Thursday, February 28, 2019
This article is frightening on so many levels. Press title to read it:
Jailed Cdl. Pell is victim of anti-Catholic witch hunt, critics maintain
Press title for complete Crux article:
British actor compares medieval Church to ISIS
Everett criticized the spending and eating habits of clergy, whom he claims to have witnessed ordering five course meals during his frequent stays in Rome. “They would do better to follow in the example of Jesus, give everything up for charity and live in poverty,” he said.
Not even Pope Francis was spared from the actor’s criticism, which expressed mistrust in the pontiff’s role and influence when he was head of the Jesuits in Argentina.
“I don’t trust him,” Everett said, “he proclaims a lot of good things, and then he fails to do them.”
He went on to describe Francis as “a marketing man” and claims that he preferred his predecessor Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, whom he despised for his conservatism but “was at least authentic.”
With more than 50 years after Vatican II and with Pope Francis’ 1970’s retro papacy, we have recovered the doctrinal, moral and spiritual chaos and diseases of the period after Vatican II that Pope Francis loves.
This time, though, the sex abuse scandals in all their full ugly array are out in the open thanks to the new social medias, tabloid tell-all culture, regardless of the veracity of the tell all. Thus our current experience of the Church of the 70’s is creating the real possibility of an actual schism.
There already is one in the Magisterium. It just isn’t formal and there is one among the clergy. It just isn’t formal. And certainly there is one among the laity. It just isn’t formal.
But that informality could very quickly become formal if a cardinal or bishop goes rogue like Lefebrve or secular powers force a secular vision on the Church, like the communist Chinese Catholic government Church with the true Church underground.
This is a secular newspaper’s blurb from the nuclear explosion in Australia. What do you make of it. Are orthodox Catholics deep into a persecution and “ethnic cleansing”? Is there now open warfare between the heterodox and orthodox factions of the Catholic Church with the heterodox radicalized by Pope Francis’ chaotic papacy?
And does the pope and his cohorts fear the pagan LGBTQ 🏳️🌈 lobbies which are supremely powerful today in the Church and secular society and because of this they are willing to sacrifice Catholic moral teachings and natural law on the altar of the homosexual marital bed with baldacchino and or bed canopy?
The Australian newspaper’s blurb is below the photo:
Oregon bishop asks parishioners to sign assents against associating with Holy Communion Evangelical Catholic Church
There already is one in the Magisterium. It just isn’t formal and there is one among the clergy. It just isn’t formal. And certainly there is one among the laity. It just isn’t formal.
But that informality could very quickly become formal if a cardinal or bishop goes rogue like Lefebrve or secular powers force a secular vision on the Church, like the communist Chinese Catholic government Church with the true Church underground.
This is a secular newspaper’s blurb from the nuclear explosion in Australia. What do you make of it. Are orthodox Catholics deep into a persecution and “ethnic cleansing”? Is there now open warfare between the heterodox and orthodox factions of the Catholic Church with the heterodox radicalized by Pope Francis’ chaotic papacy?
And does the pope and his cohorts fear the pagan LGBTQ 🏳️🌈 lobbies which are supremely powerful today in the Church and secular society and because of this they are willing to sacrifice Catholic moral teachings and natural law on the altar of the homosexual marital bed with baldacchino and or bed canopy?
The Australian newspaper’s blurb is below the photo:
For the many who have been profoundly harmed through clergy sexual abuse, it seems that they have been heard and believed. For Catholic progressives, a leader of the conservative faction has been pulled down. For all those Catholics made refugees in their own church because they are divorced and remarried, LGBTQI, "living in sin" or doctrinally unorthodox, their nemesis is put down under their feet. For those who dislike the Catholic Church and all it stands for, the public leader of all they detest has been brought low.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
The accusation against Cardinal Pell comes from a victim who describes what Pell did to him and another teenage boy chorister who became a drug addict and committed suicide and was described at the trial as something one would see in homosexual pornography.
Keep in mind that what was described, took place right after Mass in a public cathedral sacristy with Cardinal Pell wearing his pants, clerical shirt, Episcopal cassock, pull over alb, cincture, stole and chasable with miter. Supposedly he greeted congregants after he committed homosexual acts on others and one on him which required a miracle of the parting of all the pull over vestments some tied
with a cincture. One could not even pull up all of that and perform the homosexual sex acts described and then quickly go and greet people still fully robed for Msss including the miter!
This is what John Allen writes:
....the doubts are based on the allegations themselves, which require one to believe that an archbishop known as a fusspot for liturgical rules inexplicably broke protocol to head for the sacristy behind the cathedral altar on a busy Sunday. Normally accompanied by aides but at that moment strangely alone, according to the charge, Pell then discovered two choirboys, also by themselves, sexually abused both boys while still wearing his cumbersome liturgical vestments (which cannot be parted in the ways described in the testimony), and then returned to greeting Mass-goers, all without ever being observed by the host of people who constantly move in and out of the
sacristy on such an occasion.
