I can't remember if it was Laugh-in or The Flip Wilson Show, but there was an on-going skit called, "Here Comes the Judge! Here Comes the Judge!" Well, finally, we can say about the new English translation: Here Comes the Mass! Here Comes the Mass!
What's interesting is that what many people thought was the final version of the re-translated English Mass and even posted on the USCCB's website, was in fact not the final version. Even after the bishops and the Vatican gave the final approval, some tweaking still took place. Some found the "arbitrary" tweaking, without things going back to committee or national conferences of bishops, very disturbing. I guess they don't have better things to worry about.
At any rate, you can compare some of the final changes from this link from the blog "Praytell." PRESS HERE! PRESS HERE!
Does this onclude a new translation of the readings? Will I need to purchase a new weekly missal for the readings at Mass.
Also, I asked once before about seeing a nun at mass. I saw her again this week at WalMart. I didn't know we had nuns around here. I haven't seen one since moving down here. Anyone know whovshe is and are there more.
Thecla, the readings were revised in the mid 1990's, but that's not to say these won't be revised again, but not any time soon, so only the Mass with all, everyone of them, the prayers are being revised. Don't buy any missals, hymnals, etc until the new Mass if published! I think you are seeing Sister Elizabeth who is now wearing simple veil which is optional with her order, the Daughters of Charity. Normally, they wear a blue dress and white blouse as their "habit" or uniform and we have four living in the convent at St. Peter Claver. I'll tell her that wearing a veil has increased the visibility of the sisters in Macon by 1000%. I can't figure out why those who don't want a clear sign of their religious life to be seen in public places, like Walmart don't. I think it would increase awareness of sisters and the need for even more. Just my two cents, seems only logical to me. I think they have a hard time admitting the grave mistake they made in deciding against the habit and veil, but it is so obvious to so many others, but none of my business, I'm not a sister and shouldn't dictate what they should wear!
Fr, you are fixin' to get in trouble with the nuns again...LOL!
pin...sisters are followers of Christ and all of them without exception love me!
"...whom He loveth, He reproveth..."
(Through the Sisters, of course...lol)
You're right about improved visibility Father. My wife asked me the same question this week after seeing Sister Elizabeth the past few weeks. I told her that Sister works one of the Outreach Programs at St. Joseph, the one we donate Christmas gifts through, and she responded; "Oh, you would have thought I would have noticed her before."
The habit, even the modified simple habit, is such a Witness to people. It exemplifies the old adage; "Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary use words."
It is my choice to wear a veil for lots of reasons. Thanks Father, for explaining that the DC's do have the choice. I have felt for a very long time that something was missing. The veil isn't it completely, but what the veil represents. Each day that I put this on is a new committment to putting on Christ in the morning and being available to the Church and others as my vocation calls me to be. I have come to recognize that the Church does have certain expectations of me as a Sister and if hidden it is easy to get lazy...maybe a strong word, but I mean just not as disciplined. Maybe it can be a sign to someone of Christ's love when they need it most. It seems to me a small thing I can do to witness to the Good News...especially in places like Wal-Mart
I am facinated by the many responses within the church...both supportive and not so supportive. But, I am even more delighted when someone-who is not Catholic-asks me if I am a "real nun" and then asks me to pray for them or a family member they are worried about!
My Aunt was a Sister of the Most Precious Blood in Brooklyn, NY for nearly 60 years. It was a cloistered convent. They had no choice, but to wear a habit.
I had the privilege of being invited into the cloisture for visits ... after Vatican II, of course. Sometimes boring for a small child, but cherished memories now as an adult.
It has been so nice seeing Sr. Elizabeth at Mass. Some "habits" are good for the soul. ;-D
Thank you Fr. Next time i see her I will say hello. Do some people really tell her they don't like her wearing a veil? That is really bold. What is so bad about it? She is brave to keep wearing it.
Sister if you read this Thank you for being more visible it gives some of us a reason to smile and feel like things will be ok. Don't listen to the others. You are doing a good thing. Thank you.
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