
Monday, June 10, 2024



The Pillar is reporting:

Syro-Malabar Church leaders in India announced Sunday that clergy who refuse to adopt a new form of the Eucharistic liturgy celebrated ad orientem  by July 3 will be considered to be in schism and barred from priestly ministry.

Read the rest there!


ByzRus said...

Headquarters uses such a flimsy stick with their own, I'm sure the Syro-Malabars aren't quaking in their boots.

Why ad orientem is good enough for the Syro-Malabars and not the Roman Church is anyone's guess.

Some might find it interesting that the Polish National Catholics names their vs Populem mass with Trid components "traditional" and their vs Populem mass celebrated just like your average NO parish "contemporary".

Through my Byzantine Ruthenian Catholic lens, liturgy celebrated other than ad orientem just doesn't make sense. It's the Lord's work and the pilot of the plane/bus/whatever imagery is metaphorically relied upon isn't leading believers to their destination, I'm not sure where all believe themselves to be headed. To me, words, actions, symbols, environment all should be cohesive and complimentary.

monkmcg said...

At least one rite within the Catholic Church takes liturgical abuse seriously.

Bob said...

ByzRus, not celebrating ad orientum in the most ancient practice of ALL Churches offends me and quite a few other Roman rite Catholics as well.....the ones not offended simply are ignorant of their history, and/or enjoy being rootless and divorced from the past, in which case it only a modern therapy method.

Of course, this declaration of schism is purely an Indian thang, same as rejecting Feducia Supplicans is purely an African thang....just ask the current Vatican.

TJM said...

Well look at what is happening in Argentina! Pope Merciful and his Roche need to crush this right away! No Accompaniment for you Faithful Catholics!

By the way, the photos are great!

ByzRus said...


You should well know, the pictured crowd cannot participate. We're beyond that.

i'm playin...

TJM said...


I have been to France many times and French Catholics won’t walk across the street for the Novus Ordo let alone march 62 miles for it! A friend of mine went to the principal Mass at St. Sulpice last Sunday and she sent me a photo showing the Mass was sparsely attended. I joked with her they did not need any crowd control personnel and she laughed in response!

Remember: all of the Church’s problems would be solved if we get rid of the Vetus Ordo!

Bob said...

Great photos of pilgrims enduring a blustery cold Fall day as winter closes in, and many dedicated people showed their love for God in that.....but would say the article typically missed the fact that all problems in the Church and society will not be fixed except by loving God more than anything else, and all current problems are caused by not doing that. The new mass as mostly celebrated makes that cure harder, but the cure is not a reversion to only old rite, which had its own failures in that one sure cure.

TJM said...


Two things would go a long way to reinvigorate Catholicism:

1) Reinstate Summorum Pontificum to restore liturgical peace; and

2) Purge practicing homosexuals from the Clergy starting at the very top - the Vatican

Bob said...

TJM, those two things certainly would not hurt, and certainly would help no few to have enough faith in the Church and the God it represents, that some few might dare attempt following the first and greatest commandment and be true disciples of the Christ.

But it will take more than that few to truly turn things around, although that few have always had a disproportionate influence on the world, and despite the rest acting as if it a shared thing through osmosis.

TJM said...


I agree with your statement. I still cannot get over how evil and utterly corrupt this pontificate is and a million non sequiturs from our resident papalator will not change my mind.

Bob said...

TJM, don't feel like the Lone Ranger in being faith in God, and the ancient teachings remains unshaken, however, faith in the Roman institution has taken a serious hit... but, should anyone really be shocked at the failure of the human side of things, considering how many treat the greatest commandment as only hyperbole?

Mark Thomas said...

Catholics in France refuse to walk across the street to worship God via the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI?

Deo gratias that millions of Catholics throughout Africa, as well as Asia, walk across streets to assist at the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI. Nay, said followers of Jesus Christ will sprint across streets to assist happily at the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.

I have noticed that Father McDonald has offered said Mass each Sunday inside churches that were packed with worshipers. Said folks walked across streets to worship God.

I pray that Catholics in France will walk across streets this Sunday to join their brothers and sisters worldwide who will worship God via the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.


Mark Thomas

— Pope Francis, August 12, 2015 A.D:

"The time for rest, especially on Sunday, is ordained for us...Sunday Eucharist brings to the celebration every grace of Jesus Christ: his presence, his love, his sacrifice, his forming us into a community, his being with us..."

"The family is endowed with an extraordinary ability to understand, guide and sustain the authentic value of the time for celebration. How beautiful family celebrations are, they are beautiful! Sunday celebrations in particular."

Mark Thomas said...

It is interesting that certain folks call for the Summorum Pontificum's reinstatement to obtain "liturgical peace."

Incredibly, said folks then trample Pope Benedict XVI's/Summorum Pontificum's desire for liturgical peace as they (the folks in question) spew venom at the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.

Also, in opposition to Summorum Pontificum, said folks pit the TLM, as well as the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI, against each other. It is mindboggling that certain Summorum Pontificum supporters are liturgical warmongers.

Said folks oppose one teaching after another that Pope Benedict XVI had promoted via his quest to secure liturgical peace within the (Latin) Church.


By the way, countless so-called "Novus Ordo" Catholics have "marched" long distances, endured tremendous difficulties, to worship God via the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI. That has been demonstrated for decades during Papal Apostolic Visits/World Youth Day events conducted throughout the world.

Countless "Novus Ordo" Catholics have, for example, made great sacrifices, endured harsh weather conditions, to worship God via the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.

This Sunday, for example, various "Novus Ordo" Catholics worldwide, will, without complaint, endure difficult circumstances to ensure that they make every effort to worship God via the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.

Rather than pit one group of Mass goers against another, I applaud my brothers and sisters in the Faith worldwide who assist at any Latin Church-approved liturgy.

For that matter, I applaud my brothers and sisters in the Faith, Eastern, as well as Western, who attend Divine Liturgies.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

With Father McDonald's permission:

Catholics in France "won’t walk across the street for the Novus Ordo..."

However, this Saturday (June 15, 10:00 A.M., available on youtube) in Washington, D.C., 16 Catholic men will walk across the street to enter the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Once inside the Basilica, the 16 men in question will receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders. God will have delivered to us 16 new holy priests to offer the "Novus Ordo."

Deo gratias!


-- 16 Men to Be Ordained to the Priesthood in Washington, DC,Shrine%20of%20the%20Immaculate%20Conception.&text=The%20Archdiocese%20of%20Washington%20is,of%2010%20compared%20with%202023.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

In regard to this Saturday's ordination ceremony within the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., that will bestow Holy Orders upon 16 new priests:

National Catholic Register reported recently:

"Local parishes throughout Maryland and D.C. are hosting Holy Hours in the weeks prior to the 2024 ordination, and Catholics are invited to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for the men who will become priests."

That represents a Church that is alive! That represents a Church whose believers take seriously their call to pray for men whom God has called to offer the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

His Eminence Cardinal Gregory hasn’t said this, I don’t think, but what if the good cardinal had said to his priests that the archdiocese is full of faggots and queers to include the seminary, would you be scandalized but such crass and vulgarity or would you give the good Cardinal a pass? What about the pope. Would you call his vulgar language Holy Spirit inspired?