
Saturday, February 17, 2024


Saint Patrick Cathedral’s rector, and by way of him, the Cardinal Archbishop of New York, allowed an outrageous, sacrilegious and liturgically abusive funeral at this once great Cathedral.

Not only was a self-professed atheist, who underwent gender-affirming medical care, meaning the person buried was assigned by God at this person’s conception, the male gender, but died claiming to be a female, but was also acclaimed to be a whore, the mother of all whores and during the Funeral Liturgy!

Thus, the logic of canonizing people at Catholic Funeral Liturgies finds it logical conclusion in canonizing mortal sin and lifestyles opposed to the true God which the Catholic Church is suppose to proclaim. 

You can read The National Catholic Register’s report on this atrocity of a funeral liturgy HERE.

What could have been done to prevent this?

1. The Cathedral should not be used for funerals of those who renounce the true God and renounce Catholicism and her teachings in a public way.

2. The Cathedral should not be used for funeral and nuptial liturgies where Catholicism is mocked, derided and spat upon by ideologues given the opportunity to proclaim their heresies and sacrileges from the pulpit of the Church.

3. It is reported that outrageous dress of some who attended the liturgy offended even modern day modesty mores. Like so many famous cathedrals and churches in Europe, a dress code should be enforced and those who don’t have proper dress should not be admitted.

As it concerns the Funeral Liturgies of the Church,  the following should be enforced:

1. No eulogies by laity whatsoever!

2. Lectors and other official ministries should be fulfilled by installed lectors and acolytes assigned to the parish, never chosen from friends and family of the deceased unless they function as such in the parish.

3. The priest or deacon is not to eulogize the dead person, but entrust them to Christ and His purifying Divine Mercy. Jesus Christ is to be proclaimed not the deceased person. 

4. Catholic sacred music must be used that in no way mimics popular secular music styles and words. 

5. Read the black and do the red and do not allow family members or friends to plan the funeral liturgy in any way!


monkmcg said...

There is not one who does good; not even one

TJM said...

But remember according to PF and his Roche the TLM is the problem. Another self-inflicted wound

Jerome Merwick said...

Come on Mark Thomas: Crawl out from under your rock and tell us all how "holy holy holy" this is and how "Satanic" we are for our objections. Where are you? Why the silence?

Jerome Merwick said...

At the rate we're going, on Judgement Day, we modern Americans are going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

TJM said...

If I were a donor the St. Pat’s I’d demand my donations back and cut off any future ones!

TJM said...

I just saw the the CYA press release on the NY Archdiocese’s website. I fired back, calling them out and stating the obvious: even in the smallest parish when there is a funeral the deceased and the family are vetted and the funeral guidelines reviewed. I also stated that the squirrel who presided over this travesty needs to be given the boot or strung up from the pulpit. Either would be satisfactory. This has Martin LGBT SJ’s fingerprints all over this . Yet the TLM is the problem. Basta!

Mark Thomas said...

Excerpts from the Our Sunday Visitor article:

-- Rector: Mass Of Reparation Offered At St. Patrick’s Cathedral After ‘Scandalous’ Funeral

(OSV News) — Two days after St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City was filled with mourners for an irreverent “homecoming” funeral for a prominent activist who identified as transgender, the cathedral’s rector acknowledged that many people “have let us know they share our outrage over the scandalous behavior” that took place at the service.

Father Enrique Salvo said in a Feb. 17 statement that at New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan’s “directive, we have offered an appropriate Mass of Reparation.”

“The Cathedral only knew that family and friends were requesting a funeral Mass for a Catholic, and had no idea our welcome and prayer would be degraded in such a sacrilegious and deceptive way,” Father Salvo said.

Ceyenne Doroshow — founder and director of GLITS Inc. (Gays and Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society), organized the funeral. She told The New York Times that she approached St. Patrick’s since “it is an icon, just like (Gentili).”

Doroshow also told the newspaper that she had not advised pastoral staff that Gentili identified as transgender, saying, “I kind of kept it under wraps.”


Additional excerpts:

“That such a scandal occurred at ‘America’s Parish Church’ makes it worse,” Father Salvo said in his statement.

