Cardinal-elect Toribio Ticona ( CNA/Archbishopric of Cochabamba)
VATICAN | MAY. 29, 2018
Bolivian Cardinal-Elect Denounces Rumors of a Wife and Children
'Personally, I am happy that these accusations should come out at this time, in order to definitively close the case,' the cardinal-elect said.
LA PAZ, Bolivia — Cardinal-elect Toribio Ticona of Bolivia, issued a statement Tuesday that strongly denounced rumors that he has a wife and children.
“As a result of the false accusation which is being spread in the media regarding my private life, it is my duty to declare and emphatically make clear that its content does not correspond to the truth,” the bishop emeritus of Corocoro said in a statement released by the Bolivian Bishops’ Conference.
The cardinal-elect said he interprets the rumors as an attack not only against himself, but against Pope Francis, who recently chose him to be elevated to the position of cardinal.
“If these accusations persist, I will have no problem filing a libel lawsuit against those promoting or propagating this,” he said.
Cardinal-elect Ticona, 81, said that similar rumors surfaced in 2011, but “ended up being simple calumny.”
“Personally, I am happy that these accusations should come out at this time, in order to definitively close the case,” he added.
Earlier this week, the blog Adelante la Fe reported that “It is a well-known fact that while (Ticona) was serving his office in Corocoro, he was living (as husband and wife) with a lady in Oruro’s chancery. She and her children are proud to be called wife and children of the Patacamaya bishop, as Bishop Toribio Ticona is also known.”
Earlier this month, Pope Francis announced that he would be holding a June consistory to create 14 new cardinals who express the “universality” of the Church. Francis made particular note of his election of Bishop Ticona along with two other bishops, saying that they “have distinguished themselves for their service to the Church.”
Cardinal-elect Ticona has been described as a charismatic figure and an advocate for the poor. Upon being named a cardinal by Pope Francis, Bishop Ticona said it was “a great surprise” and that he thanked God for the honor.
Toribio Ticona was born to a poor Bolivian family in 1937, and worked as a shoe shiner, newspaper vendor and a mayor. Influenced heavily by the Belgian priests at his home parish, he entered San Cristóbal seminary in 1960 and was ordained a priest Jan. 29, 1967.
He was named auxiliary bishop of Potosí in 1986, and in 1992 was made the Prelature of Corocoro in La Paz.
After learning of his election as a cardinal, the Bolivian Bishops’ Conference said that “Bishop Toribio embodies the vocation of a humble priest who serves. Our Church joins in giving thanks to the Lord for this gift.”
“As a result of the false accusation which is being spread in the media regarding my private life, it is my duty to declare and emphatically make clear that its content does not correspond to the truth,” the bishop emeritus of Corocoro said in a statement released by the Bolivian Bishops’ Conference.
The cardinal-elect said he interprets the rumors as an attack not only against himself, but against Pope Francis, who recently chose him to be elevated to the position of cardinal.
“If these accusations persist, I will have no problem filing a libel lawsuit against those promoting or propagating this,” he said.
Cardinal-elect Ticona, 81, said that similar rumors surfaced in 2011, but “ended up being simple calumny.”
“Personally, I am happy that these accusations should come out at this time, in order to definitively close the case,” he added.
Earlier this week, the blog Adelante la Fe reported that “It is a well-known fact that while (Ticona) was serving his office in Corocoro, he was living (as husband and wife) with a lady in Oruro’s chancery. She and her children are proud to be called wife and children of the Patacamaya bishop, as Bishop Toribio Ticona is also known.”
However, in a May 29 article in Italian newspaper Il Messaggero, journalist Franca Giansoldati reported that the Vatican has carried out “deep investigations” of the claims, which found that “nothing is true” regard the rumors.
The Vatican has not yet responded publicly to the claims.Earlier this month, Pope Francis announced that he would be holding a June consistory to create 14 new cardinals who express the “universality” of the Church. Francis made particular note of his election of Bishop Ticona along with two other bishops, saying that they “have distinguished themselves for their service to the Church.”
Cardinal-elect Ticona has been described as a charismatic figure and an advocate for the poor. Upon being named a cardinal by Pope Francis, Bishop Ticona said it was “a great surprise” and that he thanked God for the honor.
Toribio Ticona was born to a poor Bolivian family in 1937, and worked as a shoe shiner, newspaper vendor and a mayor. Influenced heavily by the Belgian priests at his home parish, he entered San Cristóbal seminary in 1960 and was ordained a priest Jan. 29, 1967.
