
Saturday, February 16, 2019


Mr. Ted must be enraged by what Pope Francis has done to him. There is nothing worse than a pathologically disordered homosexual, whose narcissism makes him feel entitled to his homosexual disorders, when he becomes enraged.

Will this cause Mr. Ted to talk and answer Archbishop Viganò’s accusations and name names of those who enabled and maintained his lust for power all the way up to Pope Francis papacy?

Hell hath no fury than a homosexual scorned! Time will tell. But just imagine how much Mr. Ted would make when he writes his tell all book!

We can be sure of this, at the final judgment which is already but not yet, everything will be spoken and seen in the Lord’s painful purification.


Anonymous said...

Bee here:

"Hell hath no fury than a homosexual scorned!

Fr. McD, this is a most astute observation, only in that I have known quite a few homosexual men as co-workers and even neighbors, and I have too have noticed there is often a disproportionate furious reaction to seemingly ordinary conflicts (In my case, I'm referring to a homosexual neighbors' over-the-top reaction and vindictiveness over a dispute about where they wanted to place a new fence. You don't want to know the gory details.)

I had not thought about McCarrick's reaction, but I think you may have something there!

God bless.

Cletus Ordo said...

Speaking of tell-all books, WHY in heaven's name is Archbishop Rembert Weakland still a bishop and still able to officiate at Confirmations and the like while McCormick gets what MANY of them deserve?

Dan said...

I hope he goes on a talking tour with Vigano.

rcg said...

He fears the lavender mafia more than God. Always has. He will speak only at his final judgment.

Desmond said...

I have it on quite good authority [which I do not have permission to name] that McCarrick is privately quite wealthy. He doesn't need the money from such a book. Once Francis signed the order, and the dye was cast, McCarrick began preparations to leave the Monastery where Francis sent him [ a Capuchin monastery in mid-USA., which I've been to in the recent past.] i.e., Once laicized, the apparel of apparent obedience has been caste off.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Once a cleric is returned to the lay state, he is a private citizen with more personal freedoms. The rank of clergy is not a cult. The Vhurch has o more temporal power over him. Thst’s The state’s responsibility.