
Monday, June 24, 2024



I have to say that I am conflicted about destroying artwork because the artist is or was a depraved serial sex fiend. 

But, what the Vatican press official said about Rupnick and his art really shows the tone deafness of so many in the Vatican and elsewhere. The Rupnick affair, along with the McCarrick affair and other affairs of abuse of the most depraved kind by clerics sworn to chaste celibacy seem to get a pass, but anyone wanting the liberal celebration of the Ancient Use of the Latin Rite are demonized as cultists and even worse and the Vatican tries to stamp that out while praising Jesuit Father James Martin. It truly is the upside down, inside out Church, no?

Press the title for the opinion piece:

Ruffini’s disastrous Friday points to wider, deeper problems in the Vatican

Friday was a very bad day for Dr. Paolo Ruffini, Prefect of the Dicastery for Communication, but Ruffini ought not to be the sole or even the primary focus of attention.


Bob said...

It's not like he molested children, for crying out loud! All he did was lead vulnerable women who had innocently and trustingly placed themselves under his spiritual guidance into depraved sex acts. Not like they weren't overdue to lose virginity.

TJM said...

Vatican = no moral authority. I was thinking of sending a letter to the USCCB and start out:

Dear Branch Managers,

Since the Pope no longer treats you as successors to the Apostles, what new idiocies issued from Rome are you going to accept and just sit on your posteriors?

Bob said...

As for removing Rupnik's kewpie-dolls with dead deer eyes art, those blank black eyes reflect the man, and profane holy places. I understand much great art including sacred art was created by men of less than stellar morals, but what Rupnik did was satanic, as those of us close to degraded, used, and broken people know.

Fr. David Evans said...

Yes, Father, you have summed this up well. The destruction of all culture, books, art etc, is repugnant. The argument must revolve around whether the sexual offender’s doodles are art or not. I tend to the latter; their removal would be a blessing.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

About 10 years ago, I visited St. Padre Pio’s Shrine at San Giovanni Rotondo. I think it was the first time I saw Rupnick’s art but did not know who the artist is. His Mosaics cover every aspect of that chapel. It was way to much for my tastes and I did not like it but I did like the vibrant colors of the mosaics.

His artwork is everywhere in Europe and places here. I am sure it cost an arm and a leg to commission and have installed. I would like to know where the profits went. Rupnick was a Jesuit under the vow of poverty, so presumably the profits went to the Jesuits, or the incorporated organization that sponsors it.

No matter where the profits went, the Jesuits or the corporation should pay damages to parishes, shrines, etc, who want to remove the artwork, meaning paying in full the money that was spent to acquire it. That seems to me to be a just solution.

A complicating factor are those who were asked for funds or pledged to buy and install his art, maybe they should be reimbursed?

Bob said...

The degree of reimbursement due would be proportional to their knowledge that the art was coming from a pervert.
I would be happy for them do the reimbursement, and would hope it led to bankruptcy

Fr. David Evans said...

Father, if donors were asked to give money without seeing sketches is one thing: if on the other hand they were asked to give knowing the end result, then they should see a therapist.

TJM said...

This will ruin Pope Francis' day. An alleged "right-winger" making the lives of the ordinary people of Argentina lives better through Capitalism:

For the first time in 30 years, Argentina experienced a zero-percent increase in the inflation rates of food and drinks during the third week of June, President Javier Milei confirmed on Monday morning. A study published on Sunday by Econométrica, a private Argentine consulting firm, first reported the no-inflation week. In its study, Econométrica analyzed 8,000 prices in local online supermarkets and found no change when compared to the preceding week — something that has not happened in Argentina in three decades.

I think the Pope needs an Economics 101 Course while taking a Remedial Course in Catholic Theology.