
Friday, June 28, 2024


 This is a very good opinion piece on what is happening in the Vatican as it concerns Catholics who prefer to worship in the pre-Vatican II, now post Vatican II, rites of the Church. It is published by Rorate Caeli:

The Game: What Now For the Traditional Mass Under Francis? - Op-Ed 

 Guest Op-Ed by Kevin Tierney

During the pontificate of Pope Francis, we have seen a careful game being played by the Vatican and their allies when it comes to dealing with Catholics drawn to the Traditional Latin Mass.  When they attempt to downplay traditionalists, they are an irrelevant sect, with numbers so insignificant none should take them seriously.  After this approach, they then flip, treating traditionalists as a threat to the unity of the Church, a threat so severe the ordinary rights of clerics and the faithful must be curtailed.  

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I draw your attention to the longer article that is linked above where Andrea Grillo states that it is a good thing that we have fewer seminarians, and thus by logic, fewer priests, so that we can have a non-clerical Church led by the laity and worship led by the laity. 

As we all know, the current pontificate who vociferously condemns backward looking Catholics, is the epitome of backwardness to the 1970’s! I was there in a liberal seminary in the 1970’s, so I know what I am writing. In fact everything the current pontificate condemns, the current pontificate is an emblem. 

When I was in the major seminary from 1976 to 1980, there were theologians and bishops suggesting that a priest was not necessary for the Sunday Eucharist as it was called back then. Any Catholic, properly trained and with charisms or skills, could lead the Eucharist, confect the meal and proclaim the homily. 

Thus, fewer priests is an infallible sign of the Holy Spirit’s freshness for the Church of tomorrow led by laity who could confect the Eucharistic meal.

And there was no need for a uniform liturgy, just a loose structure but everything ad libbed from the heart as a sign of the freshness of the Holy Spirit.

Neo-Gnosticism has returned to the Vatican as it concerns blasphemy of the Holy Spirit when anyone from the pope to his henchmen say that such and such is definitely the work of the Holy Spirit who surprises us with heterodoxy. 

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