“That it took place as Lent was beginning, the annual forty-day struggle with the forces of sin and darkness, is a potent reminder of how much we need the prayer, reparation, repentance, grace, and mercy to which this holy season invites us.”

Father Salvo’s statement was released by Joseph Zwilling, director of communications for the Archdiocese of New York, who told OSV News Feb. 16 that “the cathedral is a functioning church that celebrates Mass, baptisms, weddings and funerals."

"And if somebody calls and … they’re trying to arrange a funeral for a Catholic, one assumes they are a Catholic. If the church can accommodate them, they try to do so.”

“We don’t conduct background checks on people who come to us looking to have a funeral,” said Zwilling, who said he had not been present at the cathedral during the ceremony.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...


This shows how out of touch with reality you are. Over the years I have arranged many funerals in many parishes and in many dioceses. The deceased and the family have to have a connection to the parish or a compelling reason for that Church to be the venue for the funeral. Moreover, the diocesan guidelines for funerals are reviewed with the family. St. Pat's is the premier Church in New York City and in great demand for funerals and weddings. It strains credulity that this just "happened." This was a Satanic act planned in advance with the cooperation of some Church official to promote the evil LGBT agenda.

To borrow a phrase from Oliver Cromwell:

"I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.

Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!"

Mark Thomas said...

In regard to the story at hand:

Deo gratias that at Cardinal Dolan's direction, a Holy Mass of Reparation will be offered at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York.

As Father Enrique Salvo, the Cathedral's rector, noted, "The Cathedral only knew that family and friends were requesting a funeral Mass for a Catholic, and had no idea our welcome and prayer would be degraded in such a sacrilegious and deceptive way."

Ceyenne Doroshow, who had organized the funeral, acknowledged that she had not informed the pastoral staff that Cecilia Gentili, the subject of the funeral service (not a Mass) had identified as transgender.

Doroshow said, “I kind of kept it under wraps.”

That is disgraceful.

Ceyenne Doroshow is the founder and director of GLITS Inc. (Gays and Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society). Her awful deception in question has brought shame upon herself, if not her organization.

The vile language (I will not post that) employed by the person who had spoken in Spanish, then translated into English, highlighted the sacrilegious behavior that had marked the funeral service.

The presence of Satan had filled the funeral service.

May God have mercy upon Cecilia Gentili, as well as those who contributed to the impiety that abounded at the funeral service. May God have mercy upon me. May forgive the countless sins that I have committed throughout my lifetime.


Mark Thomas

Jerome Merwick said...


Just more of the same cut and paste sycophantry, utterly avoiding the question.

This "funeral" was openly praised by Fr. James Martin S. J., darling of the current pope (if he is a valid pope) and the pope's handpicked consultant to the Vatican Secretariat of Communications.

Well, he's communicating all right. Let's see if his all smiles and pat on the backs boss publicly condemns this filth.

This is a direct product of this papal administration, from the stinking, confusing document authorizing its blessings to the Cardinal Archbishop of New York, who is NOT stupid and had to know about the plans for this disgrace.

There's no wiggle room for excuses on this one. None.

And you can expect more and more of these kinds of events in the future as this "holy, holy, holy" papacy stands by smiling.

Jerome Merwick said...


Just more of the same cut and paste sycophantry, utterly avoiding the question.

This "funeral" was openly praised by Fr. James Martin S. J., darling of the current pope (if he is a valid pope) and the pope's handpicked consultant to the Vatican Secretariat of Communications.

Well, he's communicating all right. Let's see if his all smiles and pat on the backs boss publicly condemns this filth.

This is a direct product of this papal administration, from the stinking, confusing document authorizing its blessings to the Cardinal Archbishop of New York, who is NOT stupid and had to know about the plans for this disgrace.

There's no wiggle room for excuses on this one. None.

And you can expect more and more of these kinds of events in the future as this "holy, holy, holy" papacy stands by smiling.

Mark Thomas said...

