
Monday, July 31, 2023



Remember that horrific underwater volcano which erupted and spewed ocean water and other debris into the atmosphere. No you don’t. The media didn’t focus on it because it interferes with Joe Biden and the Democrat’s political agenda for green energy. 

Well, thank to Fr. Z we now have the truth about this summer’s climate change. In all the reporting, reporters are hysterical that it has been hot this summer! DUH! And the recent addition of reporting not just the actual temperature, but what it feels like, which is much higher than the actual temperature, helps them in the great deception.

This is what Fr. Z uses as his source to move us away from the science fiction of the Democrats and media about Climate change to the science fact of science. How marvelous:

This was spotted at American Thinker.

What NASA and the European Space Agency are admitting but the media are failing to report about our current heat wave

The current heat wave is being relentlessly blamed on increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but there is a much more plausible explanation, one that is virtually endorsed by two of the world’s leading scientific organizations. It turns out that levels of water vapor in the atmosphere have dramatically increased over the last year-and-a-half, and water vapor is well recognized as a greenhouse gas, whose heightened presence leads to higher temperatures, a mechanism that dwarfs any effect CO2 may have.

So, why has atmospheric water vapor increased so dramatically? Because of a historic, gigantic volcanic eruption last year that I – probably along with you — had never heard of. The mass media ignored it because it took place 490 feet underwater in the South Pacific. Don’t take it from me, take it from NASA (and please do follow the link to see time lapse satellite imagery of the underwater eruption and subsequent plume of gasses and water injected into the atmosphere):

Both NASA and the European Space Agency agree that because of the huge amount of water vapor ejected into the atmosphere by that volcano (enough to fill 58K Olympic pools) increasing the atmospheric water load by 13% we will have warmer weather for a couple of years until it dissipates.

My comment: Science fact is stranger than the science fiction of climate change!


TJM said...

Most journalists are leftwing simpletons. They never research anything themselves but repeat the bilge posted in leftwing "viewspapers" like the New York Times. They never heard of the dustbowl period of the 1930s nor the fact Europe was warmer in the Middle Ages long before the advent of the combustion engine. They are shills for big government and are no longer champions of our personal freedoms. They can go to Hades.

TJM said...

And corrupt priests and bishops still vote for this:

"The vice president suggested that the federal government step in and codify the abortion standards set in Roe v. Wade, which is in line with what President Joe Biden and his administration have called for since the Supreme Court overturned that decision. This would prevent states from enacting pro-life legislation."

These priests and bishops are taking a salary while subverting the Church's teachings through their vote.

Quite frankly, the Dem Party is a one trick pony, Abortion Uber Alles!

TJM said...

Here is another example of the insanity in the Democratic Party and the Media. They just can't handle the truth, so they just lie:

"The victim, O’Shae Sibley, 28, was a professional dancer. Back in 2020, he joined a dance troop called Vogue 4 #BlackLivesMatter, which created a dance video spotlighting “black queer and trans people who use voguing as a form of protest.” In the video, Sibley and his fellow dancers “dance and dip literally in the face of the police.” They also “raise their fists in unison” as a rapper repeats George Floyd’s last words, “I can’t breathe!” They also “hold up signs that say ‘Protect Black Trans Women!’”

You can’t get any more stunning and brave than that, but now O’Shae Sibley is dead. The murderer is not a MAGA-hat-wearing racist redneck yahoo of Leftist myth but someone whom Sibley would likely have assumed was an ally, a fellow member of the Left’s alliance of groups that are allegedly victims of the white man, the focus of evil in the modern world and the group that the Biden regime has repeatedly claimed constitutes the largest terror threat the nation faces today." The killers were Muslims who were offended by Sibley's dancing. Spin that Media

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Thomas Lifson, author of the article, is also a founder of the "American Thinker" which...

"Faced with a lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems, [Thomas] Lifson acknowledged that the site had relied upon "discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories". The American Thinker likewise admitted that its election claims were "completely false and have no basis in fact" and that "it was wrong for us to publish these false statements."

Solid journalism I am sure..... Not at all surprised it is featured by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf.

James E Dangerfield said...

Pitiful topic choice, Father. I’m sure you and Fr Z have the answer to climate change, and that’s why I come to this blog. Because I crave half-baked far-“right” pablum just as much as I love to hear about how white people are devils and to blame for everything unpleasant. The libs who petal that are fools and when you go ultra vires on this liturgical blog, you obscure your points and demonstrate raging bias. Stay away from this, lest you loose credibility on your real area of expertise. But, one thing is sure, half-baked, illogical and irrelevant argument surely jibes with St Mary’s in Baltimore. They sure did a bad job; but you are 99% right on despite it.

TJM said...

