
Thursday, July 6, 2023



A question of ‘discipline’: Is Archbishop Fernández up to the DDF job?

The archbishop will lead the Vatican department in charge of fighting the abuse of minors - some have suggested he's underqualified, but is he?


TJM said...

Well, there's this. Interesting to see how our resident bootlicker will spin this:

"Very interesting that Catholic media's criticism of Archbishop Fernandez is largely ignoring his most heinous problem, namely: that he housed and protected a serial homosexual rapist named Eduardo Lorenzo. After Lorenzo committed suicide, the Archbishop made an exception to Canon Law by sanctioning an ecclesial funeral for the known homosexual pederast. (Despite the fact that Canon Law denies Catholic funerals to obstinate reprobates).

To top it off, Archbishop Fernandez personally conducted Lorenzo's funeral at the same parish where Lorenzo had raped several young males."

Another "stellar" appointment by PF

TJM said...

Lest have any doubts about PF's agenda, read this:

Pope Francis met with former U.S. President Bill Clinton in a private audience at the Casa Santa Marta papal residence on Wednesday. Clinton’s delegation included several prominent Americans, including Alex Soros of the Open Society Foundations.

So he meets with a pro abortion, serial molester and the guy funding the destruction of the US. No Peter's Pence for you!

The USCCB: Crickets

Anonymous said...

Father McDonald, in regard to the Ed Condon article that you have posted:

The following is not an attempt to, if you will, prove you wrong in regard to Archbishop Fernández. The following is a tribute to your the tremendous respect and appreciation that I have for you.

Father McDonald, your initial take on Archbishop Fernández differs greatly from the analysis contained within the Ed Condon article that you have posted today.

But unlike certain folks who post here, you are open to opinions that differ from your opinions. You do not expect everybody to march in lockstep with you. You do not direct nasty, hateful comments at folks who do not share your opinions in regard to this or that.

Father McDonald, you have demonstrated for the countless time that you embrace fairness.

I wish that I possessed your fairness...and most of all, your holiness.

Father McDonald, thank you.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

My continued prayers for Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández. He is God's beloved child.

Archbishop Fernández has given me every reason believe that he is a holy, humble man. He is God's holy priest.

Unfortunately, there are folks who delight in the spewing of venom at, as well as lies against, Archbishop Fernández. Conversely, I stand with my countless brothers and sisters throughout the Church who offer prayers for Archbishop Fernández.

Archbishop Fernández stands with God, the Blessed Virgin, dear Saint Joseph, Angels, and Saints...stands with Pope Francis...stands for the Culture of Life.

Deo gratias for Archbishop Fernández!

Deo gratias for Pope Francis...Archbishop Fernández...Fathers McDonald, Kavanaugh, and bishop, and priests throughout my diocese.

Everywhere I may turn, I am confident that I will encounter a holy priest. Deo gratias for that!


Mark Thomas

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Um, didn't Pope Francis meet with President Trump? Shall we The Donald's sins...?

Jerome Merwick said...

Mark Thomas,

Kindly wipe your nose off. It's showing. Badly.

TJM said...

Fr K Orwell,

Next to these two men, Trump is a saint. He actually made lives better for the working person and started no new hot wars and placed folks on the Supreme Court who reversed an evil decision, Roe v Wade. Obviously, logic and proportion are not your strong suits. Abortion is "healthcare" in your twisted world. FYI,the Pope displayed active disdain for President Trump, but that is a badge of honor these days.

TJM said...

Mark Thomas,

And your leftwing mind is closed like a trap but you are good comic relief at times.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

TJM - Your continued support for sexual harassment and sexual assault is revealing, to say the least. Your continued support of Trump's BIG LIE that he won the election reveals your total disconnect from reality.

Disdain for Trump is a badge of honor only to his cultists. Do they give out membership cards?

TJM said...

Fr K Orwell,

Your continued support of the Party of Moloch and its army of sexual predators of like the Kennedys, Oval Office Clinton and Sniffer Bidenl is very revealing indeed. Trump’s peccadillos pale by comparison so spare me your hypocrisy on that score. Your Party also supports stupid wars, crushing the working and middle classes economically while their ex-presidents live in a lavish lifestyle in defiance of the Global Warming Religion and denying minority children school vouchers to escape the union goon public schools solely because the unions are a cash cow for them and their new crusade allowing children to chose sexual mutilation because the sickos in your Party think its cool (so much for following the science) leads me to the conclusion you are a soulless creature and/or a Communist plant. There is no other reasonable explanation

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

TeeJay - Is that spiel printed on the back of your Trump Cult Membership card, to be used whenever the facts - Trump lost - are presented to you?

TJM said...

