
Monday, July 24, 2023



The NCR reporter of the commentary I link below, is a doctor of the law. He worships Vatican II, synodality and ambiguous theology, doctrine and morals. Where is God in all of this.

If only he would heed Pope Francis and realize we don't worship the Bible, Tradition, morality, Vatican II or anyone's interpretation and implementation, we worship God alone who alone can save us, what a better Church we would have, no?

Here is an example of a "doctor of the law" which Pope Francis has condemned over and over again:

Pope Francis' new Vatican doctrinal chief signals enormous change for Catholic Church


monkmcg said...

The article is , essentially, a puff piece. The author repeats things said by a number of different people and then announces how the recent DDF appointment signals a dramatic change. But he never tells us what that dramatic change could be. He recounts the (supposed) history of the actions of the CDF with one anecdote about how Fr. Congar felt about being disciplined. No mention of what that discipline consisted of or how ineffective it was. He then implies that such draconian measures continued even after Congar's...but fails to mention a single instance.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Prefects come and go. Cardinal Leveda appoint by Benedict was quiet and discreet. He was replaced by Mueller, more out there like Ratzinger. An Jesuit replaced Muller. He is more Leveda-like. Fernandez likes to talk, while progressive/heterodox, he is like Mueller who likes to talk and give interviews similar to Francis.

Fernandez can be treated by the next pope as Müller was by Francis. In fact Francis has begun the tradition of canceling all or parts of previous pope’s’ magisteriums. The same can and May well happen by Francis successor.

Fernandez with authorize blessings of various sinful unions of whatever kind that will upend by way of time and trajectory the Church’s dogmas and doctrines concerning all the sacraments, especial Matrimony and Holy Orders.

Anonymous said...

Father McDonald said..."In fact Francis has begun the tradition of canceling all or parts of previous pope’s’ magisteriums."

Father McDonald, I wish to engage you in charitable fashion.

Father McDonald, should we accept your above claim, then in line with that, according to Archbishop Lefebvre, a prominent figure in Church history, we must add Popes Saint John Paul II, as well as Saint Paul VI, to the list of Popes who have "cancelled" (supposedly) their predecessors.

Archbishop Lefebvre also insisted that then-Cardinal Ratzinger was a modernist/apostate who had rejected (cancelled) centuries-old Papal teachings.

In 1986 A.D., Archbishop Lefebvre declared:

"Indeed, it is clear that since the Second Vatican Council, the Pope and the Bishops are making more and more of a clear departure from their predecessors."

"...the Roman authorities turn their backs on their predecessors and break with the Catholic Church, and they put themselves at the service of the destroyers of Christianity and of the universal Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ."

"The rupture does not come from us, but from Paul VI and John Paul II who break with their predecessors."


Father McDonald, if Pope Saint John Paul II, for example, was free to have cancelled (supposedly) his predecessors, then Pope Francis enjoys that privilege. Correct?

Thank you.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

For centuries, Pope Benedict XVI's predecessors had taught that we were not to pray and/or worship with non-Catholics. However, Pope Benedict XVI had done just that. He had prayed and worshiped in a Lutheran church. He prayed inside a synagogue, as well as a mosque.

During his 2011 A.D. Assisi III ecumenical/interfaith gathering at the Basilica of Holy Mary of the Angels, Pope Benedict XVI had permitted voodoo warlock Wande Abimbola to chant a prayer to the strange god Olokun.

That did not corresponded remotely to Papal teachings that had been in place for centuries.

Does that mean that in regard to all of the above, Pope Benedict XVI had cancelled his predecessors?

Pope Benedict XVI's predecessors had for centuries upheld the holiness and spiritual value of the Good Friday prayer for Jews. But Pope Benedict XVI had overthrown said prayer.

Pope Benedict XVI believed that the Good Friday prayer in question had "wounded" Jews...and that the prayer must be replaced with a less "offensive" prayer.

Does that mean that Pope Benedict XVI had cancelled his predecessors' teachings related to said prayer?

Did Pope Venerable Pius XII have the right to have "cancelled" his predecessors' teachings in regard to the ancient Midnight Fast?

Thank you.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

From the article in question"

"Although most voices on the Catholic left have praised the appointment, some advocates for victims of clerical sexual abuse have been quite critical.

"Anne Barrett Doyle, a co-director of, has complained about Fernández's possible mishandling of a prominent clerical sexual abuse case in his archdiocese."


Anne Barrett Doyle has trafficked in the defamation of our holy Popes in regard to the issue of sexual abuse cases that involved priests. Therefore, it is not a surprise that she attacked Cardinal-designate Fernández.

