
Friday, June 28, 2024


The presidential debate confirmed for the country what the country already knows. President Biden is suffering from progressive dementia.  He has been suffering with this organic disease related to age for some time. He is not fit for office due to his declining cognitive abilities. 

This poses a threat to the security of the world in general and the United States in particular.

But deeper questions need to be asked. Who is the puppet master? Who is in charge of the country behind the scenes. Most do not believe it is the Vice President, VP Harris. She’s simply over her head and incompetent for the position she holds. 

It could be Dr. Jill Biden. 

More than likely it is President Obama. 

Who knows, but someone is the puppet master as President Biden is mentally incompetent sad to say and can’t be the one who is in charge. It’s not plausible. Having someone behind the scenes leading the USA as a non-elected official is a clear and present danger to American democracy. 

But let’s talk about the religious aspect of the second “Catholic” president of the USA. The impotence of the Vatican or the Cardinal of Washington, DC or the Bishop of Wilmington, Delaware to place a canonical censure or public excommunication against President Biden is breathtaking as it concerns simply two moral issues. 

They are his promotion of abortion and the LGBTQF+++ ideologies and desiring to codify these in law. I don’t know if the puppet master has manipulated President Biden to abdicate Catholic moral principles in favor of demonic political ideologies, but he has done it and no one who has religious authority over President Biden in the Catholic Church from the pope to his two bishops have done anything to stop it for the sake of President Biden’s salvation and his immortal soul.

A dereliction of duty by the Church’s hierarchy concerning President Biden’s eternal salvation is breathtaking. But not only President Biden’s personal salvation is at stake but all those who have drunk the Democratic Party’s immoral ideologies, to include scores of Catholics, have their salvation at risk too and the bishops of the Church, not all, but those who count, standby as the world’s salvation is on fire!


Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

TJM, I no longer post your comments that attack in a personal way those who comment here be it MT or FRMJK and your constant changing of the topic of any post I post to the politics you want to discuss and those you offend with your mortal sins against charity. Just stick to the post I write and leave out the mortal sins against charity.

TJM said...

Then apply the same standard to them.

My last bon mots you can share:

Remember Port Marly

In 1987, the Bishop had police drag out a Priest and even had women and children dragged from their pews, all because they wanted the TLM.

Next Sunday they returned with 3000 people and broke down the bricked up entrance, the Church is now under the ICKSP

Unknown said...

I think you hit the proverbial nail on the head. I've long thought the puppet master behind Biden was Obama with a mix of Soros on the side.

Catechist Kev said...

This ad fairly well sums it up for the POTUS.