
Friday, October 2, 2020


 Pray for all who have tested positive, masked or not and may our guardian angels protect us.

God in His great love for us gives each of us our own unique guide, a guardian angel, at birth to keep us going in the right direction on our path towards heaven.  

Guardian angels watch over us, pray for us, and help guide our thoughts and inclinations. They can even protect us from physical as well as spiritual harm! 

The Guardian Angel Prayer sums this up quite nicely: 

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day [or night] be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.


Peter Pence said...

“Do not put the Lord your God to the test”.

President Trump has just found out the hard way.

Anonymous said...

Don’t let the Democrats make us weak & dependent. This story is part of there plan. This socalled virus will magicly disappear November 4. Stay strong, Mister President, stand up to the socialists, feminists, media and globalist. Shame on you.

The Egyptian said...

Are you assigning God"s will to one party over the other, slippery ground you are stepping on there

And if he gets over it without any real problems, will that be God's will??

If he retests and comes up negative ( like Ohio's gov) will it be god's will that the test was faulty?

If he just happens to be asymptomatic, well you get the idea.

Anonymous said...

Masks help protect others, not me from others; Not perfectly, but better than nothing. Said it before, over and over, and I’ll continue saying it. I listen to my years in Infectious Disease work, not politicos or would-be pundits.
And, no, I’m not FRMJK.

Anonymous said...

The Egyptian, very well said !!

By the way, I am looking forward to tonight watching the movie “Stations of the Cross”.
It scored 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.
It is about a 14 year old German girl, whose family is a member of a traditionalist Catholic group, who totally dedicates herself to God hoping to become a saint and hoping God will cure her younger brother’s autism.
Has anyone seen it?

I can’t recall any film or drama being based on a family who are members of the Society of St Pius X.

rcg said...

Brother Boris beat it.

It will be interesting to see how people respond to the outcome of President Trump’s illness.

Anonymous said...

Bee here:

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

God bless.

The Egyptian said...

and I should add if Trump wins is that God's will, if so PLEASE tell the other side

Victor said...

Yes, praying to the guardian angels whom God has given us is very important. In this whole Covid-19 crisis God seems to have been left out, where one places more faith in "science" than in one's guardian angels and God. In fact what underlies this whole mask controversy is that God has created man with an essential defect, not being born with a mask. Fear based "science" will triumph, not God.

But we do have a built-in very effective mask, thanks to God, and it is called "immunity." It is the only thing that saves humans from these respiratory viruses, T-cell soldiers in our bodies that fight these nasty invaders. I will not go into this except to say that I think it is impossible to avoid being exposed to this SARS-Covid-2 virus, as it is to all respiratory viruses floating in society, because man is a social creature. A SARS-VoVid-2 virus is .1 micron in diameter, something no wearable mask can filter out. A rag mask can only filter a good portion of droplets that carry the virus which is why N95 or surgical masks are used by health professionals, not to protect them, but the vulnerable patient at very close distancing. The virus in exhaled breath goes right through a mask, however.

Mr Trump has a BMI index of around 30, statistically just within the safer area of obesity that is linked to Covid-19 mortality. He is not known to have any other serious health issues. My prayers go to him and his family. This is not a good time to have such a diagnosis, assuming it is not a false positive which is a big assumption; as I see it, the demons are trying hard to keep him from winning the election.

Anonymous said...

Bee here:

Peter Pence at October 2, 2020 at 7:08 AM said...“Do not put the Lord your God to the test”. President Trump has just found out the hard way."

I don't is not my god, nor are scientists my gods, nor is not following their advice a sin, nor is the virus some kind of god, so I don't see how not wearing masks puts the Lord my God to the test, but maybe Peter Pence worships other gods than I do, and he/she believes those gods have the power to exact retribution for not obeying them. I don't know what his/her comment implies, but there is a hint of superstition in it. I guess he/she would have to explain how that maxim applies to this situation.

No matter. To each his own.

By the way, about 45,905,000 people have died worldwide so far this year. About 7,613,670 have died of coronary heart disease, which is about 16.9% of the world population. About 4,665,715 have died of stroke (about 10.16 of the population. About 2,545,000 have died of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)(about 5.35% of the population). About 2,386,600 have died of lower respiratory infections (of which about 1,025,300 were associated with COVID-19).

