
Thursday, July 13, 2023



The Church blesses couples who are engaged as they prepare for marriage. It can be done within a liturgical context but would never simulate a wedding or Nuptial Liturgy. 

However, our new Prefect of the DDF and Cardinal Designate Fernàndez verbalized what the rigged synod of synodality will suggest to the pope who may or may not confirm it. A way will be found to get the camel nose of the Sacrament of Marriage into the bedrooms of non married people, no matter how many of what of the multiplicity of genders they say exist, in order to bless these sexual unions. 

Right now it is suggested for same sex couples, but if one claims to be a male, but is a biological female and the other person is a biological male who claims to be a female, in fact there is a male and female couple and they have a right to the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, or is their sexual confusion an impediment? 

What about incestuous couples, like a mother and a son; a brother and a sister, a father and his son, a mother and daughter, two brothers or two sisters? Will the blessing of irregular sexual unions be applied to them?

And how about married people, who without divorcing or getting an annulment, ask that they and their paramour be blessed so as to be included.

 Inclusivity is the 8th Sacrament of the Church of Synodality!

You see where I am going and ultra heterodox in the Church are doing, making disordered sexual unions ordered, regular and leading eventually to the same significance as the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony between one man and one woman until death do they part or they find someone else.

That’s the logic of the heterodox. They want their fasle beliefs and teachings made orthodox. That’s the logic of synodality too. It is called polling people and saying that their opinions are now doctrines because the Holy Spirit guided the polling deliberations. 

If the blessing of same gender or non binary gender people is approved, let’s say goodbye to Humanae Vitae, St. John Paul II’s “Splendor of Truth” and every other moral teaching of the Church. Synodality is built on quicksand and apostasy and can’t succeed but it can destroy the salvation of many, especially those promoting and institutionalizing the insanity.

Am I disordered for saying this out loud? Am I heterodox for it? AM I CRAZY? In the Church of synodality I am orthodox and normal if and only if I accept crazy and heterodox as normal and orthodox! I kid you not!


TJM said...

The Party of Moloch and its media allies are pushing this insanity big time yet “Catholic” bishops and priests vote for them even there is no demonstrable “proportionate” reason for doing so!

the Egyptian said...

If the synoddidiotic navel gazing chatterers accomplishes this, I'm out of here, going to find a sspx chapel somewhere. I am not interested in going down with the ship

Jerome Merwick said...

Just more prancy-dancy heterodoxy from the disordered minds we all trust so much.

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

This interview with Archbishop Fernandez should give you pause:

"Does a deeper understanding of doctrine also mean overcoming homosexuality as 'objectively disordered', a definition in the Catechism that continues to hurt those who live in an unchosen sexual condition and also their families?

This is a problem of theological language, which sometimes ignores the effect it can have on people's hearts, as if it were indifferent to the pain it produces. But, as you know, this is not the case with Pope Francis, who would certainly use different language.

Blessing homosexual couples is a sacrilege for traditionalist circles. Do they quote the Bible with full knowledge of the facts?

There are biblical texts that should not be interpreted in a 'material' way, I don't want to say 'literal'. The Church has long understood the need for a hermeneutic that interprets them in their historical context. This does not mean that they lose their content, but that they should not be taken completely literally. Otherwise, we would have to obey St. Paul's command for women to cover their heads, for example."

Catechist Kev said...


That should make any good Catholic pause.

It reminds me of what Cardinal Patrick Boyle said back in the day when he sacked Fr. Charles Curran and others from the CUA because of their dissent towards Pope St. Paul VI's "Humane vitae":

"If they're going to think that way; they're going to act that way." (eg: the contraceptive mentality - or genital activity without the possibility of pro-creation).