
Sunday, July 16, 2023


 You can watch the livestream video of it which includes my stunning homily in its brevity and the  blessing of a couple who celebrated their 61st Wedding Anniversary, Mr. And Mrs. Santa. Claus as they are known having played that role for25 years at Atlanta’s Ritz Carlton Hotel! Watch the Mass Here. It Begins at Minute 21!

Here are some screenshots:


Anonymous said...

Father McDonald, your outstanding homily has blessed me abundantly (the Mass that you offered has blessed me abundantly).

Please understand that the following is not meant in negative fashion:

Father McDonald, following your excellent homily, you continued the Holy Mass without pause.

Would at least a couple of minutes of silence/contemplation at that point have assisted in an even greater mental/spiritual digestion of your excellent homily?

Anyway, Father McDonald, speaking spiritually: Thank you for the holy, effective manner, in which you always offer Holy Mass.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

If you watch the full video, you will notice a young lady gives a talk about FOCUS prior to Mass but starting at 11 AM. It was about a five minute talk. Then the commentator gives announcements, prays for certain faithful departed, introduces the stars of the show and announces the hymn, the celebrant rings the bell. I discovered when I arrived that there would be an acknowledgment and blessing of a couple celebrating the 61st wedding anniversary. Each celebrant does it his own way, some at the end of the Mass, but I prefer as a part of the Universal Prayer which the rubrics suggest. Thus my brief homily would have been extended by useless silences as it was hot in the church and people could get impatient and riot with an extended meditation on a good homily that is good only because of its brevity.

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis in January 2023 A.D. described an overall poor condition throughout the Church in regard to homilies/the delivery of homilies.

From The Tablet:

"The Pope’s comments on homilies also chimes with the results of the global consultation of Catholics which took place for the synod process.

“The quality of homilies is almost unanimously reported as a problem,” reports the working document for the synod, Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, which synthesises findings from local synod processes across the world.


I appreciate the sincerity of priests and deacons who deliver homilies.

But many priests and deacons would benefit by studying Father McDonald's approach to the delivery of homilies.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

Father McDonald, thank you for your explanation.

You had delivered a fine homily. Your homily has blessed me. I am certain that that applied also to everybody who assisted at yesterday's Mass in question.


Mark Thomas

ByzRus said...

Nice photos.

Quality beard!