
Thursday, February 15, 2024


As the Vatican continues its backward trajectory toward a rigid authoritarian Church opposed to anything pre-Vatican II but, in the most ironic way, embracing the most pre-Vatican II authoritarianism to crush pre-Vatican II sensibilities, Bishop Joe S. Vasquez of Austin, writes that the TLM at his cathedral will come to an end  but the Modern Mass will be celebrated in Latin, ad orientem and using the Church’s patrimony of Gregorian Chant, all of which Sacrosanctum Concilium of Vatican II requested be a part of the “renewal” of the Liturgy.

That is the way forward until we get a more sane, coherent and flexible Vatican regime. 

This is from LifeSite News:

“As required by the rescript of the Holy Father issued in February of last year, I submitted the case of the celebrations according to the 1962 missal at the Cathedral parish to the Vatican Dicastery for Divine Worship to receive the guidance and direction of the Holy See,” wrote Vásquez.

“Following the guidance of the Holy See, the dispensation for celebrations according to the 1962 missal at the Cathedral will come to an end on March 19, the feast of St. Joseph,” the bishop announced. 

He explained that he had instructed the cathedral clergy to offer Novus Ordo Masses at 7:30 am and 3:30 pm on Sunday, said ad orientem and in Latin. He added that the Masses will be accompanied by “the Church’s beautiful treasury of Gregorian chant and sacred music.”


Anthony said...

While it is a shame that the old Mass was cancelled, this is still good news. In a way, the celebration of the new Mass in a traditional manner in Latin is more of a threat to the "spirit of Vatican II" agenda than the old Mass. It puts a lie to the claim that the radical rupture in the way the Mass is celebrated has been required by Vatican II and the new Missal. I would recommend to the bishop — and to all bishops — that the next step would be to promote this Mass throughout his diocese, making widespread and normal rather than just a curious exception to the norm. This would go a long way to heal the deep divisions that have arisen in the church since Vatican II. To those traditionalists who might not accept this, I say do not make the perfect an enemy of the good. This would be a vast improvement to what is the norm today.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Anthony, prior to Summorum Pontificum, most traditional liturgists were trying to improve the Modern Mass in terms of style, reverence, transcendence and most importantly music, trying to recover Gregorian Chant and polyphony. The Modern Liturgical Movement blog was at the forefront of that and providing chant workshops around the country.

After SP, these same traditional liturgists abandoned the renewal in tradition of the Modern Mass and simply focused on the TLM. The more radical, some who post here, wanted to ditch the Modern Mass altogether as well as Vatican II, two things that are impossible for the Magisterium to do, to renounce a council. The proper interpretation of said council and results that came from a misinterpretation is another question.

I hope we get back to a truly new Liturgical Movement as it concerns the Modern Mass, doing it by the book but in a traditional manner with great attention to detail.

monkmcg said...

Finally implementing what the Council actually called for - about time.

qwikness said...

Father, Would you say this is the Hermeneutic of Continuity, that you often speak of? Is this an intersection of the Latin and the Norvus Ordo rather than parallel liturgies that would never have intersected? Were we expecting a vernacular translation of the Tridentine Mass of sorts now we have a latin translation of the new mass, quite a twist in the story, no? Is this how this is unfolding?

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald, what would a future "more sane, coherent and flexible Vatican regime" resemble as compared to the current Vatican regime?

Thank you.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

The humble liberality and coherence of thought and academics of Pope Benedict XVi.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Also a pope who doesn’t insult and divide faithful Catholics.

Mark Thomas said...

Father, thank you for your two responses to my question.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...


Father, I agree with that.

Most Reverend Joe S. Vasquez, Bishop of Austin, Texas, has penned to his spiritual children a wonderful, uplifting letter that is filled with hope.

Among the letter's important aspects that offer great hope, as well as lessons, to us:

-- Bishop Vasquez has made clear his respect for, as well as loyalty/obedience to, His Holiness, Pope Francis. In turn, we would do well to follow Bishop Vasquez in that regard.

-- Bishop Vasquez is on board with Traditionis Custodes. Bishop Vasquez has revealed the tremendous wisdom that said document contains.

Bishop Vasquez noted: "While this transition may be difficult for some, my hope is that you can open your hearts and move forward on this path with faith and trust."

