A sign of the future as Justice Kavanaugh take his oath of office:

He was an altar boy, most important for a Supreme Court justice, to say the least!
His pastor for whom he was an altar boy, today is the head of Catholic Charities and former altar boy Kavanaugh assists him with feeding the homeless. Very good, faith and good works walk hand in hand by God's grace.
He is a member of The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament and his daughters attend its school where Kavanaugh is a coach, a CYO coach for his daughter's basketball team which won the championships.
The only negative that I can see is that he attended Jesuit High School.
Overall, though, all of the above means that he is an excellent candidate for the Supreme Court.

His pastor for whom he was an altar boy, today is the head of Catholic Charities and former altar boy Kavanaugh assists him with feeding the homeless. Very good, faith and good works walk hand in hand by God's grace.
He is a member of The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament and his daughters attend its school where Kavanaugh is a coach, a CYO coach for his daughter's basketball team which won the championships.
The only negative that I can see is that he attended Jesuit High School.
Overall, though, all of the above means that he is an excellent candidate for the Supreme Court.
He is a practicing Catholic?
He was Jesuit trained. That’s all I need to know. And look at the above picture of him taking the oath on a protestant version of the Bible (NIV). All good Catholics do things like that right. Tells me all I need to know. Jesuit trained. That right there is a red flag. Let me make a guess. He probably doesn’t have to much of a problem with abortion or same sex “marriage”? I don’t know enough about him yet but I bet he doesn’t. I hope I’m wrong.
Well, the Washington Archdiocese is more liberal than the very conservative, adjoining Diocese of Arlington (Northern Virginia)...
Already you see opposition to his nomination from the likes of far-left Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Planned Parenthood, NARAL...if those are his opponents, well, that makes me think all the more highly of him.
As for abortion and same-sex "marriage", it is not likely the court would want to cause a firestorm by blatantly overturning and directly overturning either...more likely, they would nibble away at abortion---like perhaps upholding bans at say 18 weeks, then earlier---basically gut Roe without ever explicitly doing so.
He may be more sympathetic to religious liberty legislation, like the recent case of the Colorado baker who did not want to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.
Kennedy was hardly an ideal justice from an abortion or marriage standpoint, but he reportedly voted with Scalia 82 percent of the time as of a few years ago.
And even if Trump nominated a "less than perfect" candidate, he or she would be infinitely preferable to a choice made by a Democratic president.
Anonymous 7:17 - Could you be ANY more ill-informed?
Kavanaugh has a written record a mile long.
THAT, and not your childish anti-Jesuit fetish, will tell you all you need to know.
Try looking at that record rather than erupting in your typical vomitous manner
All those nasty Jesuits:
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Cardinal Avery Dulles, Fr. Kenneth Baker, Fr. John Hardon, Fr. William Blazek, St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Edmund Campion, St. Rene Goupil, St. Paul Miki, St. Henry Walpole....
Really treacherous, those Jesuits....
You forgot to mention Pope Francis, Freudian slip?
I have to agree with that post. The Jesuits are awful and their schools and colleges are anything but Catholic. The good ones are few and far between.
Interesting how the Left complains about there being a "litmus test" with Trump appointments ("they must be pro-life") but has no problem with a litmus test when a Democratic president nominates a "for sure" pro-choice candidate...think there was any doubt in Obama's mind that Kagan and Sotomoyor were pro-choice when he appointed them to the court?
Sad to see so-called Catholics (like Jennifer Granholm of Michigan and Kristin Gillibrand of New York) warn of the demise of Roe if there is a GOP-appointed majority on the court. But then again, they are only taking after Teddy Kennedy, who warned of "back-alley" abortions if Robert Bork were appointed to the court...
If I had been in the senate when Kennedy said that, I would have said "Senator Oldsmobile, have you no shame, have you no decency," followed by, "I thought you were supposed to be a Catholic."
Kavanaugh says he considers Roe v. Wade to be settled law, the Law of the Land. Enough said?
TJM - and since the rules of the Senate (Sections 2 and 3 state that a Senator shall not impute to another Senator "by any form of words" any conduct or motive that is unworthy or unbecoming of a Senator and shall not speak offensively toward a U.S. state) forbid attacking another Senator's integrity, you would have been, rigytly, censurec by the president pro-tem of the Senate, shamed for your lack of civility, and embarassed beford your constituents.
But, of course, being self-righteous, these violations of accepted civility would not trouble you in the least.
Kavanaugh, is that you?
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