
Tuesday, January 30, 2024


O my, the Holy Father continues to defend the extremely silly non-liturgical, informal, non-scripted blessings for couples living in sin as couples. Now he says that His Holiness’ critics, except for Africa which has totally trashed FS, are ideologues who are basically dumb asses who don’t get it but if they were smart enough they would understand, but Africa is a separate situation since their culture abhors homosexual sodomy while the west, I guess, enjoys/loves sodomy and thus doesn’t find it abhorrent. The west loves sin and sinners unlike Africa. 

This is the Twilight Zone as it concerns the papacy, no?

A revered and respected theologian under Pope Benedict XVI (not respected by Pope Francis) writes that FS should be rewritten and Cardinal Fernandez either fired or should resign. You can read what this respected theologian says:

Leading Vatican theologian says Fiducia Supplicans is not part of the ‘authentic Magisterium’

And now that brave African Cardinal claims that F******S********* is anti-synodal and should be trashed on that basis. You can read the Crux article:

African cardinal says ‘Fiducia’ has discredited synod on synodality


Unknown said...

It's nothing if not consistent and on-brand: make controversial decision > insult and degrade critics > make new controversial decision to change the subject.

Card. Tuco has signaled the third step in the currrent cycle will be transgenderism. Get excited, everyone!


rcg said...

This reminds me of Vatican II and the revisions of the Liturgy and changes to the churches that occurred. We can’t agree that those changes were in V-II unless you wanted them. This is just the next logical step iin destruction of the Church using the same strategy and tactics.

TJM said...

Pope Francis is on an intellectual par with the thug you pictured from Home Alone

Unknown said...

And here I thought this whole Synod on Synodality thing was about a "listening" church.

TJM said...


It is so long as you are heterodox. If God forbid you prefer the Latin Liturgy and Tradition, it's drop dead. Satan never sleeps

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."And now that brave African Cardinal claims that F******S********* is anti-synodal and should be trashed on that basis. You can read the Crux article:"

Father McDonald, please correct me should the following prove inaccurate:

The Crux article that you linked has made it clear that Cardinal Ambongo was upset at the regard to the release of Fiducia Supplicans.


ROME – An African cardinal who recently led the continent’s bishops in rejecting blessings for same-sex couples has now lashed out at the *******timing ******* of the Vatican document that opened the door to such a move, calling it “damaging” to the synodal process convened by Pope Francis.

The 64-year-old Ambongo, who also serves as president of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), said the ******* timing******* of the document’s release “brought discredit to the synod, to synodality.”


“In the first session, the synod dealt with all these issues, but the synod did not decide,” Ambongo said. So the publication of this document, between the two sessions of the synod, was seen by most people as if it was the fruit of the synod, when it had nothing to do with the synod.”


I did not realize that "most people" had linked Fiducia Supplicans to the Synod.

Anyway, Cardinal Ambongo, via his release of the SECAM (Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar) document, made it clear that Fiducia Supplicans is orthodox. The SECAM statement also affirmed that the bishops of Africa remain in "unwavering" communion with Pope Francis.

Cardinal Ambongo had visited Rome where, with the assistance and approval of Pope Francis, as well as Cardinal Fernández, formulated the SECAM statement.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald, as I noted via my previous comment, Cardinal Ambongo was upset in regard to the timing of the release of Fiducia Supplicans. He is concerned with safeguarding the Synod/the Synod's image.

Cardinal Ambongo is on board with the Synod. He has praised to the hilt the Synod. He has rejected the claims of those who have spoken against the Synod.


-- Cardinal Ambongo: Synodality is a new way of being Church

"At the end of this Synod, I feel first and foremost a feeling of gratitude to the Lord who allowed me to have this exceptional experience. This is the fourth Synod I have participated in, but I must say that this Synod on synodality has been exceptional."

"First, it was exceptional in its composition. It is called a Synod of Bishops, but we were not only bishops. There were lay people, women, youth, delegates from sister really put us in the condition of listening to the Holy Spirit while also listening to one another."

"In my analysis, this Synod opens up new perspectives for our Church. It is a Synod, as its name suggests, on synodality. This means that the Church has become aware that something needs to change in its way of being."

"The main intention, the primary objective of the Synod, is about how we can become a new Church together, acquire a new way of being the Church; in our way of being, in our operating structures, in our collaboration structures."

Deo gratias for Cardinal Ambongo!


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Deo gratias for Cardinal Ambongo!

There are folks who have attempted to pit Cardinal Ambongo/the bishops of Africa against Pope Francis/Cardinal Fernández. Said folks promoted the false narrative that Cardinal Ambongo/the bishops of Africa had "stuck it" to Pope Francis, as well as Cardinal Fernández.