"I believe we will experience a deepened unity with the whole Church and a greater awareness of the liturgical richness of the ordinary form of the Roman Liturgy."


Via Traditionis Custodes, we have the golden opportunity to "experience a deepened unity with the whole Church."

Again, as well as in line with Father McDonald, I off kudos to Most Reverend Joe S. Vasquez.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

MT loves dumb tyrants

Mark Thomas said...

More than a few "traditionalists" have claimed over the years that "traditionalists" are the most loyal Catholics within the Church.

A golden opportunity to demonstrate that is available to the St. Joseph Latin Mass Society (Austin, Texas), "traditionalists" who have assisted at the Cathedral's TLM.

LifeSite reported:

"The St. Joseph Latin Mass Society told LifeSiteNews in a statement, "We provided a great counterexample to the ‘standoffish Trad’ stereotype."

If that is the case, then the St. Joseph Latin Mass Society can demonstrate that in powerful fashion via their cooperation with Bishop Vasquez.

Beginning next month, Bishop Vasque will transition the Cathedral's two Sunday TLMs to Latin/ad orientem/Gregorian Chant celebrations offered via the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.


In unsurprising fashion, LifeSite has promoted the following Satanic exhortation offered by Peter Kwasniewski:

Peter Kwasniewski has exhorted the Faithful of Austin, Texas, to distance themselves from the Sunday Holy Latin Masses (via the reformed Rite) that Bishop Vasquez has ordered, in view of Traditionis Custodes, to be offered, beginning next month, each Sunday at the Cathedral in Austin.

LifeSite reported that Peter Kwasniewski "slammed the decision in a statement...Kwasniewski has argued that obedience to God requires that Catholics disobey Traditionis Custodes."

LifeSite reported that Peter Kwasniewski went on to encourage the Catholics of Austin, “Do whatever you need to do, go wherever you need to go, in order to stay true to the Faith as embodied in the traditional liturgy..."

Will the Holy People of God (in particular, the St. Joseph Latin Mass Society) in Austin, Texas, remain obedient and loyal to their bishop (Bishop Vasquez), as well as Pope Francis?

Or, will the Faithful in Austin, Texas, throw in with Peter Kwasniewski's arrogant, Satanic exhortation to mutiny against Bishop Vasquez, as well as Pope Francis?

I pray that the Faithful in Austin, Texas, will, in holy, humble, fashion, submit to Bishop Vasquez, as well as His Holiness, Pope Francis.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

With Father McDonald's permission: Below is the Letter from Bishop Vasquez of the Diocese of Austin regarding the TLM at St. Mary Cathedral.

February 11, 2024.

TO: Parishioners of St. Mary Cathedral, Austin.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

As many of you know, the law of the Church governing the celebration of Mass according to the Missal of 1962 has recently undergone revision.

In July of 2021, Pope Francis promulgated Traditionis custodes, which called on diocesan bishops to evaluate the place of these celebrations within the life of the Local Church, and to designate the times and places for these celebrations.

Traditionis custodes also provided that the places designated for these celebrations not be parish churches.

At the time Traditionis was issued, I granted a dispensation for St. Mary Cathedral parish so that celebrations according to the older missal could continue there as I discerned the best way to implement the guidance of the Holy Father in our diocese.

As required by the rescript of the Holy Father issued in February of last year, I submitted the case of the celebrations according to the 1962 missal at the Cathedral parish to the Vatican Dicastery for Divine Worship to receive the guidance and direction of the Holy See.

Having now received a reply, I wish to share with you some information about our path forward here at St. Mary Cathedral.

Following the guidance of the Holy See, the dispensation for celebrations according to the 1962 missal at the Cathedral will come to an end on March 19, the feast of St. Joseph.

After that date, I have instructed the Cathedral clergy to begin offering the 7:30am and the 3:30pm Sunday Masses at the Cathedral according to the current edition of the Roman Missal.

These Masses will continue to be celebrated in the Latin language and will be celebrated at the Cathedral's high altar, using the ad orientem orientation. These liturgies will also continue to be filled with the Church's beautiful treasury of Gregorian chant and sacred music.

After March 19, however, these liturgies will use the readings, prayers, and ritual found in the current edition of the Roman Missal.

While this transition may be difficult for some, my hope is that you can open your hearts and move forward on this path with faith and trust.

I believe we will experience a deepened unity with the whole Church and a greater awareness of the liturgical richness of the ordinary form of the Roman Liturgy.