In regard to certain folks here who are outraged as to the mockery/sacrilege that marked the funeral service in question:

Said folks have every reason to have criticized the Satanic activity that was present at the funeral service. What I find interesting is that certain among said outraged folks have, on numerous occasions here, mocked the Holy Mass.

Said folks are outraged at the mockery of all that is holy that occurred during a funeral service...not during a Mass...but at a funeral service. But said folks' outrage in question is proper and understandable.

Nevertheless, among said folks are those who, on numerous occasions here, have denounced and mocked the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.

Among said folks are those who have referred to the Holy Mass as the "Nervous Disorder," and "Novus Bogus." They have spewed venom at the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.

Said folks, as compared, perhaps, to many folks who attended the funeral service, should know better. Said folks' horrific attacks against the Holy Mass have constituted the work of Satan.


Mark Thomas

Mike Lutz said...

For anyone who thinks this was just a big mistake, and all at the Cathedral thought Gentili was a faithful Catholic, please consult the National Catholic Register article.

Here we learn that the presider, Fr. Edward Dougherty, consistently referred to the deceased with feminine pronouns and called her "our sister." Unless Fr. Dougherty is particularly dimwitted, it should have been obvious at the start of the ceremony that (a) this whole charade was, at best, a scandal for the Church and (b) Gentili was not a woman by birth. But Fr. Dougherty proceeded as if all were normal.

Any consequences for Fr. Dougherty for participating in this sham?

Will there be an exorcism and reconsecration?

This makes The Rave in the Nave at Canterbury Cathedral, disgusting as that was, look tame by comparison.

Mike Lutz said...

To TJM's point: When my brother-in-law died 6 years ago, we asked to have his funeral Mass at our parish in Rochester, NY. He lived most of his life in Utica, but had been transferred to a skilled nursing facility near us so we could visit him more frequently. My wife and I are long time parishioners, and are well-known to our pastor and the parish staff, but we still had to provide a fair amount of information before they approved the funeral.

Had anyone at St. Patrick's done the same, this desecration could have been avoided. So, the question remains: What happened?

TJM said...

Jerome Merwick,

I will no longer post here. For some strange reason Father McDonald provides a forum for the braindead and the evil. It is no longer worth it. I will focus on intellectual, informed Catholic blogs like Father Z, Father Hunwicke and The New Liturgical Movement who do not suffer lying fools who are courting perdition. Good luck Jerome!

TJM said...

Fr Dougherty is obviously a pervert who will end up in Hell unless he repents

Mark Thomas said...
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Mark Thomas said...

Father James Martin, S.J., has posted the following to X:

"Dear friends: The comments I gave to @nytimes about the Memorial Service for Cecilia Gentili were given before the service, and assuming that St. Patrick's Cathedral had approved the service, which seemed like a compassionate gesture towards the deceased's family and friends.

"And I also assumed, based on the fact that the service was being held in St. Patrick's, that Ms. Gentili was a believer, which according to @nytimes, she was not.

"Obviously, I believe that LGBTQ people should be as included as any other parishioner in their church. Just as obviously, I believe that churches are sacred spaces and certain actions are out of bounds. (Full disclosure: I had been invited to preach but was out of town.)

"I've not seen the whole service as recorded, but some actions I've seen struck me as, while perhaps to the congregation joyful and celebratory, disrespectful of the sacred space that is St. Patrick's Cathedral. One can be both joyful and respectful, it seems to me.

"I would imagine that some congregants might say that they intended nothing disrespectful or offensive; but when in a church, synagogue or mosque, or any other sacred space, I feel that you should always err on the side of respect and prudence.

"Most importantly, may Cecilia Gentili rest in peace, and may her friends and her family, and all who knew her, be consoled by her memory and by God's presence in their lives."


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

In response to the statement released by the Archdiocese of New York, the family of Cecilia Gentili issued the following statement:

"We brought precious life and radical joy to the Cathedral in historic defiance of the Church’s hypocrisy and anti-trans hatred.

"Cecilia Gentili’s funeral service, which filled the pews in ways the Cathedral only can during Easter service and NYPD funerals, was a reflection of the love she had for her community and a testament to the impact of her tireless advocacy.