However, Cardinal Ambongo has made it clear that in regard to Fiducia Supplicans, he, and Pope Francis/Cardinal Fernández, have engaged each other in holy, peaceful, productive fashion.

Cardinal Ambongo has revealed the following:

-- Cardinal Ambongo/the bishops of Africa received copies of Fiducia Supplicans.

-- The Cardinal received "reactions from all the episcopal conferences. I made a synthesis in a document."

-- Cardinal Ambongo then sent a letter to Pope Francis.

-- The Cardinal then traveled to Rome to meet Pope Francis.

-- Cardinal Ambongo said, "I told him that...what is of interest now is a communication that reassures the people in Africa, that calms the spirits of the faithful. And he, as a pastor, was touched by this situation."

-- Pope Francis then placed Cardinal Ambongo in contact with Cardinal Fernández. Cardinal Ambongo declared, "With the prefect, myself in front of the computer, a secretary writing, we prepared a document."

"And we prepared the document in dialogue and agreement with Pope Francis, so that at every moment we called him to ask him questions, to see if he agreed with that formulation, etc."

That document has been included in the Vatican archives.


Cardinal Ambongo, as well as Pope Francis/Cardinal Fernández, have maintained "unwavering" holy, peaceful communion with each other.

-- Cardinal Ambongo said, "I told him (Pope Francis) that...what is of interest now is a communication that reassures the people in Africa, that calms the spirits of the faithful. And he, as a pastor, was touched by this situation."

Pope Francis responded as a loving pastor to Cardinal Ambongo's humble request to "calm the spirits of the (African) faithful."


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

MT you might learn from the good Cardinal. From John Allen: “He obviously enjoys the favor of Pope Francis, having been named a member of the pontiff’s Council of Cardinals in 2020, taking the place of Monsengwo, and then being confirmed in that position in 2023. He also hosted a successful papal trip to Congo last February. Yet as the ferment over Fiducia has illustrated, he’s also capable of breaking with the hallelujah chorus that always surrounds any pope when he believes a matter of principle is at stake.”

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

MT you might learn from the good Cardinal. From John Allen: “He obviously enjoys the favor of Pope Francis, having been named a member of the pontiff’s Council of Cardinals in 2020, taking the place of Monsengwo, and then being confirmed in that position in 2023. He also hosted a successful papal trip to Congo last February. Yet as the ferment over Fiducia has illustrated, he’s also capable of breaking with the hallelujah chorus that always surrounds any pope when he believes a matter of principle is at stake.”

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

MT you might learn from the good Cardinal. From John Allen: “He obviously enjoys the favor of Pope Francis, having been named a member of the pontiff’s Council of Cardinals in 2020, taking the place of Monsengwo, and then being confirmed in that position in 2023. He also hosted a successful papal trip to Congo last February. Yet as the ferment over Fiducia has illustrated, he’s also capable of breaking with the hallelujah chorus that always surrounds any pope when he believes a matter of principle is at stake.”

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald, as long you have turned to John Allen...perhaps you will also accept the following from John Allen:

From: John Allen: (I have deleted certain words below.)

ROME – A Catholic cleric around 60 gets a major Vatican gig, where, among other things, he issues controversial pronouncements on sexual morality. At a certain point, it’s revealed that years before, he wrote a book in which he dealt with sexually explicit topics such as (deleted), creating scandal among sensitive souls who believe it’s inappropriate for a celibate priest to traffic in such erotic themes."

"I might very well be talking about Argentine Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, who’s currently in the eye of a media storm for a book he published 25 years ago..."

"In fact, however, the reference is to St. John Paul II and his 1960 book Love and Responsibility,..."

"Over the past 48 hours, an orchestrated campaign among conservative critics of a recent Vatican declaration on non-liturgical blessings of same-sex unions has spotlighted the 1998 book by Fernández to suggest that he has an overly libertine and dubious approach to matters of sex..."

"Here’s the thing: If a Vatican official who explores the dynamics of (deleted) should, ipso facto, be disqualified from office, then such a standard would exclude not only Fernández but also John Paul II."

"For all those now professing dismay at the explicit fashion with which Fernández treats (deleted), it’s worth taking a look at how the young Karol Wojtyla dealt with the same subject, at a time and place when the taboo against open discussion of sexual topics was infinitely stronger than the Argentina of the late 1990s."

"For the record, the word (deleted) appears seven times in the English translation of Love and Responsibility, (deleted) three times and (deleted) ten times."

"At one point, for example, the future Pope John Paul II argues that to the extent possible, men and women should aim for simultaneous (deleted) during sexual relations, a conclusion proceeded by a remarkably detailed analysis of the differing dynamics of sexual arousal in men and women."

"In another passage, Wojtyla even discusses the phenomenon of a woman faking an (deleted)..."


There we have it. John Allen has spoken. The case is closed.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

Heil Pope Francis - Mark Thomas