Here is an example of Anne Barrett Doyle's viciousness:

-- Death of Pope Benedict XVI: Statement by

December 31, 2022 A.D. By Anne Barrett Doyle

"Pope Benedict XVI will be remembered for his failure to achieve what should have been his job one: to rectify the incalculable harm done to the hundreds of thousands of children sexually abused by Catholic priests.

"When he resigned as Pope, he left hundreds of culpable bishops in power and a culture of secrecy intact.

"The tragedy is that in refusing to enact needed reforms, he ended up hurting the faith he cherished. Had he punished cover-up and abuse as sternly as he did doctrinal violations, the Church’s abuse crisis might have ended under his watch.

"But more than anyone in the Vatican, he knew about the damage done to innocent children. In 1982, when he became head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he moved to the center of the Vatican’s abuse bureaucracy.

"In Spring 2001, the Pope gave Cardinal Ratzinger and the CDF sole responsibility for abuse cases, and in that role, Cardinal Ratzinger read hundreds of files and became the Vatican’s most knowledgeable and powerful person on this issue.

"In the last year of Benedict’s life, a church-commissioned investigation in Germany published a report stating that Benedict himself had been complicit with abusers.

"Benedict’s public response to the Munich revelations was hailed by some as an apology. Yet he acknowledged no personal responsibility and distanced himself from the cover-up, vaguely acknowledging a collective “we” who had committed some unspecified fault: “All the greater is my pain for the abuses and the errors that occurred in those different places during the time of my mandate.”

"As Pope, Benedict could have done much more. He could have made “zero tolerance” the universal rule of the Catholic Church. He could have forced the resignation of bishops who had enabled sexual predators.

"He could have decreed that every bishop post on his website the names, assignment histories, and alleged crimes of accused priests. He could have made the CDF transparent in its handling of cases, instead of the black box that it remains to this day.

"His misplaced priorities caused countless Catholics to abandon the Church. His failure to enact real change in the Church’s handling of sexually abusive priests will be his significant and tragic legacy."


Mark Thomas

Mark said...

Oooops! You have really let the cat out of the bag now, mark. Good for you!

Never forget the cardinal principle (pun intended) that applies on this Blog: Pope St. John Paul II good, Pope Benedict good, Pope Francis baaaaaad!

Anonymous said...

Mark said..."Never forget the cardinal principle (pun intended) that applies on this Blog: Pope St. John Paul II good, Pope Benedict good, Pope Francis baaaaaad!"

There is not any question that Pope Francis has taken a beating by folks who have favored Popes Benedict XVI, as well as Saint John Paul II, over His Holiness. That is interesting in that Popes Benedict XVI, as well as Saint John Paul II, would never have accepted attacks against Pope Francis.

As Pope Benedict XVI had made clear, he considered Pope Francis to be a holy man, as well as outstanding Pope. Pope Benedict XVI had granted his "unconditional reverence and obedience" to Pope Francis. Pope Benedict XVI demonstrated the charitable manner in which Catholics are to treat Pope Francis.

Anyway, the good news is that the majority of Catholics love and respect Pope Francis.

Catholics who have denounced Pope Francis are in the minority within the Church. In that regard, said folks are out of touch with the majority of their brothers and sisters in the Faith.

For that matter, said folks are out of touch with Popes Benedict XVI, as well as Saint John Paul II


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

Mark said..."Never forget the cardinal principle (pun intended) that applies on this Blog: Pope St. John Paul II good, Pope Benedict good, Pope Francis baaaaaad!"

Mark, something that is very chilling and disturbing in regard to the above is the shocking level of rage that many among said folks deliver against those of us who love and respect Pope Francis.

Said folks treat Pope Francis in vicious fashion.

In addition, in line with Pope Benedict XVI, to grant one's "unconditional reverence and obedience" to Pope Francis is to incur horrific, hateful comments and insults from many of said folks.

Said folks celebrate the Sacred Mysteries. Said folks insist that they love Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as dear Saint Joseph.

However, they attack in vicious, disturbing fashion, a brother, or sister, in the Faith, who has a high regard for the child of God, Pope Francis.

They treat Pope Francis, as well as those who express "unconditional reverence and obedience" to His Holiness, as filth.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

I said..."There is not any question that Pope Francis has taken a beating by folks who have favored Popes Benedict XVI, as well as Saint John Paul II, over His Holiness."

With Father McDonald's permission, I wish please to note:

I had/have the same degrees of love and respect for Popes Benedict XVI, as well as Saint John Paul II, that I do for Pope Francis.

Thank you.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

This before and after will cheer you up!

Sophia said...

Sophia here: Thank you TJM- this cheered me up immensely. Wow! I can only imagine what it must have been like for these parishioners when they attended Mass in that completely transformed space for the first time!

TJM said...


Most welcome! It was a very tasteful transformation! I am sure most live it!