
Monday, July 31, 2023



After Sunday’s Ancient Latin Mass in Savannah, the congregation sang “Holy God, We Praise Your Name “ as the recessional. Once I got outside, no one from inside was on my heels as in a typical modern Mass, or in front of me! 

I had to wait in the Savannah hot sun until all the verses were sung and I mean all, until the first person left the church! What’s up with that!?


ByzRus said...

In the NO, people like to exit to music?

TJM said...

LOL - generally fleeing the insipid music!

rcg said...

Actually, BzRus, many exit because of it.

FWIW, Fr., trads often stay to light candles and prayer. I’d estimate nearly 3/4 do that. Count your blessings you were not at a military chapel with the recessional hymn ‘Lord Guard and Guide’ that has a verse for every military specialty back to propeller repairmen. You might still be waiting.

John Nolan said...

There is, strictly speaking, no 'recessional' in the Roman Rite but singing a vernacular hymn after High/Sung Mass is quite common. English congregations tend to leave after this, and I feel sorry for the organist whose closing voluntary is seen as a cue to make for the exit. It doesn't happen in Paris where the organ improvisation is usually the main reason for attending the service and was about the only thing of value to survive Vatican II.