Cardinal Pell remanded to prison
Following his conviction on charges of the sexual abuse of minors, Cardinal George Pell will be incarcerated in a Melbourne prison in anticipation of a sentencing hearing, expected to take place on 13 March.
By Vatican News
Cardinal George Pell’s bail was revoked during a pre-sentencing hearing at the County Court of Melbourne, where prosecution and defence attorneys presented their concluding arguments. Beginning on Wednesday, Cardinal Pell will be detained at the Melbourne Assessment Prison, pending sentencing. He faces a maximum sentence of ten years for each of the five crimes of which he was convicted.
Cardinal George Pell continues to maintain his innocence, and his lawyer has indicated that he will appeal the conviction. The appeal will be heard by a panel of three judges, rather than a jury; the case will not be closed until the appeal is examined and final decision is rendered.
There is plenty of outrage over the sexual abuse of minors and making sure perpetrators are punished to the full extent of the law with statutes of limitations being eliminated.
But democrats want no legal punishments for those who murder newborn and pre born babies. Why the disconnect over this crime against humanity and why isn’t the Church warning Catholics they should reconsider affiliation with this criminal political organization for the sake of their immortal souls?
Democrats block ‘born alive’ bill in U.S. Senate
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
I think I will rename my blog, Southern gators!
Cardinal Pell’s guilty verdict is old news but Australia just lifted the gag order that most journalists ignored months ago.
Pell is no McCarrick and many believe he was framed. Who knows but God and victims.
But, how in the name of God could sexual abuse or molestation occur in this setting?
In a piece by Ed Condon, he questions the guilty verdict. Perhaps a one size fits all Church justice for clerics needs reexamination. Civil law has no such thing. I wonder if it would be unjust to remove Pell from the clerical state?
This is Condon’s take:
“They have convicted an innocent man,” one source directly familiar with the evidence told CNA. “What’s worse is that they know they have.”
An individual who attended the entire trial in person but is unconnected with Pell’s legal team, told CNA that Pell’s lawyers had made an “unanswerable defense.”
“It was absolutely clear to everyone in that court that the accusations were baseless. It wasn’t that Pell didn’t do what he’s accused of – he clearly couldn’t have done it.”
The allegations are understood to concern Pell assaulting the two choristers in the sacristy of Melbourne cathedral on several occasions immediately following Sunday Mass.
The defense presented a range of witnesses who testified that the cardinal was never alone in the sacristy with altar servers or members of the choir, and that in all the circumstances under which the allegations are alleged to have taken place, several people would have been present in the room.
The sacristy in Melbourne’s Cathedral has large open-plan rooms, each with open arches and halls, and multiple entrances and exits, the defense noted.
Defense attorneys also produced a range of witnesses who testified that Pell was constantly surrounded by priests, other clergy, and guests following Sunday Masses in the cathedral, and that choristers had a room entirely separate from the sacristy in which they changed as a group, before and after Mass.
Cathedral May Be Sold Due to Declining Mass Attendance, Rising Costs
Incredible: St Catherine’s Cathedral in Utrecht is expected to be closed and sold due to an ongoing decrease in attendance, as the aging building has become more expensive to maintain. The cathedral will likely be sold to the Museum Catharijne Convent, a former convent that was turned into a religious art gallery. A hearing for the sale was held on February 18. An online petition has been opened by a group of parishioners who believe there is still a possibility for… Read more
Monday, February 25, 2019
Press title for complete article:
New Survey Shows Disparity of Beliefs Between Latin Mass, Novus Ordo Catholics
- 2% of TLM-attending Catholics approved of contraception vs. 89% of NOM Catholics.
- 1% of TLM Catholics approved of abortion compared to 51% of NOM attendees.
- 99% of TLM Catholics said they attend Mass weekly vs. 22% of NOM.
- 2% of TLM goers approved of “gay marriage” as opposed to 67% of NOM.
As it concerns clericalism and the horizontal referentialism of the modern Mass and Church arhitectecture, we need to move away from the priest being front and center in a confrontational manner to the altar being front and center to include the tabernacle:
Not this:
But this:
Pope Francis in a long, boring concluding talk at the conference for the protection of minors said some important things, but what will be more important are canon laws dealing with bishops who enable abuse through neglect, the poor selection of preistly candidates they ordain (especially if there are indications from formaters that a candidate is unsuitable, and we certainly had that in our diocese with Wayland Brown) and then the poor supervision of priests when red flags are raised about their behavior.
