The author of the article below from the National Chismatic Reporter (NCR) is my age if not older and that says it all with certain Catholics my age and older.
I say that because I was taught what this old man, a caricature of the 1960's and 70's and a hero to those who have nostalgia for those days, usually people my age and older, is promoting in 2018 of all times.
Catholic reverence, humility and a healthy sense of unworthiness were all tossed out the window by post-Catholics be they liturgists, bishops, priests, nuns/sisters, monks/brothers.
Read this entire article by pressing the title. It would be funny if not so sad and certainly lays the groundwork for irreverence and a reimagine of the Catholic faith into post-Catholicism:
The author looks to the Scriptures, and somehow missed that he is revulsed by what is very nearly a direct quotation from a centurion speaking to our Lord? There is literally one word of difference - soul vs servant.
The question here is why is the idea of unworthiness so offensive to this person? After 2,000 years of even our greatest saints expressing their unworthiness, what makes this person (and his like-minded friends) so special that they have to be reminded that they ARE worthy/
Perhaps they would feel more comfortable at a Baptist church or some non-denominational setting, where people assure themselves that they "got saved" and can feel that wonderful Protestant self-righteousness of "being sanctified", that great "blessed assurance" that "now that I'm saved, I cain't lose it!" (I'll bet he never goes to Confession).
No, that wouldn't work either, because these types don't have enough integrity to just go off and be Protestants. They're destroyers. They want to Protestantize the Catholic Church. And they've darn near succeeded.
It is interesting how the New Mass differs from the old on this subject. In the old Mass the priest repeatedly acknowledges his unworthiness to God before (PATFA) and during the Mass, as the one that addresses God on behalf of the faithful and in performing the Sacrifice. And the people too acknowledge their unworthiness to God before Communion not merely once as in the New Mass, but in the old the "Domine, non sum dignus..." is said three times by everyone recalling Peter's denial of Christ three times. Unless we have lived God and not Nothing every moment of our lives here on earth, we are unworthy, that we can never be as good as God is. Otherwise we would be gods.
The New Mass seems to fit well with Universalism, where it is assumed that everyone will be saved regardless of their sins, because everyone is assumed to be good enough, so no need for all those humble acknowledgements of a being a sinner. There is lots of Pride here. Even Paul's warning of self-condemnation when eating the Bread and Wine unworthily has been suppressed. Confession these days is only for those really rotten apples, it seems. Thank you Bugnini et al.
Bee here:
In response to the original article: Wow. Just wow. Arrogance and pride in a nutshell....the sin of Satan...
God bless.
You nailed it. Most "Catholics" who hate the EF hate it because of all the badmouthing it has taken from "progressives".
The people who TRULY hate the Traditional Mass are those who recognize the contrast it draws between sinful man and his unworthiness and the Glory of God who, through no need of His own, chose to send His Son to save us--who neither deserve or appreciate it.
The "New Church" of Vatican II would rather wallow in empty pride than acknowledge the Truth.
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