I was dismayed to see that the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration had donated $1.5 million to the National Chismatic Reporter (NCR). Could not have this money been donated to the poor or to the retired sisters national fund?????? Do we need a national collection for retired sisters if orders like this can waste money they have?
You can read about their donation from their website here:
FSPA and EarthBeat NCR collaborate to 'wake up the world'
The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration announced
on July 31 a gift of $1.5 million to NCR’s endowment earmarked to
support and amplify... read more »
But then I saw the video they produced of their spectacular, and I mean spectacular, chapel. It is absolutely exquisite and the video is magnificently produced.
The whole video is worth watching. There is not wreckovation. Unfortunately, though, the wooden "altar of sacrifice" and other wooden accoutrements are easily thrown away and the high altar is in no way compromised by what is placed in front of it which has no artistic value whatsoever! The sister narrating the video simply mentions the "wooden altar of sacrifice" in an implied way that says this is junk compared to everything else in this chapel. And to think, this chapel was built primarily for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and what they use now as the "altar of sacrifice" is a piece of junk compared to the magnificent historic altar. What were/are they thinking?????
But in January, the aging sisters with no new vocations decided to do this:
Franciscan Sisters End 24-7 Prayer After 140 Years of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

The sisters began worshipping Our Eucharistic Lord around-the-clock in 1878. Through fires, floods, and flu outbreaks, the sisters constantly prayed before the Blessed Sacrament for more than 140 years.
The FSPA announced that they will instead pray for 16 hours per day–from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.
“FSPA remains devoted to the spirit of our long-standing tradition,” FSPA president Sr. Eileen McKenzie said in a press release.“Our thoughtful study over the years has included a growing understanding of a modern way to live in adoration through our prayer lives and actions, no matter where we are.”
This actually goes hand in glove with their world view:
Pro-life students were arrested for writing "Black Pre-born Lives Matter" outside a Washington DC Planned Parenthood with chalk.
Another Vatican II "success" story. A new springtime, such a "vibrant" order!
Any order whose members primarily subscribe to views such as held by the Fishwrap is a dying order, as they offer nothing to draw a lifetime commitment.
Any seekers who come to them soon leave when they see the true emptiness of their spiritual lives and only see a very worldly organization whose main goal is to perpetuate the organization.
I have personally seen such organizations and experienced them and left them in the rearview mirror.
The same can be said of the many individual churches, exact same thing. Hugfests and serving the poorer is something even pagans do quite well when it suits them.
Bee here:
Today, August 2nd, is the day of the Portiuncula Indulgence. It is a plenary indulgence granted to St. Francis of Assisi, and can be gained by prayerfully visiting a church (it used to be restricted to any Franciscan church, but now it is any church), saying prayers such as the Creed, Our Father, and/or Hail Mary, praying for the intentions of the Holy Father, and going to Confession within 8 days. To gain the full indulgence, one must be detached from sin, even venial sin.
Take advantage of this indulgence, which you may apply to yourself, or to a soul or the souls in purgatory.
God bless,
There is NOTHING that will replace the holiness, the powerful intercession of Perpetual Adoration of our Eucharist Lord. No matter how the sisters try to "modernize" their reasoning to try and conform to a modern world view. They just bastardized their own Charism. What a sin.
I wouldn’t condemn the sisters too harshly. They were betrayed and have grown old and weak.
I bet these “sisters” support BLM and Antifa who are burning bibles (not Korans) in Portland. I’m not sure what burning bibles has to do with the alleged rationale for the “mostly peaceful” protests
The sisters betrayed themselves when they adopted modern views, had nothing to offer not found elsewhere in a modern world, and lost any new vocations.
Without vocations, it is impossible to perform perpetual adoration as there are too few in too poor a health to maintain the practice.
Bee, thanks for the indulgence reminder, but given our local infection rate has gone from 1:8000 to 1:65 since the reopening, and the majority quite recent, no visiting churches for any of the above is on my current or future radar at this time.
Just like many of us, they have been and are their own worst enemy. We don’t need to demonize them as they have accomplished that for themselves. Yes, rcg, they were victims but are also perpetrators of what is wrong in our Church today.
Anonymous at 4:39,
Your infection rate has gone down and you are avoiding church? Please elaborate
We went from a rate/ratio of 1:8000 to 1:65. Please elaborate your needing further explanation.
Still am floored as to the ending quote regarding unneeded and redundant is their sworn vocation of adoration OF THE SACRAMENT, them not called The Ladies Of Living Perpetually In The Presence Of God At Bingo And In Gift Shop, which perpetual living in the presence of God is properly the vocation of ALL Christians, and certainly that of any professing a vocation consecration to holiness. They need to just go find a REAL job if that is their best read of things.
And why I say that so brutally is the unsaid but implied, "we do not need the physical presence of God as an aid to living always in his presence (because we are already there)," with the only other explanation the quote is by a teenager saying, "We do not need churches, because the Cosmic is like everywhere." EITHER of those require the same curt reply.
How sad. Thank you for bring this to our attention. No more money for "retired sisters."
The 1:8000 vs 1:65 comment HAD to have come from a regular gambler who saw only improving odds of being a "winner". In this case, it is NOT a good thing to be a "winner".
"How sad. Thank you for bring this to our attention. No more money for "retired sisters.""