"We bestow sainthood upon Cecilia for her life's work, for how she ministered, mothered, and loved all people, regardless of HIV, immigration, or employment status.

"Her heart and hands reached those the sanctimonious Church continues to belittle, oppress, and chastise, and she changed the material conditions for countless people, including unhoused people and those who needed healthcare.

"The only deception present at St. Patrick’s Cathedral is that it claims to be a welcoming place for all."

"Gentili's homegoing service will live on in history as a radical act of love and mourning for a revolutionary saint in our community."


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Are you kidding. they knew what they were doing, called attention to their non-Catholic agenda carried out in the most famous Catholic Cathedral in the USA and perverted a Catholic funeral liturgy in order to do so.. They accomplished all of this and more and their narcissism is being rewarded by the on-going coverage that this sham of a Catholic liturgy has provoked. Fr.Jame Martin was involved in this as he was asked to preach and the priest who presided over this planned it out. It was all contrived. The LGBTQ+++ community heavily advertised this funeral on their social media platforms to make sure the cathedral was full and full of LGBTQ++ activists.

Mark Thomas said...

The Cathedral staff has made it clear that the funeral service was not contrived by Church officials. Should the Archdiocese of New York determine otherwise, then I will accept that.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

The celebrant of that liturgy helped to plan and execute that funeral liturgy. He isn’t a staff member of the Cathedral, but indeed he is a Church official due to his ordination as a Catholic priest. He should be held accountable for presiding over this sacrilege that then needed a Mass of Reparation to seek God’s forgiveness for the sacrilege. MT you are showing once again in an incredible way an inability to think critically in an intellectual way and on your own.

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."MT you are showing once again in an incredible way an inability to think critically in an intellectual way and on your own."

Father, that is your opinion. I disagree with that opinion.

I tend to shun rush-to-judgement reactions as I have encountered throughout my life many such claims that proved inaccurate.

I am open to information that would demonstrate that the Cathedral staff (or additional folks within the Archdiocese of New York) had helped to contrive the sacrilegious event in question.

But as I have not encountered such information, I will accept the Cathedral staff's testimony that they were duped by those who organized the funeral service.

Two key bits of information favor the Cathedral staff's version of events.

1. Ceyenne Doroshow organized the funeral. She acknowledged that she had not informed the pastoral staff that Cecilia Gentili identified as transgender. Doroshow said that she had "kept it under wraps."

2. Cecilia Gentili's family viewed the funeral service as an opportunity to defame and denounce Holy Mother Church.

The statement released by Gentili's family yesterday announced that the funeral service served as a way to have acted "in historic defiance of the Church’s hypocrisy and anti-trans hatred."


Mark Thomas

Mike Lutz said...

One can only wonder what would have taken place had Fr. Martin been available to preach. Would he have objected and not participated, or would he have proceeded with a homily?

I realize that even speculating on this is uncharitable of me, and I'll pray deeply about my reaction prior to my next confession. But having said this, it does not lessen my concern over continued and increasing demonic activities in holy and sacred spaces.

Mike Lutz said...


1. Fr. Martin, in his apology, still referred to the deceased using feminine pronouns. Does this in any way concern you (and I'd like your personal reaction as a Catholic, not quotations snatched from others).

2. Do you have any reaction other than "Pax" to the scurrilous statement put out by the Gentili family? Their characterization of St. Patrick's as "unwelcoming," while hardly unexpected, flies in the face of the wisdom of Cardinal George who said "all are welcome, but on Christ's terms, not their own."

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

The rector of the Cathedral is responsible for allowing a family member and an outside priest to do as the wish at a Catholic funeral. You are digging yourself deeper with your uncritical thinking.

Mark Thomas said...

I am digging myself deeper? Okay, Father, that is your opinion.

I wish you a blessed day.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Mister Lutz,

I stated at 11:11 A.M., that based upon their statement yesterday, Cecilia Gentili's family viewed the funeral service as an opportunity to defame and denounce Holy Mother Church. The statement issued by the Gentili family is disgraceful.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Mike Lutz said..."But having said this, it does not lessen my concern over continued and increasing demonic activities in holy and sacred spaces."

