
Monday, June 24, 2024



Archbishop Gänswein appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Baltic States

Pope Francis appoints Archbishop Georg Gänswein as Apostolic Nuncio to Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia.

By Vatican News

A statement on Monday released by the Holy See Press Office said Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Georg Gänswein, Titular Archbishop of Urbisaglia, and Prefect Emeritus of the Papal Household, as Apostolic Nuncio to Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia.

Archbishop Gänswein, who is 67, served as Pope Benedict XVI’s private secretary during his entire pontificate and retirement.

In December 2012, Pope Benedict XVI also appointed him Prefect of the Pontifical Household. He was ordained as archbishop in January 2013.

He continued to hold both positions after Benedict resigned from the papacy about seven weeks later, in February 2013. For about seven years, Archbishop Gänswein served both Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict.

Until last year, the Apostolic Nuncio in the three Baltic countries was Archbishop Petar Rajič, a Canadian of Bosnian-Croatian origin, who was appointed by the Holy Father, on March 11, as the Nuncio to Italy and San Marino. Consequently, the Apostolic See has remained vacant until now.


Fr. David Evans said...

In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it by the hand of Uriah. In the letter he wrote, “Set Uriah in the forefront of the hardest fighting, and then draw back from him, that he may be struck down, and die.”
1 Sam 11:14-15

Bob said...

My guess was exile to a Baltic state or one of the -stan countries, the further away, the better.

Mark Thomas said...

Deo gratias that Pope Francis, and Archbishop Gänswein, have arrived at this uplifting point in regard to their relationship each other.

May Pope Francis, and Archbishop Gänswein, two brothers in Jesus Christ, continue to move forward together in holy fashion.


Mark Thomas

Bob said...

"(cannot use a holy name is such a way) that Emperors Constantine, Constantius II, Julian the Apostate, Valens, and Bishop Athanasius, have arrived at this uplifting point in regard to their relationship each other.

May Emperors Constantine, Constantius II, Julian the Apostate, Valens and Bishop Athanasius, five brothers in (just can't do it), continue to move forward together in holy fashion.