Yes, better these women should starve, should go without adequate housing, eat beans and rice for the rest of their days because I can pretend to be doing something brave and honorable by witholding contributions to the Retirement Fund for Religious.
What a miserable person you must be to think that and to post that.
An infection rate of one in sixty-five? This must be the highest in the world by a considerable margin. Might one ask the size and age dynamic of the 'local' sample?
To go from an infection rate of 0.013% to 1.538% is one hell of a jump. How do you explain this?
A@3:28, many of the aging and soon to be extent religious orders of women are very rich having sold their numerous real estate assents and investing well. That this religious order has no compunction or moral values to give $1.5 million to a heretical rag of a newspaper is scandalous. They do not deserve or require a dime from the laity in their retirement fund!
The Retirement Fund for Religious supports 30,000 retired elderly sisters, brothers, and religious order priests.
360 institutes receive direct care. In Georgia, the Trappists at Conyers, the Legionnaires of Christ, and Savannah Carmel received almost $81,000.00 in assistance.
What kind of miserable person suggests that people who have been in religious vows, some as long as you have been alive, can be discarded like yesterday's newspaper?
"For if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them."
A@4:47 it is a scandal that the super rich dying religious orders are not contributing $1.5 million to the poor religious orders. What kind of nuns contribute $1.5 million to a heretical rag when they could help poorer orders like the carmelites and Trappists in GA. BTW, the Daughters of Charity are an extremely rich order too.
The Daughters of Charity received $0.00 (ZERO dollars) in the 2018 distribution from the Fund. Why are you complaining about them?
The question should by FrMJK, how much did they contribute?
No, the questions should be:
1. "How 'extremely rich' are the Daughters of Charity?"
2. "How overfunded OR underfunded is their retirement program."
3. "If they contributed, did they do so anonymously or in a recognizable way?"
And on the list of 2018 recipients, the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration are not listed. So our anonymous friend at 9:34, being mad at that order, has decided to inflict his/her wrath on the others who are in need.
"They will know they are Christians by their love."
The Daughters of Charity are among the richest of religious orders in the US. They own a vast healthcare system
They will know we are Christians by our love? What poppycock! Atheists love too! They will know we are Christians because in our sinfulness Hod loves us!
Ah, I see Father McDonald outed Father Kavanaugh! Good show!
Mr Nolan, if you you look at huge numbers of domestic, and even Geogia specific cities, towns and counties, and divide their population by their (only KNOWN) numbers of infected people (and in most areas, those cases mostly happening in the last 4-8wks and huge numbers in last two weeks), you come up with the ratio of those infected in the population.
I could not even begin to list the number of areas who have populations ranging from 15,000-30,000 and who have infection totals of 250-500.
Mr Nolan, missed second question. Easy answer, we shut down as soon as only a handful of cases hit locally, and rates or numbers grew hardly at all because there was no place to go and spend time with strangers where other strangers also did the same.
And then we acted as if somehow something had changed, pretended all transmission was only via a death beam from somebody's lower face, which death beam could be stopped with a fake mask, and commenced again spending time with strangers where other strangers also do the same.
With predictable results, ANYwhere this has been tried.
When these religious orders and congregations start publishing annual financial reports on their websites like dioceses do, then and only then will I consider the need for me to contribute to the retired religious fund.
Anonymous at 12:11 AM,
The left-wing loon media is desperate to keep the China Flu scare going. The fact is, deaths have declined 12 straight weeks in a row. What is particularly frustrating is counting deaths from "covid" when the individual has severe morbidities. In my county, people in hospice are counted as "covid" deaths even though they are dying from cancer, heart disease, etc.
JR that is completely reasonable. The USCCB should indicate which orders receive the annual collection too.
Anon 0814, infection rates of population are no left wing loon propaganda. Death "rates" are dropping due to now higher rates of infection among healthier/younger, whose number of ICU admissions are also rising, and of whom many will have lifelong debilitation from damage inflicted by the disease, and it even is killing some children.
Feel free to spout your charts and graphs to anyone whose family has been hit hard by this disease, but I remain unimpressed, and doubt those families will be, either. And I pray you and your family do not end up as part of that "oh well" minority which you now so casually dismiss as incidental collateral damage.
Well said anonymous 9:50AM
"JR that is completely reasonable. The USCCB should indicate which orders receive the annual collection too."
The list of recipients and the amounts us published every year.
You don't know this because you haven't looked. Does it have to be handed to you on a silver salver?
Anonymous at 9:50 am,
Wake up and smell the coffee. As pandemics go, this has been relatively mlld compared to the Spanish Flu, the polio epidemic, etc. This is a politically driven panic. If a Dem were in the White House it would not been a biggie. Moreover, the majority of the alleged “covid” deaths involved people with severe co-morbidities, but if the deceased had covid, the death was attributed to covid. But for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, the infection and death rate in the US is below most European countries.
There has been a lot of collateral damage: increased suicides and deaths because people could not receive treatment for their diseases. I have a friend who could not receive a hip replacement because the authorities deemed it elective and that person fell, broke his leg and died from complications. But the corrupt, leftwing media does not give a damn about those folks
Currently there are 1000 covid related deaths a day within the US and all the President can say is “it is what it is”!
That just about says it all.
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