He was named auxiliary bishop of Potosí in 1986, and in 1992 was made the Prelature of Corocoro in La Paz.
After learning of his election as a cardinal, the Bolivian Bishops’ Conference said that “Bishop Toribio embodies the vocation of a humble priest who serves. Our Church joins in giving thanks to the Lord for this gift.”
TJM.....TJM.......Earth to TJM......Come in, TJM.....
Carlton Kavanaugh,
That's a snappy new nom de plume - I have become increasingly skeptical of the heirarchy's denials since the homosexual abuse sex scandals of the past few decades - the heirarchy repeatedly denied the charges. Remember "I did not have sex with that woman?" Stay tuned!
I agree with TJM. Why not a DNA test to determine if the children are his? Also, anyone know if any Church funds have been used to support those who have been claiming to be the "wife and kids?" All very easy to find out, if the Church wishes to quash the rumors.
TJM, Yeah, except among Priests it is, "I did not have a woman with that sex."
And when the DNA test shows that the children are NOT his, TJM et. al., will note with glee that DNA test results can be faked.
What's the source - or, better, WHO is the source of the accusations? Rorate Caeli cites the website Adelante la Fe's unnamed sources saying, "The information has been appropriately and thoroughly checked from multiple sources on the ground."
So, you read it on the internet... it MUST be true!
Kavanaugh, lol. Well you might be right, the New York Slimes is on the internet and they lie all the time
Here was yesterday's "accurate" report from Rorate Caeli:
Scandal: A Bishop "Married" with Children Will Be Created Cardinal by Francis
"Scandalous news first broken by our Spanish-language partners at Adelante la Fe. The information, it was said, has been appropriately and thoroughly checked from multiple sources on the ground."
Yeah. Right.
The story was designed, ultimately, to defame the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis. That is why yesterday right-wing bloggers focused upon photos of a smiling Pope Francis having embraced Bishop Ticona.
Right-wing comment boxes filled with..."This shouldn't surprise anybody...this is Evil Clown Francis trying to destroy the Church...No doubt the story is true"...type responses from those who hate Pope Francis.
Very sad.
Mark Thomas
I would not be too quick to gloat that reports are completely inaccurate because the "libel label" is being thrown around. Irregular relationships AND children have been known to occur. Remember Emmanuel Milingo? Of course there have been others.
He is threatening lawsuits against news agencies (blogs?) but has he sued the woman and children (likely adults by now) that have been claiming this for years? If not, why not?
Also, remember how just very recently the Pope was calling all the accusations against a certain Chilean bishop "calumny" "without evidence" "sinful".....? I know I do....
Dan said..."Also, remember how just very recently the Pope was calling all the accusations against a certain Chilean bishop "calumny" "without evidence" "sinful".....? I know I do...."
Has evidence been presented that has resulted in the conviction of a certain Chilean bishop?
Pope Francis ordered an investigation into claims lodged against a certain Chilean bishop. The investigation failed to establish the validity of claims lodged against a certain Chilean bishop.
Was Pope Francis expected to declare "guilty" a certain Chilean bishop when said investigation had cleared the certain Chilean bishop in question?
Mark Thomas
Dan, Kavanaugh using his various nom de plumes will begin attacking you!!
MT is likely unaware that concubinage among clerics in South America is fairly common. Not too many years ago a bishop there resigned for concubinage. Even the Golden Calf himself has questioned celibacy because the clergy down there has difficulty in conforming to this requirement
MT your gullibility is hilarious.
Even if all the rumors are "lies" and "calumny," surely these allegations were known to Francis when selecting him for Cardinalship. There were of course other possible candidates. This makes me wonder if Francis is just totally unconcerned with the possibility of scandalizing his flock.
Dan said..."Even if all the rumors are "lies" and "calumny," surely these allegations were known to Francis when selecting him for Cardinalship. There were of course other possible candidates. This makes me wonder if Francis is just totally unconcerned with the possibility of scandalizing his flock."
Even if all the rumors against a candidate are lies and calumny, a Pope must deny the Red Hat to the candidate in question?
Does that principle extend, for example to the following:
Claims that he was "Hitler's Pope" have been lodged against Pope Venerable Pius XII.
Therefore, it's imprudent to declare Pope Venerable Pius XII a Saint...too much baggage associated with him...
...even if it's all lies and calumny.
Mark Thomas
Dan said..."MT your gullibility is hilarious."
