Saint María Antonia de San José from Argentina was canonized by Pope Francis. The report describes her as a lay woman, but the artistic rendering of her portrays her as a religious in a habit. In addition, Pope Francis implicitly endorses the missionary outreach and superb evangilzation techniques and ethos of the pre-Vatican II Church and the pre-Vatican II Jesuit Order which Saint Maria Antonia wholeheartedly embraced and lived!
In addition to this stunning photo at the canonization, Cardinals Fernandez and Roche were seated together. Such a love fest!
The Gospel was proclaimed both in Latin (and that is now novel for papal Masses) as well as in Greek! Doing so is traditional for papal canonization Masses.
Pope Francis canonises Argentinian laywoman ‘Mama Antula’
From Vatican News:
Pope Francis canonizes María Antonia de San José, describing her as a "wayfarer of the spirit" and "a model of apostolic fervour and audacity". By Joseph Tulloch and Stefan von Kempis ‘Mama Antula’ is Argentina's first female saint.
She was canonized by Pope Francis – himself Argentinian– on Sunday morning, in a Mass in St Peter’s Basilica. María Antonia de San José de Paz y Figueroa, known in her own country, and by millions of faithful around the world, as “Mama Antula”, lived in Argentina in the 18th century.
At that time, the Jesuit order had been expelled from Argentina. María Antonia, a laywoman, made it her mission to spread Ignatian - that is, Jesuit - spirituality throughout the country.
Among the roughly five thousand present in St Peter's Basilica for the occasion was Javier Milei, the newly-elected president of Argentina.
A "wayfarer of the Spirit"
Towards the end of his homily, Pope Francis laid to one side his prepared remarks and spoke off-the-cuff.
“Today we think of María Antonia de San José, 'Mama Antula',” he
said. “She was a wayfarer of the Spirit. She travelled thousands of
kilometres on foot, through deserts and dangerous roads, bringing with
her God.”
“Today she is a model of apostolic fervour and
audacity for us,” the Pope continued. “When the Jesuits were expelled
[from Argentina], the Spirit lit a missionary flame in her based on
trust in providence and perseverance.”
“Let us pray today to María Antonia, Santa María Antonia de Paz de San José, that she may help us very much.”
Solemn moment of canonisation
The Litany of All Saints rang out solemnly under Michelangelo's dome, then the Pope spoke the canonisation formula.
A deacon consecrated the relics of "Mama Antula", and the Gospel was recited in Greek, as is customary on particularly solemn occasions.
During the offertory, Claudio Perusini and his family brought gifts to the altar; the man had been healed by a miracle that took place through the intercession of the new saint and paved the way for her canonisation.
Leprosy and marginalisation
The Pope had already honoured the new saint in detail on Friday; in
his sermon this Sunday, other than the remarks reported above, he
largely refrained from highlighting her virtues. Instead, he went into
detail about this Sunday's Gospel, which describes the healing of a
leper by Jesus (Mk 1:40-45). The man had not only suffered from leprosy,
but also, and above all, from marginalisation.
"Fear, prejudice and false religiosity: these are three causes of a great injustice, three 'leprosy infections of the soul' that make the weak suffer because they are treated like rubbish. Brothers and sisters, let us not think that this only happened in the past. How many suffering people we encounter on the pavements of our cities! And how many fears, prejudices and incongruous behaviours, even on the part of those who believe and call themselves Christians, continue to hurt them! Even in our time, there is much marginalisation, there are barriers that need to be broken down, there are 'leprosy infections' that need healing."
And how does such healing take place? Not by keeping our distance. The Pope emphasised this to his listeners in St Peter's Basilica by pointing out that Jesus made the first move and touched the sick person, although he realised that in doing so he was violating the ideas of purity of his time.
An important day for Argentina
5,500 faithful gathered in St Peter's Basilica for the celebration, among them thousands of the Pope's compatriots, including bishops, priests and pilgrims from the archdiocese of Portiña, where Pope Francis was once a pastor.
Vigils were organised across Argentina, and the liturgy was shown on giant screens in public squares.
President Javier Milei, who has been in Rome since Saturday, was also present in the Basilica, and will meet privately with Pope Francis tomorrow, 12 February, in the Vatican.

President Javier Milei, in humble, admirable fashion, had months ago repudiated/apologized for hateful, vile comments that he had directed at Pope Francis. President Milei had denounced His Holiness as "a malignant presence on earth," "filthy leftist," "imbecile ," "commie," as well as "the devil’s man on Earth."
When Javier Milei was elected president, there were folks who had wished us to believe that pro-Milei Catholic voters in Argentina had thrown in with Mister Milei against Pope Francis.
Rorate Caeli, for example, had advanced the narrative that Catholics in Argentina had voted for supposed anti-Pope Francis Javier Milei so as to repudiate Pope Francis/his Pontificate.
But Javier Milei, on national television, weeks prior to his election as president, had repudiated his vile attacks against Pope Francis.
On election day 2023 A.D. in Argentina, Javier Milei was pro-Pope Francis. Folks who had voted for Javier Milei had voted that day for a man who had spoken well of His Holiness.
Today, at Rome, Javier Milei greeted Pope warmly.
Certain folks who have not spoken well of Pope Francis had thought that they had found an ally in Javier Milei. Said folks had treasured Mr. Milei's foul remarks in question.
I applaud Javier Milei for his having acknowledged that he had mischaracterized Pope Francis. I applauded the many holy Catholics in Argentina who had rallied in support of Pope Francis.
They had rejected Javier Milei's vile, anti-Pope Francis comments — comments that were the work of Satan.
Mark Thomas
Father McDonald,
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