What I heard in Pope Francis is what I thought about 10 years ago. I wonder who wrote this speech which did such a disservice to the pope. The homily by the Australian archbiship was much better in fact:
1. The abuse crisis transcends the Catholic priesthood. This is certainly true, but the pope has the power to clean house as the Supreme Pontiff and deal with the crisis of bishops today--he can't deal with the secular side of this except leading by example and teaching Catholic sexual morality as it concerns chastity and not creating loopholes as he did in Amoris Laetitia. People are quite capable of creating loopholes for themselves; they don't need the pope to encouarage them especially priests who are breaking their promises and/or vows of celibate chastity.
2. I thought the problem was that of abusive priests, but in reality it is a problem of supervision and management of bishops. They are the one who shuffled abusing priests from parish to parish and diocese to diocese. They are the ones who made confidential agreements with victims and they are the ones who acted in a less than transparent way.
3. I have always thought this is a problem of clericalism, that abusing priests had to have their priesthood saved for their sake but also so the bishop could have a body to place in a parish or other setting. Victims seem to left on their own, especially would-be victims, kind of like "buyer beware" when a huckster sells an inferior product, like a used car, to an unsuspecting buyer.
A part of the clericalism is not making distinction between abuse of small children driven by a serious and incurable mental illness and the sexual acting out in the most immoral and unethical way with teenagers by taking advantage of them.
In the Catholic priesthood, pedophilia is a minuscule problem, although one pedophile, especially an unsupervised one or one who uses his priesthood as cover, can have hundreds of victims and there have been notorious cases in the priesthood all of which bishops could have prevented.
But preists who cannot live celibate lives, like young nubile teenagers, be they male or female is not necessarily a serious mental illness but rather a moral illness. It should also be seen as a firing offense.
4. All that I have written indicates that the Church, meaning bishops should be handling this in-house. No, in democratic countries with religious freedom, law enforcement should be called when civil laws are broken. I don't think I heard this at the recent meeting. Did you?
My own policy today is that if I become aware of anyone who is being accused of molestation of a minor, I will call the police first and if it is a church person, a priest or deacon, this will make no difference, but I will call the diocese second.
Law enforcement has a mechanism to sort out accusations.
Not this:
But this:
Pope Francis in a long, boring concluding talk at the conference for the protection of minors said some important things, but what will be more important are canon laws dealing with bishops who enable abuse through neglect, the poor selection of preistly candidates they ordain (especially if there are indications from formaters that a candidate is unsuitable, and we certainly had that in our diocese with Wayland Brown) and then the poor supervision of priests when red flags are raised about their behavior.
What I heard in Pope Francis is what I thought about 10 years ago. I wonder who wrote this speech which did such a disservice to the pope. The homily by the Australian archbiship was much better in fact:
1. The abuse crisis transcends the Catholic priesthood. This is certainly true, but the pope has the power to clean house as the Supreme Pontiff and deal with the crisis of bishops today--he can't deal with the secular side of this except leading by example and teaching Catholic sexual morality as it concerns chastity and not creating loopholes as he did in Amoris Laetitia. People are quite capable of creating loopholes for themselves; they don't need the pope to encouarage them especially priests who are breaking their promises and/or vows of celibate chastity.
2. I thought the problem was that of abusive priests, but in reality it is a problem of supervision and management of bishops. They are the one who shuffled abusing priests from parish to parish and diocese to diocese. They are the ones who made confidential agreements with victims and they are the ones who acted in a less than transparent way.
3. I have always thought this is a problem of clericalism, that abusing priests had to have their priesthood saved for their sake but also so the bishop could have a body to place in a parish or other setting. Victims seem to left on their own, especially would-be victims, kind of like "buyer beware" when a huckster sells an inferior product, like a used car, to an unsuspecting buyer.
A part of the clericalism is not making distinction between abuse of small children driven by a serious and incurable mental illness and the sexual acting out in the most immoral and unethical way with teenagers by taking advantage of them.
In the Catholic priesthood, pedophilia is a minuscule problem, although one pedophile, especially an unsupervised one or one who uses his priesthood as cover, can have hundreds of victims and there have been notorious cases in the priesthood all of which bishops could have prevented.
But preists who cannot live celibate lives, like young nubile teenagers, be they male or female is not necessarily a serious mental illness but rather a moral illness. It should also be seen as a firing offense.
4. All that I have written indicates that the Church, meaning bishops should be handling this in-house. No, in democratic countries with religious freedom, law enforcement should be called when civil laws are broken. I don't think I heard this at the recent meeting. Did you?
My own policy today is that if I become aware of anyone who is being accused of molestation of a minor, I will call the police first and if it is a church person, a priest or deacon, this will make no difference, but I will call the diocese second.