Translation: A certain Chilean bishop has not been found guilty of charges that certain folks have lodged against him. Nevertheless, a certain Chilean bishop is guilty as charged.
Mark Thomas
Should the Pope consider whether or not his actions, words, or behaviours give scandal?
Easy question. Yes, or no.
"Giving scandal" was one of the things Catholics worried about in the "olden days" of a couple years ago.
Cardinal Burke declared that the SSPX is in schism. He is far from alone among Churchmen, not to mention laymen, who have major problems with the SSPX.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified the SSPX as a "hate group."
The ADL declared that the SSPX is "mired in Anti-Semitism."
Nevertheless, His Holiness Pope Francis has ignored the above allegations that people within and without the Church has lodged against the SSPX.
How dare Pope Francis Holiness ignore said allegations against the SSPX! He has scandalized Catholics and others who have insisted that the Society of Saint Pius X is schismatic/anti-Semitic/hateful.
The allegations against the SSPX must be true.
Let us not be gullible.
Mark Thomas
To avoid "giving scandal," Pope Francis (or any Pope) must not sing the praises of "Hitler's Pope" — Pope Venerable Pius XII.
There are simply too many allegations against Pope Venerable Pius XII for the Church to ever recognize him as a Saint.
We must not be gullible in regard to Pope Venerable Pius XII.
Just as everybody knows that one South American Cardinal and bishop after another has a mistress, it is also common knowledge that Pope Venerable Pius XII aided the Nazis.
Come on...the mountain of allegations against Pope Venerable Pius XII must true.
Oh, and the mountain of allegations of schism and anti-Semitism in regard to the SSPX must be true.
Let us not be gullible.
An accused person is always guilty.
Mark Thomas
Four years ago Kieran Conry, the bishop of Arundel and Brighton, resigned after it emerged in the secular media that he had had affairs with at least two women (one of them married and twenty years his junior). He apologized to his flock but claimed he had done nothing illegal, conveniently forgetting Canon Law, and tried to mitigate his hypocrisy by saying that he had deliberately refrained from preaching on the subject of chastity.
He was a protégé of Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor, who even after his retirement in 2009 wielded considerable influence over the appointment of bishops, and was the leading English-speaking member of 'Team Bergoglio' in the run-up to the 2013 conclave. Even before Conry's consecration in 2001 his philandering was an open secret, but as a liberal he was given a pass. He only resigned when he realized that the 'Mail on Sunday' was about to expose him.
There was an enquiry as to whether Conry had taken advantage of 'vulnerable' women, but it was held in secret and its findings were never published.
The point is that the rumours, and the rumours that Conry was effectively protected by his liberal confrères, proved only too true.
Mark Thomas... yeah sure..... and the sworn testimony and witness statements and names and addresses, given long before Francis was pope, is all just a plot that was being arranged just in case Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elevated to the papacy. This pope being a genius selected the bestest candidate ever.
But I am surprised that you imply that "Hitler's Pope" may have been in any way "scandalous." I do not think that goose stepping in the halls of the Vatican and occasionally substituting a "Heil Hilter" for an amen, counts as sinful behavior.
Mark Thomas
A word of advice. Avoid irony. Firstly, for some reason, it doesn't usually work on the internet. Secondly, skilled practitioners of the art know that a little goes a long way. Thirdly, you do not have the literary skill to pull it off.
Pope Pius XII has been he subject of lies, innuendo, and calumny. He, in fact, in what he was able to do both personally and through his office get others throughout Europe to do, resulted in the saving of thousands upon thousands of Jews and others who might have ended up in a Nazi death camp.
This was influential in the Chief Rabbi of Rome converting to Catholicism.
Controversy surrounded Pope Pius IX as well. At least he has been beatified.
His canonization process was opened on 11 February 1907 by Pope Pius X, and brought with it controversy over the years. It was closed under the pontificates of Pope Benedict XV and Pope Pius XI. Pope Pius XII re-opened the cause on December 7, 1954
He was beatified (declared Blessed) by Pope St John Paul II on September 3rd 2000 after the recognition of a miracle. The beatification of Pius IX was controversial and was criticized by some Jews and Christians because of what was perceived as his authoritarian, reactionary politics; the accusation of abuse of episcopal powers; and anti-Semitism.
In his 1864 Syllabus of Errors he condemned liberalism, modernism, moral relativism, secularization, and separation of church and state.
Interestingly, both of these Popes proclaimed Marian Dogmas.
Mark Thomas, please write to Pope Francis to correct the injustice that has been done to Pope Pius XII.
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