
Saturday, January 20, 2024


Pope Francis said this today:

Concern for demographic crisis

Concluding Pope Francis again expressed his concern for the demographic crisis, or as he called it, the  ‘culture of depopulation’, facing Italy and other European countries. “We must take the birth problem seriously because the future of the country is at stake here”, he said speaking off the cuff. “Having children is a duty to survive, to move forward”, the Pope concluded.  

My astute comments: The problem with what the pope said isn’t what he said but he said it without a Catholic reason to have children. When sex is disconnected from pro-creation either through artificial contraception, outside of marriage or sterile sex of gay couples or whatever groupings and these couples as couples, not individuals are blessed by the Church, what reason can be given for having children that sears the conscience? Sex has become a narcotic to soothe the senses and an anti-depressant or anti-anxiety drug. It has also become an athletic event. 

Unless the pope can say clearly and unambiguously that sex is intended for Holy Matrimony and for one man and one woman and for the conception of children in order to form a Christian family and to exclude the procreative part of the marital act in favor of just the intimacy and pleasure is a mortal sin worthy of the fires of hell, then nothing will change in Italy or anywhere else. 

Pope Francis should start with Humanae Vitae and go from there and out of concern for the eternal salvation of souls, not just repopulating the earth although that is meritorious too. 

Just saying!

1 comment:

rcg said...

I guess that’s not a coffee shop.

It is difficult to balance the pleasure of procreation with its responsibilities. There is a temptation to allow for conception to make its own way while we emphasize the sensual aspects. This was addressed tangentially by the Earl of Gloucester in King Lear when comments about his bastard son there ‘was much sport in his making”. That careless comment was meant embellish his stature at the cost of the unloved child much as we see in modern culture. The mother is not mentioned again, either. And that bastard, unconnected to a to a loyal or caring parent goes on to betray the father and his king for his own desires. People think we need birth control to improve the lot of women. So they can work, play, act, and copulate like adolescent boys. That last part is the heart of the matter because that is the true desire of our leaders who exchange the rewards of executive positions and pant suits for that ‘sport’. And what the Holy Father care if Europeans die out if they are replaced by beloved refugees? They will repopulate everything west of the Balkans. Inshallah.