Law enforcement has a mechanism to sort out accusations.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
The Church’s aim will thus be to hear, watch over, protect and care for abused, exploited and forgotten children, wherever they are. To achieve that goal, the Church must rise above the ideological disputes and journalistic practices that often exploit, for various interests, the very tragedy experienced by the little ones.
It is difficult to grasp the phenomenon of the sexual abuse of minors without considering power, since it is always the result of an abuse of power, an exploitation of the inferiority and vulnerability of the abused, which makes possible the manipulation of their conscience and of their psychological and physical weakness. The abuse of power is likewise present in the other forms of abuse affecting almost 85,000,000 children, forgotten by everyone: child soldiers, child prostitutes, starving children, children kidnapped and often victimized by the horrid commerce of human organs or enslaved, child victims of war, refugee children, aborted children and so many others.
Press title for Pope Francis' full concluding speech:
It is difficult to grasp the phenomenon of the sexual abuse of minors without considering power, since it is always the result of an abuse of power, an exploitation of the inferiority and vulnerability of the abused, which makes possible the manipulation of their conscience and of their psychological and physical weakness. The abuse of power is likewise present in the other forms of abuse affecting almost 85,000,000 children, forgotten by everyone: child soldiers, child prostitutes, starving children, children kidnapped and often victimized by the horrid commerce of human organs or enslaved, child victims of war, refugee children, aborted children and so many others.
Press title for Pope Francis' full concluding speech:

At the end of Mass this morning in the Sala Regia of the Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father gave the following concluding address to the participants of the Vatican summit on “The Protection of Minors in the Church”:
Saturday, February 23, 2019
I referred to these two questions and answers in previous posts. Listen for yourselves and judge:
Friday, February 22, 2019
I have been reflecting on today's Vatican news conference and the things I heard and didn't hear.
What I heard from the cardinals and archbishop there was post-Vatican II process babble and the neo-palegianism that I was taught in our 1970's seminary under the guise of eschatology--that some how, we, meaning the Church, through our efforts could bring about the kingdom of God here on earth.
What a crock then and now.
The other thing I heard was the babble of Vatican II and its post Vatican II spirit, that the process by which decision are made by individuals, by dioceses, by conferences of bishops is the best thing everrrr.
Then I heard the bishops, trying to give meaningful theological answers to practical questions of reporters using terms like "communion (not Holy Communion, but the vertical variety), collegiality, synodality and the like.
The camera panned over the reporters and their eyes were glazed over and I was quite embarrassed by the theological babble I was hearing too.
Most of the secular reporters believe that celibacy is the foundation of the problem and that the bishops don't get it. They think that if priests could have healthy, mature relationships with men or women, marry whoever they want, the problem would be solved.
The orthodox Catholics believe it is all about the homosexual subculture in the Church to include the bishops themselves. Delilah Gallagher of CNN basically stated it herself with her question, with disgust in her eyes and voice asked, why she or anyone should trust the bishops, meaning the three in front of them, O'Malley, Cupich and Sciculuna that they aren't having illicit sex themselves since at another Vatican conference it was then Cardinal McCarrick who was acting in the same capacity as these three prelates declaring everything would be made well again by the process that the bishops in the USA had undergone and the Vatican was allowing. What a red faced moment that was!
Heterodox Catholics want priests to marry, whoever they want, women to become priests and the laity to provide temporary priests for specific needs. That 1970's theology, quite popular from Holland, that the assembly could elect its presider from week to week from the faithful who had the charisms for that week.
The bishops need to say there is a moral morass in the Church in both the laity and the clergy and only sack cloth and ashes will be the solution along with common sense practices in terms of recruitment and supervision of those who are ordained.
The ordained must be orthodox and disciplined men of God who actually abide by the faith and morals of the Church. The liturgy must be celebrated in a mature and masculine way and by the book.
If someone can no longer fulfill their high office due to fixated immorality, they should be removed from the clerical state or suspended.
Those who are harmed by immoral priests and bishops should be cared for by the Church and nipping the immorality in the bud before it proliferates to staggering dimensions of abused individuals should be the goal.
I am on a week long vacation, alone not with others, just to silence any gossip. Although a priest friend was to join me, and no we are not clandestine in any way, not to disappoint the voyeurs out there, but he couldn’t join me because his brother is in critical condition in Pensacola. Prayers for him please.
I tooK these photos yesterday in my back yard. They are my buddies:
I just listened to the afternoon news conference from the Vatican concerning the Vatican summit. It was a Vatican feed and while some questions and answers were in English, the majority in fact, some were in Italian and Spanish. I am better at Italian than Spanish but amazed myself that I understood so much of the well spoken (slowly) Spanish.
My Italian is better, but I have a limited (arrested development unfortunately) vocabulary, thus I have to listen closely to the entire paragraph or sentence to interpret what is said because quite frankly there are words used that aren't in my limited vocabulary.
