
Monday, August 24, 2020


These photos were posed after Sunday's EF Mass. Which do you prefer, versus populum or ad orientem. I'd prefer my bald spot not to be there. By the way, I did not intend the look of ecstasy on my face, but after all, I had just finished celebrating the EF High Mass. Just saying...

And speaking about hair, I have given myself my own haircuts since the pandemic shut down and saved so much money, I decided to keep cutting it myself--not! By the way, since the reopening of churches, the Cathedral Basilica's EF Mass has seen an increase in those who attend. Not sure why but that is the case. And again, so many young people and families with many young children.


John Nolan said...

Bald spot? You look like a properly tonsured cleric!

ByzRus said...

Ad orientem, without question. Nice though you are, you as a personality are irrelevant to the celebration. You, in persona Christi, however, are. Roman style vestments, incidentally, are designed to have the decoration on the back so that it's seen.

I too have been cutting my own hair since the start of COVID. I've mastered the buzz cut/taper at this point. Not going back to the barber - at least not for the foreseeable future.

The Egyptian said...

what he said, the priest is supposed to disappear into the role, It's not about Fr friendly or Fr Charismatic,
PS sorry about the bald spot, I have a perfect head of hair at 61,(but almost all grey now) however my 2 sons are balding, both started at 17 or so, keep telling them I wasn't looking at my future Father in law at the time if you know what I mean. I get a buzz cut and I still have more hair than my Brothers in law

Anonymous said...

Your EF parishioners are very fortunate!

Anonymous said...

Ad orientam absolutely and your "fiddle back" rocks Father!

Pierre said...

Thanks for the uplifting photos, Father McDonald!

JR said...

Nice vestments, especially that shade of green.

Anonymous 2 said...

I have cut my own hair since the late 1980s, so the pandemic required no change in this regard. I now rival Warren Buffett in personal net worth, by the way (not). The first time I did this was in the evening. Having completed the front, sides, and top (that was when I had a top), I realized that I also needed to cut the back but did not have access to a suitable mirror and it was too late to don a hat and go the store to purchase one. As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention and so I pressed the inside of a biscuit tin (i.e., cookie tin for those who need translation) into service for the purpose. I passed inspection by a colleague at work the next day.

I hope we all recall the old joke:

Q: “What’s the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut?”

A: “About two weeks.”

It is a useful principle to bear in mind. And as one of my German relatives used to say to me (I can’t imagine why): “My face I don’t mind it, because I’m behind it.” Another useful principle, that.

Paul McCarthy said...

Father, 167 people at this Sunday’s TLM High mass. Great job and it’s been a while so nice to see you back at the cathedral. By the way would you be willing to ask Father Schreck if the TLM could have the midnight mass time slot if they intend to do mass at 10 PM again like they did last year?

By the way on the way out I thanked you and I almost gave you a V for Vigano so you would know it was me. ✌️

God Bless

P.S. My Latin is getting better but would you be willing to recommend a study source with audio? On that note yours is good, but Father John Paul sounds perfect though who am I.