
Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 Also implied in this Pillar article is the fear, the dread, the existential threat, that a new pope is posing to Vatican Liturgical Elitists, who fear, and with good reason, that the new pope will cancel the liturgical agenda of Pope Francis and his henchmen just as Pope Francis canceled Pope Benedict’s liturgical vision and legislation!

Press title for superb common sense article, something lacking in the Vatican!

Is there a secret plan to suppress the TLM — again?

And if more restrictions are coming, what could they hope to achieve?


Bob said...

The Pillar guys are often wrong in their reads, pretty much modern Catholics attached to pop culture, middle of road, focused entirely on externals, very good at canon law but which law worked around or ignored by current papacy which merely then changes rules when hand caught in cookie jar...

The herding Latin mass folk to impossibly scattered approved institutes and pretty much destroying any chance for most to attend such a mass is glossed over, and equally ignored is the fact this move would take nothing out of local bishop's hands, as Cupich suppression the Christ the King Latin mass in Chicago shows quite clearly. It WILL lead to major population centers with Francis appointees now running them (or careerist bishops) denying most of the population ever seeing a Latin mass.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I’m not sure if this is correct, but I think it is, bishops cannot invite FSSP or Christ the King, SP into their dioceses to begin new celebrations of the TLM.

Personally, I think that there should be a TLM Ordinariate with its own bishop that would sponsor the FSSP, Christ the King, and others who celebrate the TLM and allow it to spread with missionary zeal.

In the city of Savannah, there is only one TLM, once at the Cathedral, but now moved six blocks away to Sacred Heart Church. This parish would be an excellent candidate for the FSSP priests. I noticed on Sunday, I arrived early and the 11 AM Mass in the Modern Form was sparsely attended. I would say less than 100 or so. The TLM at 1 pm was crowded. This parish has a Spanish Mass and a 6 PM throw back to the 1960’s Folk Mass, which in the past was well attended but I don’t know about today.

An FSSP parish in Savannah would be welcomed, but I don’t know if the bishop is allowed to invited them to come and take it over.

Bob said...

Father, I dunno if that quashing of invites is official, but am quite sure of unofficial quashing of invites, "strongly discouraged" to bishops dis-couraged.

Nick said...

Fr. and Bob,

TC seems to forbid new FSSP/ICKSP parishes (cf. Art. 3 Sec. 2, "The bishop . . . is to designate one or more locations where the faithful adherents of these groups may gather for the eucharistic celebration . . . [(]without the erection of new personal parishes)[.]"

This despite the bishop supposedly being in charge of the liturgy in his diocese (Article 2 of TC). It would be absurdly funny if it weren't so maddening.