Let us all keep these souls in our prayers, and think of their passing into eternity, and ask God for eternal rest of their souls.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Had all those around Mr. Trump had worn masks, kept to a safe distance, and self quarantined after testing positive, his chances of acquiring COVID would have been very, very low. Those around him have not served him well. You can bet those around Mr Biden are taking mo chances.

Anonymous 2 said...


Oh well, in that case, let’s throw caution to the wind and smoke, drink, and stuff ourselves full of junk food to our heart’s content—and shut down all the doctor’s offices and hospitals and repeal all the safe driver laws, etc. while we are at it! Let’s throw Gods’ gift of life in a beautiful world back in His face. Why not? After all, we’re all going to die of something anyway, right, so what’s the big deal?

Isn’t the power of denial a wondrous thing!

This said, perhaps you do have a point with all those statistics. Perhaps we should ask ourselves some uncomfortable questions such as: How many of those deaths were preventable? What are the social and economic conditions that led to those pathologies? What responsibility do we have, individually and/or collectively for the creation or perpetuation of those conditions? Aren’t these legitimate questions to ask if we subscribe to a consistent ethic of life from conception to natural death? Of course, they are not legitimate questions if one subscribes to the cult of radical individualism and its perverted extreme notions of negative freedom that hold sway over libertarians. Ayn Rand disciples, etc., and their ilk.

As for putting God to the test, didn’t God create the universe and its natural laws, including those that govern microbes, from HIV to corona viruses (not to mention hurricanes, wildfires, melting glaciers, etc.)? And don't we flout such laws at our peril?

Anonymous 2 said...


“The virus in exhaled breath goes right through a mask, however,”

Please provide us with the evidence for this assertion.

“[A]s I see it, the demons are trying hard to keep him from winning the election.”

As Bee says, to each his own. But I do agree with your statement, except that as I see it, the demons are Trump’s own. I pray for his full recovery. I also pray that he takes to heart the following sage advice. If he does, he might just win the election after all:

And he might even get my vote if he becomes a changed, and chastened, person as a result of this experience.

Anonymous said...

Bee here:

Anonymous 2 at October 2, 2020 at 8:05 PM:

Sad news to tell you. You are going to eventually die, whether you flout God's natural laws or not. So am I. So is everybody who is living today, and those who will be born in the future. There is no getting around it. It is a fact. Today, tomorrow, forestalled a short time perhaps through habits of proper diet and exercise, but it will happen, no matter how well we take care of ourselves, no matter anything.

Often a deep seated fear of death reveals itself in obsessive attempts to control all aspects of daily life, such as was the behavior exhibited by Howard Hughes during the last years of his life. And nothing is more validating to a hypochondriac than hearing of someone getting an illness they themselves have been terrified of contracting.

By the way, Msgr. Pope has recovered completely from COVID-19 (thanks be to God), having had a quite serious case of it and having been hospitalized. He is back to saying Mass on Sundays.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Avoiding illness is not a denial of death, nor does it represent a desire to "control all aspects of daily life." Being sick is the deprivation of health, which is a good, a gift from God. Taking steps to remain healthy is an act of thanking and praising God for the gift of life and health. Taking steps that will likely result in sickness or death is an insult to God's goodness.

The example of Howard Hughes is completely off-base. He was mentally unstable and his fears were irrational. My desire to avoid contracting the coronavirus in order to protect the people I come into contact with is not only rational, it is salutary and it is morally upright.

Not wearing a mask and relying on God's protection is an example of unfounded providentialism. Your might as well say, "I'm going to jump off this thousand foot cliff and rely on God's protection, His providence, to protect me from harm. It is humanly foolish and theologically nonsensical.

Anonymous said...

"Health is not matter of never being ill. It is the ability to recover.". - Rabbi Jonathan Dacks

Anonymous said...

Sacks, not Dacks.

Paul McCarthy said...

As a Marine in the 80s and a Helicopter pilot in the 90s my guardian angel saved me so many times I lost count. I fear God not the CCP made in a lab virus.

Funny how our President got the virus on CCP Independence (slavery) Day.

Just saying.

Who was the super spreader?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:37AM

Thank you for injecting a dose of common sense into this equation.