I assure you of my closeness and pastoral care as your bishop. P lease pray for me, as I pray for you.

Sincerely in Christ, Most Reverend Joe S. Vasquez Bishop of Austin



Mark Thomas

Yvonne said...

Mark Thomas,

In unsurprising fashion, LifeSite has promoted the following Satanic exhortation offered by Peter Kwasniewski


Or, will the Faithful in Austin, Texas, throw in with Peter Kwasniewski's arrogant, Satanic exhortation to mutiny against Bishop Vasquez, as well as Pope Francis?

I am trying to be very polite when I write that you are being over-the-top with your comments. Anyone who has read with any integrity writings by Mr. Kwasniewski knows that he would not advocate separation from the Church.

Also, I have asked in the past that you provide a link or at least a reference to your quotes. It is not that difficult.

For those who are interested in the LifeSite article, the link is:

By providing a link you allow people to read your comment within the context of the entire story.


TJM (and Jerome), yes, I know.

Yvonne said...

Mark Thomas,

In unsurprising fashion, LifeSite has promoted the following Satanic exhortation offered by Peter Kwasniewski


Or, will the Faithful in Austin, Texas, throw in with Peter Kwasniewski's arrogant, Satanic exhortation to mutiny against Bishop Vasquez, as well as Pope Francis?

I am trying to be very polite when I write that you are being over-the-top with your comments. Anyone who has read with any integrity writings by Mr. Kwasniewski knows that he would not advocate separation from the Church.

Also, I have asked in the past that you provide a link or at least a reference to your quotes. It is not that difficult.

For those who are interested in the LifeSite article, the link is:

By providing a link you allow people to read your comment within the context of the entire story.


TJM (and Jerome), yes, I know.

Jerome Merwick said...

I'm afraid I'll have to respectfully disagree with all the cheering for a bishop who--through no fault of his own--cooperated in the ouster of an extraordinarily courageous bishop (Strickland) and continues to play the role of "company man" with his blind compliance with something that is just plain despicable.

What is despicable? The very spectacle of a Church at war with its past. It's shameful. A Church that attempts to deny its past, a past that formed saints and shaped western civilization, is in serious trouble.. If there was something so wrong with the Traditional Mass then the very Church that practiced it has no legitimacy. But the Church IS legitimate, the original Mass these enablers are so willing to comply with in abolishing is legitimate and the orders to abolish it and offer this lame pandering "kind of traditional Novus Ordo" are not legitimate. They are a symptom of our weakness and the corruption that has infiltrated the Church.

The TLM WAS the Mass of Vatican II. Vatican II did NOT create the rite we've tolerated every week since 1969, the Consilium did and NO ONE at the top seems to have enough integrity to admit how flawed the process was nor that the president of the Consilium, Annibale Bugnini, was discredited. THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE OLD MASS. Or as someone far more intelligent than I once wrote:


Yeah. You nice people go ahead and celebrate the continuing managed decline. Go ahead and pat those nice bishops who blindly comply--go ahead and pat them on the back. After all, they're "just following orders." Hooray for all of you. Sorry I can't join the party.

Yvonne said...


No worries. Once I am "ordained" as a priest and, eventually, become "Pope" some of the things I will do are:

- reverse TC
- eliminate receiving Communion in the hand
- return to the practice of ad orientem worship (but not with the threat of excommunication)
- bestow the title of Patriarch on the ordinary of the Ukrainian Catholic Church (insert angry face here)

Mark Thomas said...

Yvonne said..."Also, I have asked in the past that you provide a link or at least a reference to your quotes. It is not that difficult."

Yvonne, I am happy that you said that. My detractors here have, in bizarre, preposterous fashion, blasted me repeatedly for my having provided regularly links/references in regard to comments that I have posted to Father's blog.

Yvonne, I am surprised that in regard to my earlier comments today related to Peter Kwasniewski, that you had asked me to " least a reference to your quotes. It is not that difficult."

I had satisfied your above request as earlier today I referenced LifeSite as the source who reported the Peter Kwasniewski's quotations in question.

Yvonne, thank you.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Yvonne said..."Once I am "ordained" as a priest and, eventually, become "Pope" some of the things I will do are:

- reverse TC

- eliminate receiving Communion in the hand


Yvonne, should you become "Pope" :-) then it would become the duty of each Catholic to submit to your teachings.