K Orwell,

I am not a Trump cultist, I just like results and good policy. You obviously adore failure and bad, evil policy. You are are just like Mark Thomas, you avoid inconvenient facts. Sad. By any objective measure the Country was far better off under President Trump than under the Clown Show operating in the White House which is selling us out to Red China. The stench of the Biden Crime Family is there to see, if you would only look. But you won't: Abortion Uber Alles!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Far better off? Methinks not...

In terms of the economy, some key numbers:
Unemployment rate down to 3.6%, the 17th straight month of sub-4% unemployment. That is the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment in over 50 YEARS.
Labor force participation for prime working age Americans is at a 22-year high.
13.2 million jobs created under Biden.

You need to get an undated Trump Cult membership card. The alternate "facts" you present are false.

Seamus Malone said...

Mark Twain, probably plagiarizing someone else, once famously said, "There are lies, damn lies and statistics." Looking at the statistics cited above, most of us would have to ask ourselves a few questions.

Biden shuffled into the oval office on the heels of a manufactured health crisis that effectively shut down most of the world economies, to the point that anyone transitioning into office would see a dramatic uptick in employment. But what kind of employment isn't revealed in the stats. Are these full-time, career=path jobs with substantial incomes or are they entree-level jobs or part-time jobs? How many members of the work force have been forced by the current economy to settle for underemployment or work at two separate jobs?

How meaningful is any employment surge when inflation rates are at a 30 year high and energy prices have increased nearly. 38 percent? How many young families have any hope of buying a home when the federal reserve is forced to raise interest rates to Jimmy Carter-era levels? And what do those higher inflation rates mean for our national debt? And since a majority of Americans either own stocks or participate in retirement programs invested in the stock market, what does the severe devaluation of these investments mean for their future?

Are we better off economically under a Biden administration?

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Seamus - A "manufactured health crisis?" Tell that to the families and friends of the 1,127,152 in the USA who died of Covid. Not a few might punch you in the mouth when you tell them the pandemic was a manufactured.

If you're concerned about the increases in energy prices - you're not - but if you were, talk to the big oil companies. "Altogether, the five Big Oil companies reported combined profits of $196.3 billion last year (2022), more than the economic output of most countries." When you do talk to them, ask them about the lower tax rates they pay. In 2017 the Tax Cut And Jobs Act lowered their effective tax rate from 35% to 21%.

Wanna go beyond oil? When General Mills SHRANK the size of their cereal packages but didn't lower the price, they said it was due to inflation and costs. Guess what, despite all the gall-darned inflation that was just whipping their corporate bottom-lines, "General Mills annual gross profit for 2023 was $6.546B, a 2.24% increase from 2022."

Seamus Malone said...

The deaths cited from the COVID pandemic are especially tragic BECAUSE the pandemic was manufactured. It was completely unnecessary and every arm of our corrupt government is trying to distract us from the manufacturing center, namely the Wuhan lab, and the man who helped use our money to fund it, "Doctor" Fauci.

All the rest of the usual class-envy, blame-the-corporations nonsense does nothing to change the fact that most Americans don't begrudge those higher up the scale from their own profits when those of us down the scale see substantial improvements in our own lives. Under Biden, those improvements were wiped out, but one doesn't express a priest who enjoys a guaranteed income, housing, food and retirement to understand such things.

Seamus Malone said...

express should have read "expect"

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Seamus - Whether you like it or not, it is Doctor Fauci, not "Doctor" Fauci. When you have the credentials - and, yes, they matter - you can be called Doctor, too. If you think they don't matter, then the next time you are ill, seek out "Doctor" Jerry Falwell or "Doctor" Bombay.

How did your imaginary "distraction" lead to 1,127,152 Covid deaths in this country alone? Were they "manufactured?" Are there fake bodies in fake graves and columbaria all over this country? While were at it, was Alex Jones right about Sandy Hook being a "manufactured" fake mass shooting?

You want to blame Biden. Did he raise the gas prices? Did he shrink the size of cereal boxes? Is he directing hedge funds to buy up affordable housing in cities all over the country so that the properties can be converted to more lucrative short-term rentals? Is he colluding with Big Pharma to charge outrageous prices for drugs essential to people's lives?

Think again.

As for your faux complaints about a priest's financial situation, maybe since we also don't struggle with being married, we should not have any concerns for those in broken marriages in our communities. Since our housing is provided, maybe we should keep our noses out of the deplorable conditions of the homeless in our areas. Since I've never been in jail unable to post bond, would you say I can have no compassion for those who are trapped in the cash bond business, also very lucrative, in Savannah?

Or can't I understand such things? You're full of it, Seamus.

Seamus Malone said...

Nice to see such a calm, even-handed reply.