I hope “you know who” is not in denial about Hunter Biden and China Joe’s scandal. Jonathan Turley says it’s the greatest political scandal in US history. Look over there, Trump! Turley is part of a dying breed: an honest and reality based Democrat!

Anonymous said...

Father Kavanaugh said..."Solid journalism I am sure.....Not at all surprised it is featured by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf."

Father Kavanaugh, thank you for having revealed American Thinker's true nature. American Thinker is the proverbial rag that, time and again, has promoted nonsense.

Here is an example of American Thinker's unreliability...the utter garbage that said publication has promoted:

-- Pope Francis goes full communist

October 5, 2020

"In an encyclical published on Sunday, Pope Francis...blithely upended almost two millennia of Church doctrine by doing away with St. Augustine's "just war" theory."

"These actions reflect Francis's Catholic upbringing within the communist "liberation theology" of the Latin American church. They may also show the effects of his ongoing alliance with Chinese communists and with Muslims."


Here is Pope Francis' "communist" (according to American Thinker) declaration in question:

"It is very difficult nowadays to invoke the rational criteria elaborated in earlier centuries to speak of the possibility of a 'just war.'"



Solemnity of Pentecost Coventry, 30 May 1982

Pope Saint John Paul II:

"Today, the scale and the horror of modern warfare - whether nuclear or not - makes it totally unacceptable as a means of settling differences between nations."

"War should belong to the tragic past, to history; it should find no place on humanity’s agenda for the future."


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

One lefty supports another lefty, quelle surprise

Bob said...

Ok, Kavanaugh and Mark, comtinue to.throw shade by going after the messenger rather than the message.

Perhaps you should bother to read the message.

Anonymous said...

Bob said..."Ok, Kavanaugh and Mark, comtinue to.throw shade by going after the messenger rather than the message."

Bob thank you for your post.

Bob, in my opinion, American Thinker is a right-wing rag with a history of having promoted unreliable stories...and having delighted in the defamation of Pope Francis. I can demonstrate that American Thinker has a history of having promoted unreliable stories.

That said, in regard to climate change:

I recognize that each person here could spend all day, every day, quoting this scientist, that report, to support his or her take in regard to climate change. That is why I prefer to focus upon the role to which Holy Mother Church has called us to cultivate in regard to good stewardship.

Popes Francis, Benedict XVI, as well Saint John Paul II, have insisted that climate change is real. There are folks who reject each Pope's declaration in question.

But that which everybody can agree upon...that we are called to the above-mentioned Popes in regard to their teachings related to the good stewardship of earth and its resources.

Holy Mother Church has called upon us to keep air and water avoid polluting the exercise good stewardship in regard to earth's resources.

I will let others argue as to whether climate change is real. Again, I prefer to focus upon Church teaching in regard to our serving as good stewards of God's Creation.

After all, it is a good thing to keep our world as clean as possible...and to utilize earth's resources in wise fashion.

Bob, thank you.

Peace and good health to you and your family.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...


Here is another message they will ignore because they can't handle the truth that the Dem Party stands for abortion on demand and spending a fortune on illegal aliens needs over US citizens. Here are 5 Dem states going down the drain to Florida:

"Believe it or not, former residents of just five states make up more than half of the income that’s headed south — not for the winter, but practically forever.

They are:

New York with $9.8 billion in lost income
Illinois worth $3.9 billion
New Jersey, $3.8 billion
California, $3.5 billion
Pennsylvania, $1.9 billion
Here’s the shocker: Each one of those states is ruled completely by Democrats. Five governor’s offices and both sides of four state assemblies are dominated by Dems. There are barely any statewide GOP elected officials in any of those states. Five total, with none at all in New York or New Jersey. Democrats are free to impose their policies almost without opposition and the results are…

…well, they’re short nearly $23 billion in earning power that Democrats no longer control.

In this case, the money involved is one of those zero-sum games in which Florida’s gain is their loss.

Message: Stop electing Democrats." The only ones who get rich are the Dem politicians who live in the lap of luxury after they leave office even though they have no real talents other than holding power. Think Obama as a textbook example!

Mark said...

The American Thinker piece seems to be quite misleading.

Here is the NASA press release from August 2, 2022:

“This extra water vapor could influence atmospheric chemistry, boosting certain chemical reactions that could temporarily worsen depletion of the ozone layer. It could also influence surface temperatures. Massive volcanic eruptions like Krakatoa and Mount Pinatubo typically cool Earth’s surface by ejecting gases, dust, and ash that reflect sunlight back into space. In contrast, the Tonga volcano didn’t inject large amounts of aerosols into the stratosphere, and the huge amounts of water vapor from the eruption may have a small, temporary warming effect, since water vapor traps heat. The effect would dissipate when the extra water vapor cycles out of the stratosphere and would not be enough to noticeably exacerbate climate change effects.”