Unfortunately, there would be those, I am certain, within the Church, who would reject your Magisterial authority.

For now, we are called to obey TC, as well as Church teachings related to the reception of Holy Communion in the hand.

Yvonne, it is interesting that you, who supports Tradition, would eliminate the reception of Holy Communion in the hand. The reason is that the reception of Holy Communion in the hand is the ancient, traditional practice of the Early Church — a practice that had been in place for centuries prior to its 20th Century revival within Holy Mother Church.

However, as "Pope," you would have the authority to suppress said practice.


Mark Thomas

Jerome Merwick said...

None of us should be surprised at the rapidly declining state of the Church or the almost complete lack of resistance from the leaders who are supposed to protect and defend Tradition. In no way do I wish to impugn the character of the late John XXIII, but it cannot be denied that he made a critical mistake. He was told to reveal the 3rd Secret of Fatima in 1960 and he didn’t. Nothing anyone says can change that huge, critical mistake. But God provided a remedy for the pope’s resistance in Akita. When the bishop of Akita presented the prophecies from the Blessed mother to Sister Margaret Sassagawa–when he presented the messages to Cardinal Ratzigner, Ratzinger exclaimed that the messages mirrored the 3rd Secret! So we have no excuses. We KNOW the 3rd Secret, because it has been revealed in Akita, or else good Pope Benedict was a lying cardinal.

So what did she tell us?

"As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests."
"The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres...churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.
"The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them"

So there it is. The 3rd Secret. Now we know why so many bishops and cardinals in high places worked so hard to suppress it. It exposes what they have done. The chaos and confusion we are experiencing in our Church is NOT the work of the Holy Spirit. Our pope’s obsession with erasing our past is not “holy”. The groundwork is being laid for the destruction of the Church. It won’t succeed, but many souls will be lost during this time of compromise and decline. We cannot leave the Church. But we cannot obey the disobedience of some of its leaders either. We have to pray for them and love them and simultaneously stand up to them and reject their attempts to create a “New Church”. We have quite a tightrope to walk, don’t we?

Yvonne said...

However, as "Pope," you would have the authority to suppress said practice.

Mark Thomas, I'm not so sure about that.

Yvonne said...


Yvonne, it is interesting that you, who supports Tradition, would eliminate the reception of Holy Communion in the hand. The reason is that the reception of Holy Communion in the hand is the ancient, traditional practice of the Early Church — a practice that had been in place for centuries prior to its 20th Century revival within Holy Mother Church.

In the early Church it was one of the ways to receive Holy Communion. From what I have read there were varying practices, depending on where you were. Over time it was replaced with reception on the tongue, in part, to ensure the Eucharist was not profaned.

Please understand that "tradition" is far more than just something we did at some point in time; it is something that stands the test of time.

Mark Thomas said...

Yvonne, for what it's worth, the following is from then-Cardinal Ratzinger:

(By the way, I have never received Holy Communion in the haNd. But I recognize that that is the ancient practice, which the Church has continued to recognize as a valid, holy practice.)


Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on Receiving Communion: in the Hand or on the Tongue?

"Well, here again we know that until the ninth century Communion was received in the hand, standing. That does not of course mean that it should always be so. For what is fine, sublime, about the Church is that she is growing, maturing, understanding the mystery more profoundly."

"In that sense the new development that began after the ninth century is quite justified, as an expression of reverence, and is well-founded."

"But, on the other hand, we have to say that the Church could not possibly have been celebrating the Eucharist unworthily for nine hundred years."

"If we read what the Fathers say, we can see in what a spirit of reverence they received Communion. We find a particularly fine passage in the writings of Cyril of Jerusalem, from the fourth century."

"They should make a throne of their hands, laying the right upon the left to form a throne for the King, forming at the same time a cross. This symbolic gesture, so fine and so profound, is what concerns him: the hands of man form a cross, which becomes a throne, down into which the King inclines himself."

"The open, outstretched hand can thus become a sign of the way that a man offers himself to the Lord, opens his hands for him, that they may become an instrument of his presence and a throne of his mercies in this world."

"Anyone who reflects on this will recognize that on this point it is quite wrong to argue about this or that form of behavior."