As an aside, a Frenchman asked a question in Italian but his French accent made it sound French. WOW! Talk about the best of both worlds, Italian which I think is truly beautiful but spoken with a French accent which is quite beautiful too. I thought I was understanding French, but he was speaking Italian. KOOOL!!!!!
But now the two elephants. Lifesite news was able to ask a question. She asked about homosexuality in the clergy, sub cultures in the seminary, like the Honduran seminary where 50 seminarians made complaints about a homosexual sub culture. She prefaced her comments by stating we can't generalize about homosexuals and abuse, but wanted to know if these sorts of things are being discussed. THERE WAS A NON ANSWER and a REBUKE by the temporary director of Vatican News.
Then there were two pointed questions about Mr. Ted McCarrick, about his double life (no mention of homosexuality, but that is what it was of course) and what others in the Church, Vatican and otherwise, knew about it and did nothing and in fact enabled his rise to high places even with the current pontificate.
There were non answers from both Cardinals O'Malley, whose answer you could tell was limited but he would have liked to complain as much as the reporters, and Cardinal Cupich, who gave quite a generic answer.
Until the pope and bishops at this summit express that there is more opportunity for homosexual abuse because the Church has been lax in accepting homosexual clergy and treating their sins against nature as not against nature, but merely as sins like heterosexual sex which isn't against nature unless it is unnatural (and no one even knows today what I mean by that) we won't get anywhere.
By God's design the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders is only open to men. This creates a different culture compared to the larger culture. In the larger culture sexual abuse of minors is predominantly a heterosexual phenomenon but not in the Church's subculture due to the nature of the abuse.
Cardinals O'Malley and Cupich and Archbishop Siculna, need to address the two elephant in the room and not shy away, because of political correctness, from the homosexual issue which is somewhat unique in the Catholic experience of sexual abuse of minors, especially adult looking teenagers.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Prophet or fool? I report; you decide!
It was Peter who answered on behalf of the others: “You are the Christ” (ibid.), that is, the Messiah. Peter's answer, which was not revealed to him by “flesh and blood” but was given to him by the Father who is in heaven (cf. Mt 16: 17), contains, as in a seed, the future confession of faith of the Church. However, Peter had not yet understood the profound content of Jesus' Messianic mission, the new meaning of this word: Messiah.
He demonstrates this a little later, inferring that the Messiah whom he is following in his dreams is very different from God’s true plan. He was shocked by the Lord's announcement of the Passion and protested, prompting a lively reaction from Jesus (cf. Mk 8: 32-33).
Peter wanted as Messiah a “divine man” who would fulfil the expectations of the people by imposing his power upon them all: We would also like the Lord to impose his power and transform the world instantly. Jesus presented himself as a “human God,” the Servant of God, who turned the crowd’s expectations upside-down by taking a path of humility and suffering.
This is the great alternative that we must learn over and over again: to give priority to our own expectations, rejecting Jesus, or to accept Jesus in the truth of his mission and set aside all too human expectations.
Peter, impulsive as he was, did not hesitate to take Jesus aside and rebuke him. Jesus’ answer demolished all his false expectations, calling him to conversion and to follow him: “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not on the side of God, but of men” (Mk 8: 33). It is not for you to show me the way; I take my own way and you should follow me.
Peter thus learned what following Jesus truly means. It was his second call, similar to Abraham’s in Genesis 22, after that in Genesis 12: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the Gospel's will save it" (Mk 8: 34-35). This is the demanding rule of the following of Christ: one must be able, if necessary, to give up the whole world to save the true values, to save the soul, to save the presence of God in the world (cf. Mk 8: 36-37). And though with difficulty, Peter accepted the invitation and continued his life in the Master's footsteps.
And it seems to me that these conversions of St. Peter on different occasions, and his whole figure, are a great consolation and a great lesson for us. We, too, have a desire for God; we, too, want to be generous, but we, too, expect God to be strong in the world and to transform the world on the spot, according to our ideas and the needs that we perceive.
God chooses a different way. God chooses the way of the transformation of hearts in suffering and in humility. And we, like Peter, must convert, over and over again. We must follow Jesus and not go before him: it is he who shows us the way.
So it is that Peter tells us: You think you have the recipe and that it is up to you to transform Christianity, but it is the Lord who knows the way. It is the Lord who says to me, who says to you: Follow me! And we must have the courage and humility to follow Jesus, because he is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Archbishop Vigano’s message in full:
“We cannot avoid to see, as a sign of Providence, that you, Pope Francis and brother Bishops representing the entire Church, have come together on the very day on which we celebrate the memory of St. Peter Damian.