So, NASA thought the volcano “may have a small, temporary warming effect” that “would not be enough to noticeably exacerbate climate change effects.” That doesn’t sound like what we have just been experiencing. But perhaps NASA has amended its judgment in a later statement. If so, please share it.

Also, the mainstream media did not ignore the eruption. It took me just five minutes to find reports from CBS, CNN, NPR, Fox News, Washington Post, and New York Times. I am sure I could find several more if I looked further.

Seamus Malone said...

Father Kavanaugh,

That funny feeling you have on your lower backside are Mark Thomas' lip prints.

Mark said...

The following piece provides a little more scientific detail:

TJM said...

Yet know one here will acknowledge:

1) it was warmer in Europe in the Middle Ages than it is today;
2) the chief scam artists have obscene global footprints and certainly don’t live as if the planet were in peril
3) the solution always requires more bureaucracy, higher taxes and loss of freedoms for the non-Elites ( provided for “context”)
4) solutions include not having children or eating beef (so I guess an empty planet is what they are shooting for)
5) there was an article in the WSJ suggesting that the global warming obsession is another sign of mental illness (Greta)

You can post all the alarmist nonsense you want. I am old enough to remember when Global Freezinf was the cause du jour

Mark said...


1. Yes and no, but so what? See:

2. Fallacious argument. Hypocrisy proves nothing.

3. Yes, all government involves loss of freedom. It is the opposite of anarchy.

4. Yeah, right, that’s what “they” want—an empty planet.

5. Any obsession is unhealthy mentally.

Bob said...

Thanks, Mark, for pointing out that article, which means that the actual warming from an actual event, combined with the forecast computer modeled warming (which has ALWAYS seriously overachieved when compared to actual later temperatures, but don't let that get in the way of a good narrative) means that we will all be dead in 5-10yrs.

Of course, barring age claiming me by then, I fully expect to see that not much has changed in 10yrs past the rampant insanity of the West has caused it to collapse under the weight of its own self-referential deathwish by committing economic suicide and me busy studying Mandarin.

And all while I ponder the current and future ice age predicted in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s by the National Atmospheric Research Center, NASA, the US Military, and elite universities, and KNOWING those people are NEVER wrong.

Bob said...

And Mark, media did not ignore the eruption, but media HAS ignored these later warming predictions from the eruption.

Please note the dates of these articles frmom heavily read main sources, and please then explain zero media mention while media obsesses over a summer that is hot and endlessly grinds away at how this is all man's fault.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

The observation I have is that all kinds of the opinions, conjecture, theories about climate change, are just that with the added complication of political ideologies thrown into the mix. Obvious, various things can affect the weather, be it pollution, volcanos and the like. But what is not included into the mix is that the world is cascading towards its death. Like us, the earth is terminal, no matter if contributing factors are human made or not. A person who smokes or overeats can contribute to the shortening of his life, but he will die.

I am not opposed to taking steps to reduce factors that speeds up the death of the earth. I would like to know from a scientific point of view if volcanoes or earthquakes can effect the weather Can the earth be thrown off of its axis that might tilt the earth causing climate earth or the orbit gets out of wack for this, that or the other. Obvious that would affect climate.

I don’t trust politicians or others politically motivated calling the shots on this.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

What NASA-predicted Ice Age?

ASK NASA CLIMATE | February 13, 2020, 14:02 PST
There Is No Impending 'Mini Ice Age'
By NASA Global Climate Change

What Atmospheric Research Center-predicted Ice Age?

Other scientific bodies that have released statements endorsing anthropogenic global warming include:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Environmental Protection Agency
NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies
American Geophysical Union
American Institute of Physics
National Center for Atmospheric Research
American Meteorological Society
The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) draws upon the work of over 850 peer reviewed studies
None of these bodies (at least the ones that existed back then) endorsed ice age predictions in the 70's. More on scientific consensus...

So global cooling predictions in the 70's amounted to media hype over essentially a single study. Today, an avalanche of studies and overwhelming scientific consensus endorse anthropogenic global warming. To compare cooling predictions in the 70's to the current situation is both inappropriate and misleading.

NOTE: None of the bodies endorsed ice age predictions in the 70's.

TJM said...


You obviously love hypocrites who undermine their own movement and totalitarianism so long as it comes from the Left! You are in an industry which now excels at suppressing personal freedoms. You are not skeptical of the Left’s specious claims: men can now menstruate and have babies, the science be damned! Cuba and China are available venues for you but alas China is into fossil fuels. Do you have the courage to go there and protest their “anti-planet” modus operandi? Still waiting for your response on the temperatures during the Middle Ages. You are a more sophisticated version of Mark Thomas! Cheers

Jerome Merwick said...

While it's not science, it certainly is refreshing to hear the late George Carlin comment on our current panic du jour:

Bob said...

