti-abortion is false. He has made it clear from 2016 A.D. to date, that he supports abortion.

President Trump has insisted that, in the following situations, it's acceptable to kill unborn babies via abortions:

1. The mother's health.

-- "30,000 Doctors say abortion is never medically necessary to save a mother's life"

2. When a baby has been conceived via incest.

3. When a baby has been conceived via rape.

In the above situations, it is acceptable to murder unborn babies, according to President Trump.

Sophia, should you and others wish to support President Trump, then so be it.

But I again refuse to support President Trump's promotion of the Culture of Death.

We are able to participate in the election process without having to support Culture of Death Joe Biden, or Culture of Death President Trump.

Example: We can support authentic Culture of Life third-party candidates...or vote via the write-in process.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

I thought you would be voting for Kanye West given his Anti Abortion stance.

Anonymous said...

Again, Mark Thomas, we have to deal with the real world, political reality. Politics does not provide for perfect choices in an election---there is no such thing as "the perfect candidate". Maybe in an ideal world. Trump "supports" abortions in maybe 3 percent of all cases, Biden with 100 percent. So yes, imperfect choices from a Catholic teaching, but is it not better to vote for the candidate who would at least limit the damage? Aren't we letting the perfect be the enemy of the good? Third-party options are not viable in the United States and probably never will be...Ross Perot helped get Bill Clinton elected in 1992 and what did we get? 8 years of assault on pro-life stances, even a veto of a partial-birth abortion ban. Here in Georgia, Trump got about 310,000 votes the first time and Clinton won Georgia by less than 14,000 votes. 4 years later, Trump got about half as many votes in Georgia, and Dole beat Clinton here (though just narrowly). Third-party candidates basically are the spoilers---just ask Al Gore, who lost Florida to Bush in 2000 by less than 500 votes in a state where far-left Ralph Nader rolled up nearly 100,000 votes.

Of course if ROE were to get the boot from the Supreme Court---which it should---the issue of abortion would be sent back to the states, where we likely would end up with a checkerboard of restrictions---a number in the South and Great Plains probably would restrict it to varying degrees, while the states along the Pacific coast and in the Northeast likely would keep it legal. Again, not perfect from a Catholic perspective, but better than the universal "on demand" we have now. (A constitutional amendment to ban abortion in all instances is not realistic. It will never pass. You will never get two-thirds of Congress and three-fourths of the states to do so.)

Anonymous said...

Uh, at 1012 this morning, I meant to say Perot got 310,000 votes in Georgia in 1992, not Trump. Maybe the danger of not having some coffee early this morning!!!

Anonymous said...

Romulus Augustus here, so in Leftist held Portland Oregon last night a white Trump supporter was "executed" in the streets after 100's of pro-American and pro-Trump patriots came into town. The BLM terrorist Communist mob "yelled" we have one here, meaning a Trump supporter and then you hear the shots and he falls dead! The video is everywhere, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Glenn Beck, Steven Crowder and others, this is what we are faced with outright murder supported by the Democrat Socialist Party and not a word from Biden. And what does the Left-wing of Portland say? It's Trump's fault, a mayor of a major city has his town being burned, looted, destroyed for OVER 90 days and its Trumps fault? And now Biden says he will come out of his basement on Monday and make a trip somewhere, however his spokesman says it will not be Kenosha Wisconsin, yet Trump will be there on Tuesday to meet with law enforcement and tour the carnage from nights of BLM and Antifa burning and looting of the downtown district. Now the Democrats are shaking in their boots as they see the poll numbers rising ALL over the country in Trump's favor: Blue states, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and there is talk that Trump can actually WIN New York!! As we speak African-American support is surging at 25 to 35% and Hispanic at 45%, this is unheard of and if that holds Trump wins in a LANDSLIDE!!

Anonymous said...

Romulus Augustus here, Just in the young Patriot who was executed in Portland by BLM was a young man by the name of Jay Bishop, and as word got out about his execution by BLM there is a video of a female BLM terrorist with a megaphone cheering this on, how absolutely sick and disgusting, the blood is on Biden and the Democrat party now!

Anonymous said...

"There is talk that Trump can actually win New York."

Sure, what next, California? Maybe Massachusetts?

African American support is surging to 35 percent? Really? When was the last time a Republican presidential candidate even got 30 percent?

No presidential candidate of either party has gotten over 53 percent going back to 1988. And you expect Trump to do so? What, 49 states like Reagan? But Republicans lost about 40 seats in the US House in 2018, the worst GOP losses since Watergate. Think that might have something to do with Trump?

Trump has shown no leadership in addressing black concerns about police misbehavior. None. Not even a national address to the nation. (He did not do that either with Covid.) No evidence that Trump is pushing any police reform in Congress. The Democrats passed a bill in the House and it just sits...and sits...and Mitch McConnell's Senate. Why won't he bring it up? Is he scared it might pass? It probably is not a perfect bill, but in that case, why not try to improve in in the Senate.

Maybe we need a European-style political system where we are not just stuck with two bad options, like we are with Trump and Biden...

Anonymous said...

Romulus Augustus, Anonymous at 9:12 PM, you hate Trump we get that, and if you want a European style political system which of course you do which means "Socialism" by all means go to Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Norway, or any country that has it, you would not last a year and run your tail back to the GREATEST country God has ever created: Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or no religion, right or left, name another country where millions of people are knocking at the doors to get in you can't.

Anonymous said...

Mr. 658Am, I do not "hate Trump" and I do not want a socialist system (although the US has gotten pretty good at that anyway---look at the amount of debt we have run up?) I would just like to see more political competition. We don't just have 2 restaurant choices in most cities, or 2 car brands to choose from, or 2 types of pasta...why should we have just 2 parties basically to choose from?

And you must not have noticed in my piece earlier, I am not thrilled with Biden either. Will I have to vote Libertarian this time? Stay tuned....

Anonymous said...

What SOPHIA does not figure into the calculus of electing a person to the presidency is the larger question of the qualifications - or lack thereof - of the "pro-life" candidate.

A Catholic with a well-formed conscience CAN conclude that a "pro-life" candidate for president is, for a variety of reasons, wholly unacceptable for that office. In such case, that Catholic may choose, with a clear conscience, to choose another candidate.

Anonymous said...

Romulus Augustus here, go ahead and waste a vote on a Libertarian give me a break.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Romulus, it looks like you need one---a break.