I understand your concern.

In regard to the story at hand: I believe that Satan was present via the behavior — the foul language — which many at the funeral service had displayed.


Mark Thomas

Fr Martin Fox said...

Not being a rocket scientist, it is possible I err when I say, this isn't rocket science.

If I were still a journalist (I was one, long ago), it would not be any great trick to call around to a selection of Catholic parishes, and cathedrals, in cities and suburbs and rural areas, large and small, and find out how funerals happen.

Anyone want to stake actual money, betting against me on the following:

- Someone gets a call, either from a funeral home or a family member, requesting a funeral.

- Someone has the job of writing down information about the request, and has the task of passing it along to someone who says yes or no.

- Someone has the task of figuring out who will be the celebrant of the Mass, or if there will be a funeral without Mass, and working out such details.

- Usually, someone talks to the family about said details. There is a discussion about friends or family taking roles.

- If the celebrant is not assigned to the parish, some questions are usually asked. It is a requirement, by the way, everywhere in the U.S. (or world?) that if the priest is not known to the pastor, he must demonstrate that he is in good standing. This is to prevent a fraud, or a disgraced cleric, or someone not in communion with the Church, from slipping in.

- Finally, when you are dealing with a shrine or cathedral that may be especially popular for such events, there will be regular procedures and someone is paid to ensure things are not overlooked. After all, some number of funerals are going to be for deceased veterans, or VIPs, and involve extra complications. No way any shrine or cathedral just hopes for the best; someone takes care of it.

Now, we're to believe that whoopsy, this vast crowd of people just showed up! No one knew a thing!

In a parish church, I can readily believe a pastor was told, Father So-and-so will handle it, here is his letter of suitability, he's a friend or relative, he'll take care of the planning with the family. I can believe the pastor will just assume Father Visitor will manage things competently, and not ask any questions. Maybe he won't want to ask any questions.

But the Cathedral of New York City????

Father Daughterty was not someone no one ever heard of. A super-quick check on the Internet shows he is involved in various things in the New York area; I'm pretty sure he's offered Mass at the Cathedral before. Maybe he had a bad week and was under the influence of pain killers and just didn't know anything about the plans, and was so deep in prayer, he never noticed anything amiss. Sure, that's the ticket...

But really, no one was at all interested in what was planned? Gosh, it's so tough when you have a itty-bitty parish with no one to help handle things. I'm sure that's the case with St. Patrick's Cathedral.

Again, if I were a journalist, I'd follow up to see what becomes of Father Daugherty; I'd watch to see if he offers Mass at the Cathedral ever again.

Fr Martin Fox said...

By the way, the fact that the deceased was "transgender" is a red herring the size of Texas.

If someone dies and the family seeks a Catholic funeral, that detail wouldn't be totally irrelevant, but it would most likely be possible to have the funeral. If I were the priest being asked to offer the Mass, assuming the deceased was Catholic, I'd handle the matter carefully, working out ahead of time the question of the deceased's name and identity. There are ways to do this without advancing an agenda, or being confrontational in a public setting. I would find a way to avoid all pronouns entirely, and the homily would focus on Christ, which is where it ought to be in any case.

Without commenting on this poor soul, but rather speaking generally, we have Masses for those who are not notorious; maybe this individual was, but just some individual who became convinced he or she was the opposite sex does not mean that person need be denied a funeral Mass, any more than some poor soul who has dementia or who for obscure reasons, seems* to have taken his or her life, is denied a Mass.

(*I say "seems to have," because I recall at least one situation where the person who died may have, but may not have, intended his own death. Things aren't always tidy that way.)

Mike Lutz said...


As you can probably guess, I'm not always in your corner with respect to discussions of our shared faith. But I truly appreciate your responses to my two previous posts.


Anonymous said...

Disgusting. All of it. May God use this to draw out the poison of unbelief and heresy like poison from a wound.


Mark Thomas said...

Mister Lutz,

Thank you for the opportunity to have exchanged comments/opinions with you. I appreciate that we communicated with each other in charitable fashion.

Thank you, again..


Mark Thomas