Yes, I was wondering the same thing that this CNS story alleges and it tells you how the news media is controlled by architects of the new world order that leaves authentic, orthodox Christianity out of it:
Pope Francis says gay couples cannot be considered a family. The media
know he said this, but with few exceptions, they refused to run this
story. The blackout, it is easy to prove, was intentional. On June 16,
Pope Francis spoke to an Italian family association, and following his
scripted remarks, he made some unscripted comments. He denounced those
couples who screen for abnormalities in the womb, likening the decision
to a Nazi-like tactic. “Last century,” he said, “the whole world was
scandalized by what the Nazis did to purify the race. Today, we do the
same thing but with white gloves.” The following media outlets covered
this story: AP, UPI, ABC Online, NBC NY, CNN, Chicago Tribune, New ...
Pope Francis Says Gay Couples Are Not a Family
CNS News
When were they ever unbiased?
I never read "Hell's Bible" but did the New York Times print this story? I would hate to think they deny the people of their "right to know!" I wonder if the New York Times has ever printed an article on the deleterious affects of abortion
I am flummoxed by the logic that the media is biased for reporting Francis' orthodox statements on abortion, but not on gay couples.
Wouldn't they have blacked out his comments altogether?
The more likely explanation -- the gay couples statement was a simple reiteration of the church's position. He's not breaking any new ground.
The lines comparing abortion to the Nazi policies goes well beyond previous Popes' statements.
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