This great monk in the 11th century put all his strength and apostolic zeal into renewing the Church in his time, so deeply corrupted by sins of sodomy and simony. He did that with the help of faithful bishops and lay people, especially with the support of Abbot Hildebrand of the Abbey of St. Paul extra muros, the future Pope St. Gregory the Great.
Allow me to propose for our meditation the words of our dear Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, addressed to the people of God in the General Audience of Wednesday, the 17th of May, 2006, commenting on the very passage of the Gospel of Mark 8:27-33 that we proclaimed on today’s Mass.
Allow me to propose for our meditation the words of our dear Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, addressed to the people of God in the General Audience of Wednesday, the 17th of May, 2006, commenting on the very passage of the Gospel of Mark 8:27-33 that we proclaimed on today’s Mass.
“Peter was to live another important moment of his spiritual journey near Caesarea Philippi when Jesus asked the disciples a precise question: ‘Who do men say that I am?’ (Mk 8: 27). But for Jesus hearsay did not suffice. He wanted from those who had agreed to be personally involved with him a personal statement of their position. Consequently, he insisted: “But who do you say that I am?” (Mk 8: 29).
It was Peter who answered on behalf of the others: “You are the Christ” (ibid.), that is, the Messiah. Peter's answer, which was not revealed to him by “flesh and blood” but was given to him by the Father who is in heaven (cf. Mt 16: 17), contains, as in a seed, the future confession of faith of the Church. However, Peter had not yet understood the profound content of Jesus' Messianic mission, the new meaning of this word: Messiah.
He demonstrates this a little later, inferring that the Messiah whom he is following in his dreams is very different from God’s true plan. He was shocked by the Lord's announcement of the Passion and protested, prompting a lively reaction from Jesus (cf. Mk 8: 32-33).
Peter wanted as Messiah a “divine man” who would fulfil the expectations of the people by imposing his power upon them all: We would also like the Lord to impose his power and transform the world instantly. Jesus presented himself as a “human God,” the Servant of God, who turned the crowd’s expectations upside-down by taking a path of humility and suffering.
This is the great alternative that we must learn over and over again: to give priority to our own expectations, rejecting Jesus, or to accept Jesus in the truth of his mission and set aside all too human expectations.
Peter, impulsive as he was, did not hesitate to take Jesus aside and rebuke him. Jesus’ answer demolished all his false expectations, calling him to conversion and to follow him: “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not on the side of God, but of men” (Mk 8: 33). It is not for you to show me the way; I take my own way and you should follow me.
Peter thus learned what following Jesus truly means. It was his second call, similar to Abraham’s in Genesis 22, after that in Genesis 12: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the Gospel's will save it" (Mk 8: 34-35). This is the demanding rule of the following of Christ: one must be able, if necessary, to give up the whole world to save the true values, to save the soul, to save the presence of God in the world (cf. Mk 8: 36-37). And though with difficulty, Peter accepted the invitation and continued his life in the Master's footsteps.
And it seems to me that these conversions of St. Peter on different occasions, and his whole figure, are a great consolation and a great lesson for us. We, too, have a desire for God; we, too, want to be generous, but we, too, expect God to be strong in the world and to transform the world on the spot, according to our ideas and the needs that we perceive.
God chooses a different way. God chooses the way of the transformation of hearts in suffering and in humility. And we, like Peter, must convert, over and over again. We must follow Jesus and not go before him: it is he who shows us the way.
So it is that Peter tells us: You think you have the recipe and that it is up to you to transform Christianity, but it is the Lord who knows the way. It is the Lord who says to me, who says to you: Follow me! And we must have the courage and humility to follow Jesus, because he is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Maria, Mater Ecclesiae, Ora pro nobis,
Maria, Regina Apostolorum, Ora pro nobis.
Maria, Mater Gratiae, Mater Misericordiae, Tu nos ab hoste protege et mortis hora suscipe.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Tit. Archbishop of Ulpiana
Apostolic Nuncio
February 21, 2019
Memory of St. Peter Damian
I just listened to the news conference in Rome about the first session of the bishops meeting to deal with the abuse apocalypse in the Church.
I did not know the following:
The 1983 Code of Canon Law no longer uses the terms "laicization" or "reduced to the lay state" to describe a priest who is "defrocked" which is actually a Protestant term.
It speaks of a deacon, priest or bishop removed from the clerical state.
The term, "reduced to the lay state" is an insult to the laity, isn't it? And perpetuates the concept that priests are better than the laity because their punishment is to become a lay person again.
However, the terms laity and clergy are juridical terms of status in the Church. A priest who is removed from the clerical state is still a priest if he was validly ordained. And in fact in an emergency, a priest who removed from the clerical state can still hear confessions and offer the las rights, in particular the Sacrament of Extreme Unction.