"We should be concerned only to argue in favor of what the Church’s efforts were directed toward, both before and after the ninth century, that is, a reverence in the heart, an inner submission before the mystery of God that puts himself into our hands."

"Thus we should not forget that not only our hands are impure but also our tongue and also our heart and that we often sin more with the tongue than with the hands."


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

It is interesting that as Cardinal, Joseph Ratzinger had made it clear that the Church had every right and reason to have suppressed Her ancient, traditional practice in regard to the distribution of Holy Communion in hand.

Then-Cardinal Ratzinger declared:

"Well, here again we know that until the ninth century Communion was received in the hand, standing. That does not of course mean that it should always be so. For what is fine, sublime, about the Church is that she is growing, maturing, understanding the mystery more profoundly."

However, as Pope Benedict XVI, he declared: "What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful."

Nevertheless, he insisted that the Roman Liturgy's traditional Good Friday Prayer for Jews required suppression as said prayer was "offensive," and had served to "wound" Jews.

That does not line up with his declaration that "what earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful."

However, Pope Benedict XVI had made it clear that as Pope, he had the authority to suppress an ancient, traditional liturgical practice — that is, the manner in which the (Latin) Church had, for centuries, prayed officially for Jews.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

MT, really? He refined a general intercession. Have you ever heard the made up ones of the modern Mass?

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald:

-- The Church insisted upon the holiness of Her traditional Good Friday Prayer for Jews.

-- The Church insisted it was salutary, as well as a vital part of Her mission, to have prayed for Jews via Her traditional Good Friday liturgy (so-called "Mass" of the Presanctified).

-- The prayer in question had occupied a longstanding place within the Roman Liturgy.

Nevertheless, Pope Benedict XVI had insisted that said prayer was "offensive" suddenly, served to "wound" Jews, and must be erased from the traditional Roman Liturgy.

How does that square with the following?

"What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful."


Father, I accept that Pope Benedict XVI had the authority to have regulated the Liturgy in the manner in which he had acted.

I just wonder as to how his act of suppression was in line with his declaration that "what earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful."

Also, how could an official prayer of the Church — a prayer that Holy Mother Church had, for centuries, insisted was holy — been deemed "offensive" suddenly?

Anyway, Pope Benedict XVI had demonstrated that, at least in his mind, that "what earlier generations held as sacred..." could be deemed suddenly "offensive," harmful, and in need of consignment to history.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Pope Benedict XVI's consignment to oblivion of the traditional Good Friday Prayer for Jews demonstrated two important principles.

1. The Church had held for centuries that said prayer was holy and beneficial. But Pope Benedict XVI had deemed said prayer "offensive" and in need of consignment to oblivion.

Therefore, via his move against the traditional prayer in question, he had set aside his following declaration: "What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful."

2. Pope Benedict XVI's action in question confirmed the following from Pope Venerable Pius XII's Encyclical Mediator Dei, #58:

"It follows from this that the Sovereign Pontiff alone enjoys the right to recognize and establish any practice touching the worship of God, to introduce and approve new rites, as also to modify those he judges to require modification."

In regard to Pope Benedict XVI's move against the prayer in question: More than a few enraged "traditionalists" had spewed venom at him. However, it was/is our duty as Catholics to submit humbly to his determination in question.


Mark Thomas

Anthony said...

Dear Mark Thomas,

Did you submit humbly to Pope Benedict XVI when he issued Summorum Pontifucum or did you oppose it and the increase in celebrations of the old Mass?


TJM said...

Jerome Merwick has laid out the issues nicely. TC is an illegal order and should be ignored. Nuremberg drove a stake through the “just following orders” excuse. PF is conducting a reign of terror and torturing the faithful while, sub rosa, promoting apostasy and perversion. Someone needs to speak truth to power rather than playing nice with a tyrant

Mark Thomas said...

Anthony said..."Dear Mark Thomas, Did you submit humbly to Pope Benedict XVI when he issued Summorum Pontifucum or did you oppose it and the increase in celebrations of the old Mass?"

Anthony, thank you for your question.

I love the TLM. I recall vividly that I was elated when Summorum Pontificum was issued. I had great hopes for Summorum Pontificum.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

TC is an evil, ultra vires document that any bishop, if he be a man and not a featherduster, should reject and tell the corrupt tyrant in Rome to pound sand. PF is probably celebrating the “funeral” in St. Patrick’s Cathedral.