
Wednesday, February 28, 2024


The so-called inclusive Church and its promotion from the highest level of the human hierarchy of the Church has enabled the Holy Roman Church in the Archdiocese of New York to be used for demonic ideological purposes. This kind of inclusivity is dialogue and submission with and to the devil.

On the heals of the sacrilegious Funeral Liturgy at Saint Patrick’s Once Great Cathedral is followed by this:

Update: NY archdiocese arts center cancels ‘kinky’ sex workshops

1. The Archdiocese, as with the Sacrilegious Funeral, pleads ignorance and issues no apology for the incompetence of those who did not do due diligence to find out more about the ideological use of their Cathedral and now another property owned by the Archdiocese

2. There is no apology issued to faithful Catholics and others of goodwill who see the Faith and Morals, Scripture and Tradition of the Church and their own love and reverence for Holy Mother Church trampled upon in the most offensive ways possible. 

3. It is an insult and an outrage against God’s Holy People and all in the name of “TODAS, TODAS, TODAS!


Nick said...

Good grief, are there any Catholics in the NYC chancery who aren't asleep at the wheel?! And how many times will they pull out the "we were not aware of the nature of the event" excuse before we admit that that's the weakest excuse of the bunch?


Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Nick, as someone who worked in a chancery let me tell you that there is no way for chancery officials, from the local ordinary to the front desk receptionist, to be aware of everything that goes on in a diocese.

New York has 2,700,000 Catholics, 320 priests, 195 religious priests, 140 international priests, and 288 parishes. There are 23 Catholic schools in Manhattan alone and a total of 89 in the archdiocese. There are numerous hospitals, nursing homes, and health care clinics. All that is in 4.717 sq miles.

The Diocese of Savannah has 80,000 Catholics, 16 elementary and high schools, 1 Catholic hospital, 55 parishes, and 22 missions. Mind you, this accumulation is spread of 37,000 sq miles, the bottom two-thirds of the State of Georgia.

So, no, "We were not aware" is not a weak excuse. It's a reality in every diocese.

Nick said...

Father MJK,

I am agog--you got my name right!

Surely there is enough oversight in any competently run Catholic organization to notice the problems with hosting events titled with deviant sexual practices. How many flagship arts centers does the Archdiocese of New York run? An volunteer-run community theater could do better. How many "oversights" would be enough to say an organization has a problem?


TJM said...


You’re talking to someone who is unaware that the Dem Party actively promotes abortion, raises campaign contributions on the promise they will continue to promote the killing of the unborn, and will make it a central part of its campaign strategy this November. Willfully ignorant or corrupt you decide. And he expects you to buy his Sergeant Schultz approach!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Nick - Again, there's no way the chancery staff can manage what's going on at every church, every school, every clinic or hospital, every social service or outreach center in a diocese. If you think that is possible, I suggest you apply for the job of chancellor or vicar general in your diocese and, with all the other responsibilities you will have, keep track of all the details of what's going on with everything, everywhere, all at once. Good luck.

“The group that was trying to rent the space did not disclose the nature of the event when doing so. Once it became known, it was canceled,” a spokesman told The Pillar.

That's how it was handled. The renters didn't disclose the nature. When venue became aware, the event was cancelled.

Nick said...

The bare minimum of due diligence ("what is the title of your event? Oh, the New York Times asked about this funeral, I guess we probably shouldn't figure out why the deceased is so noteworthy") at a prominent archdiocese's cathedral and glitzy new arts center is too much to ask. Noted. To quote your president, "C'mon, man!"


Nick said...

From the Pillar comments:

"There seems to be a pattern going on with the Archdiocese of New York: playing dumb.

First, it's the funeral. Now this. Is there more?

We have 5 options here:

1) The Archdiocese of New York is being targeted by sexually deviant activists who are lying through their teeth when making applications/requests.

2) The Archdiocese of New York has an overabundance of inept gatekeepers.

3) The Archdiocese of New York has an overabundance of dissidents in key positions.

4) The Archdiocese of New York is being dishonest . . . by "playing dumb."

5) All of the above."

Or, it's just overstaffed with willfully-ignorant Sergeant Schultzes. Is it so wrong to expect better from what amounts to the primatial see of the country?

To make matters worse, the center proclaims its goals as follows: "The Sheen Center is a haven for the arts and provides a platform for provocative conversations about diverse and inclusive aspects of humanity as seen through the creative lens of faith and respect. . . . A place where all are welcome, the Sheen Center transcends boundaries to engage hearts and minds in the search for meaning in the modern world. We exist to showcase the glory and diversity of God’s creation. . . . We value welcoming everyone and breaking down barriers. We value showcasing diverse and inclusive events. We value imagining and creating the world we want to see." Perhaps the Center saw value in practicing willful blindness in scheduling sessions that would, to say the least, celebrate the diversity, barrier-breaking, and inclusiveness of... BDSM.

It's also interesting to note that the arts center's first executive director, a seminary professor no less, absconded to Scotland, abandoned the priesthood (or was quietly laicized?), and re-surfaced as an Anglican professor and assistant priest--with wife and child to boot. So, what exactly is going on with the most prominent institutions of one of the most prominent sees in the States?


Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Nick - C'mon man. The cathedral event's title was "funeral." No, it's not up to the parish officials to google search the backgrounds of the people being buried from there. Shall we be expected to get criminal background checks on the deceased to see if they were in some way "notorious?"

The arts center, when they became aware of the name/nature of the event cancelled it. That's how it worked.

Nick said...

Lol, the FBI background check canard. It's called Google--it takes thirty seconds. Stuck in 1970 in more ways than one, I guess.


Nick said...

I was referring to the event titles that included things like "kinky" and "masturbization" (whatever that portmanteau means) being led by a "Mistress Diamond Blue" (apologies, Fr. AJM)--I would've thought Catholics might have a little more reserve about that or at least have a moderate grasp on the most basic functions of a search engine, but apparently not, judging from the premier Catholic arts center in New York City and the comments here.


TJM said...


See Fr K Orwell even started his response in emulation of the Grifter in Chief! He is a massive excuse machine for a declining Church

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

TJM - Um, I was emulating Nick.

Since your reading skills failed you yet again, here's his post:

Nick said...
The bare minimum of due diligence ("what is the title of your event? Oh, the New York Times asked about this funeral, I guess we probably shouldn't figure out why the deceased is so noteworthy") at a prominent archdiocese's cathedral and glitzy new arts center is too much to ask. Noted. To quote your president, "C'mon, man!"


February 29, 2024 at 10:01 AM

TJM said...

Fr K,

I question your reading and reasoning skills. The Dems continuously promise to expand the right to kill the unborn, raise campaign funds off of this intrinsic evil, yet you continue to vote for intrinsic evil. And no, there is no "proportionate" reason.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

TJM says, "And no, there is no "proportionate" reason."

There are those who say Trump won the last election. They are wrong.

There are those who say Darwinian evolution and Catholicism are incompatible. They are wrong.

There are those who say The real Pope Paul VI was kidnapped and replaced with a look-alike. They, too, are wrong.

People say a lot of wrong things.