There is nothing stopping a priest who has been removed from the clerical state from celebrating private Masses in his home. These Masses would be valid but illicit. But I doubt that the priest who is now no longer a member of the clergy could care less about what is licit or illicit.
On top of that, the Church cannot force a priest who is removed from the clergy to live under Church supervision or a life of penance. On the state can incarcerate or place on probation a person convicted of a crime. The Church has no authority over a priest who is no longer a member of the clergy, none whatsoever.
Did anyone know any of this or is it breaking news for you?
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
“It is unconscionable that any bishop around the world, no matter what culture you are, no matter what country you come from, can say (he didn’t know how to handle cases of abuse).”No! That is not an excuse and that needs to end,” said Cruz.
Isely said: “How do you get to be a bishop and you need an education on the rape of a child?”
Unprecedented contempt and disrespect was heaped upon the pope today by victims of clergy sex abuse at a scheduled Vatican meeting with them that the Holy Father was not scheduled to attend and didn't. If we were living in the 1950's and something like this happened, faithful Catholics would be up in arms condemning those who showed such disrespect. But it would not have happened in the 1950's although it did happen in the 1500's when Martin Luther and his cohorts did basically the same thing.
I, a recovering ultramontanist, would have recoiled by what is described by this reporter in the link I provide below and I would have sided with the pope and those in the Vatican. While there is still a remnant of ultramontanism in me, I am siding with the victims on this one.
But apart from demanding that the Pope and bishops of the Church follow canon and civil law as it concerns clergy who abuse and the pope who alone could make canonical changes to make stronger canon law as it regards sanctions against bishops and priests, what is the theology of these victims and the various victims' organizations there are? Are they heterodox? Do they want women priests? Do they want gay marriage and marriage of a variety of kinds opened to Catholic clergy? Do they profess the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith or are they pawns of the devil, his relatives, as Pope Francis claims?
Press for Reuter's article:
Abuse victims demand to see pope, call for bishops to be fired
Yes, the higher and lower clergy are under attack and have been since Vatican II by heterodox Catholics. We've been under attack by the world for 2000 years.
This pope is accomplishing what Pope St. Paul VI accomplished, alienating both the heterodox and orthodox in Catholicism leaving only the remnant middle, disengaged for sake of sanity, to fill the pews.
There is some truth here, but the pope is like Adam, blaming the devil for what he has caused. What do you make of this?:
This pope is accomplishing what Pope St. Paul VI accomplished, alienating both the heterodox and orthodox in Catholicism leaving only the remnant middle, disengaged for sake of sanity, to fill the pews.
There is some truth here, but the pope is like Adam, blaming the devil for what he has caused. What do you make of this?:
The Pope: those who spend their lives accusing the Church are relatives of the devil
Audience to the faithful of Benevento who had
welcomed him in Pietrelcina: Padre Pio “loved the Church with all its problems, he didn’t destroy it with his tongue as it's fashionable to do now”

Pope Francis
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Pubblicato il 20/02/2019
Ultima modifica il 20/02/2019 alle ore 13:29
As Padre Pio “loved the Church, with all its problems and its adversities”, and “did not destroy it with his tongue as it's fashionable to do now”, so even today, in the presence of so many sinners, “some big ones”, those who love the Church “know how to fix things, yes, but always with forgiveness”: with these words, the Pope addressed, on the eve of the Vatican summit on sexual abuse, the faithful of Benevento whom he received in Saint Peter’s to reciprocate the pastoral visit made last year in Pietrelcina. On the contrary, Francis warned, “those who spend their lives accusing, accusing, and accusing are - I won't say children , because the devil doesn't have any - but they are the friends, cousins and relatives of the devil”.
Padre Pio "distinguished himself by his firm faith in God, his firm hope in heavenly realities, his generous dedication to the people and his fidelity to the Church which he always loved with all its problems and adversities", said Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the audience to the 2,500 faithful from Benevento that preceded the general audience today. "He loved the Church with the many problems that the Church has, with so many adversities, with so many sinners. Because the Church is holy, she is the bride of Christ, but we, the children of the Church, are all sinners - some big ones - but he loved the Church as it was, he didn't destroy it with his tongue, as it's fashionable to do now. No, no! Love. The one who loves the Church knows how to forgive, because he knows that he himself is a sinner and needs God's forgiveness. He knows how to fix things because the Lord wants to fix things well but always with forgiveness. One cannot live a whole life accusing, accusing, accusing the Church. Whom does the office of the accuser belong to? Who is he that the Bible calls the great accuser? I'm sorry, I did not understand... I cannot hear well... the devil! And those who spend their lives accusing, accusing, and accusing are - I won't say children , because the devil doesn't have any - but they are the friends, cousins and relatives of the devil. Well, when things are not right, one has to report the defects to correct, but when you report the defects, you make known the defects, you love the Church. Without love is something from the devil. St. Pio had both - he loved the Church with all its problems and adversities, with the sins of her children. Please don’t forget this!".
