
Saturday, May 4, 2024


In an act of true humility for this particular pope, Pope Francis is depicted in traditional papal vestments as a sign of his turn to the right? Can it be true?

This week, Pope Francis talked about two things in a very positive way, he talked positively about parish priests without denigrating them and he spoke positively about making reparation for sin. 

He didn’t complain about worrying about sin as being rigid, backwards or obsolete. He encouraged examination of conscience and the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the reparation that is demanded of our forgiven sins. This is very traditional, Jesuit missionary zeal as it concerns the promotion of devotion to the Sacred Heart. 



What’s going on here? It’s a head scratcher. 


Amont said...

His Holiness is a master tactician.He weaves both left and right according to his own mindset.Keeping the opposition "off"; so that his ultimate goal can be achieved while the other side is left confused.Smoke and mirrors.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

What's going on here? You're finally starting to see Pope Francis without looking through the distorting filter of the "T"LM and all the associated rigamarole. If this trend continues and your understanding of him grows beyond trying to make him into someone he is not, you'll be well on the way to appreciating him more deeply.

Bob said...

Who knows? Who cares? He glories in being inscrutible to enemies and friends alike, does the exact opposite of expected even to changing what he wanted to do, simply because somebody leaked it.

He talks "God of suprises", but glories in "Pope of suprises" to keep everyone off balance....which might be understandable or even admirable if he had a real plan....but he never has and never will have a real plan, and as he sinks into old age, it likely a god of chaos who rules.

Bob said...

I shall be suprised if he lasts another year, shocked if he makes it thru two.

Personally, what I think is going on here is that he finally realized that he has hurt even those he favors for succession, their association with him and his rep on left and right as a total downer to both sides eliminating chances of nomination in a conclave, and he is trying to put on a fatherly face, finally, to aid his associates.

Which fatherly face will not and cannot last long, not with someone who considers himself a master tactician, while all others see unpredictable, mercurial and a bungler who values unpredictable over all else, that being what makes him a master tactician in his own mind. He and Peron self-fancied as Machiavellian power holders, but lacking Machiavelli's intelligence.

I really do not care what he does. He won't last much longer.

Mark Thomas said...

Pope Francis has, time and again throughout his Pontificate, praised priests.

Conversely, his criticisms in regard to certain priests are rooted in then-Cardinal Ratzinger's 2005 A.D. horrific assessment of the priesthood.

More on that below.


Among his horrific portrayals of priests is then-Cardinal Ratzinger's 1988 A.D. declaration in which he insisted that "many priests" had "desacralized Sacred Liturgy, as well as having "despoiled the churches as much as they could of that splendor which brings to mind the sacred; and they have reduced the liturgy to the language and the gestures of ordinary life, by means of greetings, common signs of friendship, and such things."


Cardinal Ratzinger did not stop there. In 2005 A.D., then-Cardinal Ratzinger insisted that filth abounded within the priesthood.

On August 20, 2018 A.D., Pope Francis made it clear that he was influenced by then-Cardinal Ratzinger's 2005 A.D. horrific portrayal, as well as scathing denunciation, of the filth that had filled the priesthood.

Pope Francis declared: "I make my own the words of the then Cardinal Ratzinger when, during the Way of the Cross composed for Good Friday 2005, he identified with the cry of pain of so many victims and exclaimed:

“How much filth there is in the Church, and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to [Christ]! How much pride, how much self-complacency!"

"Christ’s betrayal by his pierces his heart. We can only call to him from the depths of our hearts: Kyrie eleison – Lord, save us!"


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

With Father McDonald's permission, I believe that it's fair and important to note the following in regard to my previous comment:

It is true that Cardinal Ratzinger had directed scathing, dreadful criticisms against priests. But he also issued positive assessments of the priesthood.

In 2018 A.D., Pope Francis noted that he had been influenced by then-Cardinal Ratzinger's horrific 2005 A.D. assessment of the priesthood.

Pope Francis declared: "I make my own the words of the then Cardinal Ratzinger when, during the Way of the Cross composed for Good Friday 2005, he identified with the cry of pain of so many victims and exclaimed:

“How much filth there is in the Church, and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to [Christ]! How much pride, how much self-complacency! Christ’s betrayal by his disciples..."

However, Pope Francis, in line with Cardinal's Ratzinger, has always noted along with criticisms aimed at priests, that Holy Mother Church has been blessed with many holy priests.

Pope Francis is in line with Pope Benedict XVI who, in turn, had noted simply that good and bad exists within the Church/priesthood.


Mark Thomas

Bob said...

Whereupon Francis did then fill his court with every manner of filth, appointed a Doctrine chief who didst writest of kissing and orgasms, and they lived happily ever after, amen.

Bob said...