Father, we remember REAL pollution, the perpetual heavy smog, stench, poisoned waters, and all the hand wringers today either intentionally forget, or never knew, just how bad it was and what giant strides we have made.

I am not concerned as to temperature swings as it is clear our planet does such things for reasons of which we can only conjecture.

But I AM concerned as to the chemical poisoning of land, water, oceans having nothing to do with fossil fuels but everything to do with modern better life through chemicals mindset and its obsession with cheap plastic disposable consumer goods and rhe near eternal toxic chemicals released by both manufacture and leaching the products themselves, as well as by-products from every chemical made promising a longer and happier life of more stuff.

And the actual verified poisoning is lost in the global warming hysteria, and ignoring the main deadly problem which we CAN fix

Bob said...

Kavanaugh, I commented on an earlier climate thread where I posted a link showing old predictions and.similar media panic mongering...perhaps you were too busy making snide comments to other posters including this site owner?

And at your age, unless going senile, you should clearly remember them, as I clearly do, but, to jog your memory, hear are just some of those old blast from past headlines, where all you need look at are the news articles themselves.

Mark said...


Re your post at 6:29 p.m.: But that is not what The American Thinker piece said:

“So, why has atmospheric water vapor increased so dramatically? Because of a historic, gigantic volcanic eruption last year that I – probably along with you — had never heard of. The mass media ignored it because it took place 490 feet underwater in the South Pacific.”

Wrong. I remember hearing about it at the time. And as I said earlier, I have today found lots of coverage of it.

Moreover, the mainstream media did not ignore the warming prediction either. Here, for example, is a New York Times article of September 22, 2022. It is titled:

“The Tonga Volcano Shook the World. It May Also Affect the Climate: Scientists say water vapor injected into the stratosphere by the volcanic eruption in January may have a slight, though temporary, warming effect.”

I imagine that The American Thinker is just trying to rile up its readers—in other words, the usual outrage manipulation, par for the course nowadays.

Mark said...


Please calm down.

Regarding the Middle Ages, please see my response to your point 1.

Mark said...


Thank you for your latest post about pollution. I agree completely that this requires urgent attention too. My wife and I were just talking about that over dinner this evening.

Anonymous said...

Father Kavanaugh said..."So global cooling predictions in the 70's amounted to media hype over essentially a single study. Today, an avalanche of studies and overwhelming scientific consensus endorse anthropogenic global warming. To compare cooling predictions in the 70's to the current situation is both inappropriate and misleading.

"NOTE: None of the bodies endorsed ice age predictions in the 70's."

Father Kavanaugh, along with Mark, are blessed with levels of intelligence that will elevate in positive, profound fashion, any discussion in which they participate.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...


The Democrat Party is a crime organization masquerading as a political party and braindead “Catholic” bishops and priests support it even though it is evil central. The union goons aka public school teachers are angry because parents are upset they are against putting books in grade schools how to perform fellatio on each other!

Mark said...


Thanks for sharing the link. Gotta love George Carlin. He engaged in equal opportunity balloon puncturing.

But, as he suggests at the end, I suppose we humans need to decide whether we want the planet to shake us off or whether we would like to stick around for a while longer.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Let’s say that as a part of nature, the earth tilts differently for a period of time, let’s say every 500 years as normal, or that its obit takes the earth further away from the sun every 1,000 to 1 million years as a part of its nature. How can we human beings fix that and make the earth orbit correctly or tilt properly. And herein lies the hubris of the green movement—they think they are mother nature or worse yet, God almighty!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Might Earth's growing distance from the sun influence Earth's climate?

"As the Earth moves away from the sun, the sun's light will become dimmer," Brian DiGiorgio, an astronomer at the University of California said. "Given that Earth's distance from the sun may grow by 0.2% over the next 5 billion years, "this dimming corresponds to a 0.4% reduction of solar energy hitting the Earth's surface," he said. "This is relatively small compared to the normal variations in the sun's brightness that happen due to the Earth's elliptical orbit, so it's not much to worry about. The bigger thing to worry about "is that as the sun evolves over the next 5 billion years, stellar evolution models predict that it will increase in brightness by about 6% every 1 billion years, slowly increasing Earth's temperatures and boiling off the oceans," DiGiorgio said. "This will render the Earth uninhabitable to humans long before the sun ever potentially swallows it."

TJM said...


Please address the legitimate points I made or are you required to be a Climate Change Cult member at your University? Man made global warming is a hoax. Even the co-founder of the Weather Channel shocked a CNN interviewer around 10 years by debunking the whole charade. Just another power grab by big government types who “talk the talk, but never walk the walk.” When are our elites in DC going to stop using air conditioning to “save the planet?” Or take public transportation or better yet, walk to their destination? I think you know the answer.

Mark said...


I did address each of your five points in turn in my post at 6:19 p.m. on August 1. Perhaps you missed it. If not, presumably you just don’t like what I said.