Pope Francis began the audience with a joke: "You've come in such large numbers that it seems like a canonization!", he said, and then thanked the bishop, Felice Accrocca, the mayors and all the faithful "for this courtesy visit which certainly indicates the fineness of the soul".
The Pope had gone to Pietrelcina on 17 March last year, on the centenary of the apparition of Saint Pio’s permanent stigmata and the 50th anniversary of his death. "I’ll never forget that day, just as I’ll never forget so many sick people whom I greeted that the visit has remained in my heart", he commented.
“I encourage you to understand and welcome ever more the love of God, the source and motive of our true joy”, the Pope said again. "We are called to give this life-changing love, especially to the weakest and the neediest. By spreading divine charity, each one of us contributes to building a more just and supportive world. Following the example of Padre Pio, please do not tire entrusting yourselves to Christ and proclaiming His goodness and mercy through the witness of your lives. This is what men and women also in our time expect from the disciples of the Lord – witness. Think of St. Francis, whom your bishop well knows what he said to his disciples. Go, bear witness - words are not necessary. Sometimes one has to speak, but start with witness , live as Christians, giving witness that love is more beautiful than hatred, that friendship is more beautiful than enmity, that fraternity among us is more beautiful than war”.
I am into liturgical symbolism but this is just too silly for me. What say you? I think you really have to be a liturgical nerd to be into this, no?
Copied from The New Liturgical Movement:
Copied from The New Liturgical Movement:
I am sure that most of our readers have read or heard something of the various customs related to the removal of the word “Alleluia” from the liturgy on Septuagesima Sunday. In the Roman liturgical books, this is done in a typically simply fashion; at the end of Vespers of the previous Saturday, “Alleluia” is added twice to the end of “Benedicamus Domino” and “Deo gratias”, which are sung in the Paschal tone. It is then dropped from the liturgy completely until the Easter vigil. In some medieval uses, however, “Alleluia” was added to the end of every antiphon of this Vespers, and a number of other customs, some formally included in the liturgy and others not, grew up around it as well.
One of the most popular was to write the word on a board or piece of parchment, and then after Vespers bury it in the churchyard, so that it could be dug up again on Easter Sunday, and brought back into the church. Our friends from the Fraternity of St Joseph the Guardian in La-Londe-les-Maures, France, observe this every year, with the black cope otherwise used only at funerals. (If any others readers have photos of this ceremony which they would like to send in, we will be very glad to share them with our readers:
One of the most popular was to write the word on a board or piece of parchment, and then after Vespers bury it in the churchyard, so that it could be dug up again on Easter Sunday, and brought back into the church. Our friends from the Fraternity of St Joseph the Guardian in La-Londe-les-Maures, France, observe this every year, with the black cope otherwise used only at funerals. (If any others readers have photos of this ceremony which they would like to send in, we will be very glad to share them with our readers:
Excerpt From Lifesite news:
The lawsuit says the Washington Post engaged in “unlawful and bullying conduct at Nicholas.” The 115-pound 16-year-old, who was on his first-ever out-of-state field trip without his family, “suffered substantial reputational and emotional harm” as a result of the Post’s false reporting, his lawyers say. “The Post’s campaign to target Nicholas in furtherance of its political agenda was carried out by using its vast financial resources to enter the bully pulpit by publishing a series of false and defamatory print and online articles which effectively provided a worldwide megaphone to Phillips and other anti-Trump individuals and entities to smear a young boy who was in its view an acceptable casualty in their war against the President.”
“Unlike the Post’s abuse of the profession of journalism, Plaintiffs do not bring this lawsuit to use the judicial system to further a political agenda,” the lawyers maintain. “This lawsuit is brought against the Postto seek legal redress for its negligent, reckless, and malicious attacks on Nicholas which caused permanent damage to his life and reputation...The Post bullied an innocent child with an absolute disregard for the pain and destruction its attacks would cause to his life.”
The incident caused Sandmann and other Covington students to be subject to death threats. Their school was forced to close for a day for safety reasons; when it reopened, it required a heavy police presence.
Wood and McMurty laid out their evidence that the Post, in a series of seven articles, published defamatory and false information about Sandmann, concluding, “As the natural and foreseeable consequence of its actions, the Post knew and intended that its False and Defamatory Accusations would be republished by others, including media outlets and others on social media.”
The attorneys say the newspaper published its pieces smearing Sandmann “negligently and with actual malice.”
“All members of the mainstream & social media mob of bullies who recklessly & viciously attacked Nick would be well-served to read” Sandmann’s legal complaint against the Post “carefully,” Wood tweeted today.
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