And, lo, those injured by filth were disparaged by Francis, who yea and verily did accuse them of lying, and those appointed to root out filth in Holy Church did then quit in despair when ignored by Francis And so did Francis then cleanse the Church of all who would cleanse the Church, and did create even a new province for one filthy bishop who didst molest young priests. And lo, Francis did then dispose of what filth became a constant press thorn in his side, after doing all in his power to protect and even conceal them. And these are only a part of the annals of Francis, and were all of them to be writ, they would number a library in the largest of porn stores.

Bob said...

And, lo, those injured by filth were disparaged by Francis, who yea and verily did accuse them of lying, and those appointed to root out filth in Holy Church did then quit in despair when ignored by Francis And so did Francis then cleanse the Church of all who would cleanse the Church, and did create even a new province for one filthy bishop who didst molest young priests. And lo, Francis did then dispose of what filth became a constant press thorn in his side, after doing all in his power to protect and even conceal them. And these are only a part of the annals of Francis, and were all of them to be writ, they would number a library in the largest of porn stores.

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."He didn’t complain about worrying about sin as being rigid, backwards or obsolete."

Pope Francis has encouraged us to fear sin.

-- Pope Francis: Fear sin, not death

"Catholics have no reason to fear death, because Christ the Lord has power over death; instead, they should fear sin, which hardens and kills the soul, Pope Francis said Sunday.


Pope Francis has encouraged us to feel ashamed of our sins.

-- Don't be afraid of shame, open hearts to God's mercy, pope says

"Feeling ashamed of one's sins does not mean wallowing in guilt, rather it is the gateway all men and women can use to experience firsthand God's tender mercy and forgiveness, Pope Francis said.

"Christians should be grateful for shame because it "means that we do not accept evil, and that is good," the pope said..

"Shame is a secret invitation of the soul that needs the Lord to overcome evil," the pope said. "The tragedy is when we are no longer ashamed of anything. Do not be afraid of being ashamed! Let us pass from shame to forgiveness!"


Pope Francis has encouraged us to cultivate the Church's understanding in regard to the fear of God.

-- POPE FRANCIS, GENERAL AUDIENCE Wednesday, 11 June 2014:

"The gift of fear of the Lord, which we are speaking about today, concludes the series of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. It does not mean being afraid of God: we know well that God is Father, that he loves us and wants our salvation, and he always forgives, always; thus, there is no reason to be scared of him!"

"Fear of the Lord, instead, is the gift of the Holy Spirit through whom we are reminded of how small we are before God and of his love and that our good lies in humble, respectful and trusting self-abandonment into his hands. This is fear of the Lord: abandonment in the goodness of our Father who loves us so much."


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."He encouraged examination of conscience and the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the reparation that is demanded of our forgiven sins."

I am uncertain as to why the above has constituted in Pope Francis a turn to the right. The above is not the property of, if you will, "right-wing Catholicism."


Mark Thomas

Bob said...

Sorry for the double post which I DO hope gets vaporized.

It had not much to do with original topic, but neither did Mark's post regarding Benedict honestly reporting on perverts in the Church as compared to Francis bashing priests for clothing style...

where Mark just HAD to bring up Francis quote about filth in the Church, a MOST unfortunate selection on his part if he hoped to finish the comment section with Francis on positive spin cycle

As for Francis cleaning out the Church or even willingness to do so, just one word....
can I repeat that?

Bob said...

As for my being honest, and Francis fans here being dishonest, had we had a pope who suppressed the new Mass and made the Tridentine the norm, BUT who surrounded himself with perverts, did all in their power to shield and protect them, even to spiriting them away from justice to create a new job title for them...

I would have been just as disparaging of them as I am of Francis....

Likely I would have been disparaging them of suppressing a papally approved new Mass used now for lifetimes, as the Mass abuse and sex abuse are two sides of one coin, corrupt priests and bishops...

While the Francis fans here will simply not admit their champion can do any wrong, making them dishonest to selves and all their hoped for readers.

Fr. David Evans said...

Matthew 7:15

Bob said...

You said it, Father which I always add, "By their fruits shall ye know them."

TJM said...

For those who are sane and living in the real world, here is a must-read article about Pope Merciful:

You will LOVE the reference to the Roche

Bob said...

I posted that in another thread...a really well written article by someone same as me who gave Francis a clean slate at beginning of papacy, only to have him cover it with hate messages and then smear it with (edited for family viewing).

An excellent look at papabile posing as well as insider commentary.

I'll post it again, too...

TJM said...


That is the one I posted. Expect a lying leftist who posts here to go wild!

TJM said...


Our resident faux Catholic priest will be proud of this. I guess he hates poor Black children who are "taught" by these evil, leftwing loons: