
Friday, January 26, 2024


This Friday morning, January 26, Pope Francis engaged in more damage control. This is what His Holiness stated as reported by Vatican News with my  astute comments embedded in the text in RED.

Pastoral blessings

It was "in this context of evangelisation,” Pope Francis continued, that he wanted to mention the recent Declaration Fiducia supplicans.

The purpose of the “pastoral and spontaneous blessings” discussed in the Declaration, the Pope stressed, is to “concretely show the closeness of the Lord and the Church to all those who, finding themselves in different situations, ask for help to continue—sometimes to begin—a journey of faith.” (This appears as a non-starter as I have had individual homosexuals make appointments with me to discuss their situation. Often times they would ask for a blessing or ask to go to Confession. I can count on one hand the number of times I felt I could not offer absolution due to the nature of the confession and no desire to repent; what is confessed is bragging. But in lieu of absolution, I offer a blessing. I have had gay parishioners in couple relationships who attend Mass together. They attend Mass! They receive the blessings of the Mass to include the Final Blessing. They can attend Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament and other liturgies that include blessings. I just don’t get what the pope is saying. As far as FS, if I am asked, and I have never been asked by a homosexual couple for a blessing together, but if it does happen, I will offer a simply Sign of the Cross, individually over both of them and ask that they be open to the moral teachings of the Church.)

In this regard, the Pope emphasized two points.

Firstly, he said, “these blessings, outside of any liturgical context and form, do not require moral perfection to be received.” (Nor does attending Mass require moral perfection. This statement is a smoke screen and insults our intelligence! Although one must be in a state of grace to receive Holy Communion. I would say that about 80% or more of Catholics who present themselves for Holy Communion are not in a state of grace as they no longer go to Confession. They will have to explain themselves to God at their particular judgement, not me.)

 Secondly, he noted, “when a couple spontaneously approaches [a minister] and asks for them, he is not blessing the union, but simply the people who together have requested it.” 

“Not the union,” the Pope stressed, “but the persons, naturally taking into account the context, sensitivities, the places where one lives, and the most appropriate ways to do it.” 

 (To be honest with you, if I were in a sexual homosexual union, why in the name of God and all that is holy would I ask a bishop, priest, or deacon to bless my lover and me together, especially if I am in a civilly recognized “marriage” other than to bless the union? I would be pissed off that the pope is saying my union can’t be blessed. Why submit myself to a blessing if my union isn’t also blessed as I love my partner and the union???? Again, as a priest, I would simply bless both, but with individual Signs of the Cross. But I have to ask bishops, when your priests start blessing couples at civil ceremonies and in church before the altar and in a liturgical setting, will they be suspended and removed from a parish like the Bishop of Covington, Kentucky recently did with two priests who celebrate the TLM exclusively and said the reformed Mass did not preserve enough of Catholic tradition and that the reformed Mass was not needed? Will Cardinal Cupich treat the pastor of Saint Sabina in the same way—suspend him? And when he liturgically blesses homosexual “married” couples will he be suspended?????)


rcg said...

Maybe this was the intended purpose of FS all along? To try and offer a way for people to show love for individuals without accepting their sins. The social responses to homosexuals varies greatly and not very predictably from culture to culture. In the USA we are appropriately getting away from persecution and arbitrary physical threat and are trying to find a method of dealing with the disorder without facilitating it. Your compassionate response to a request for blessing is touching because you have the strength to communicate to the person the Love of Christ without acquiescing to their lust. The Holy Father seems to not understand that these cries for mercy for homosexuals are really negotiations to incrementally gain permission to continue in sin. Cardinal Fernandez also seems to have almost no introspection, self awareness, or reflection at all which makes his advice suspect. Christianity has always recognized the tension between acts and intentions. And people attempt to justify immorality by pointing out that the couple “love each other”. Probably because they support each other’s sinful desires. It is a shame that the Church under this Pope is incapable of leading society through this important period and is as lost as everyone else.

Unknown said...

Oh, so it's about blessing individuals, not couples? Quick, somebody tell the author of Fiducia Supplicans! Oh. Wait...


monkmcg said...

If only the pope had half of the humility that (the chastened) Cardinal Merry del Val had, he would simply admit he was wrong and withdraw the document. There is no need for elaborate instructions regarding spontaneous blessings. The pope wanted to give the same sex advocates among the clergy an excuse to bless same sex practitioners - end of story.

TJM said...

Cardinal Muller as this to say about the current state of things:

"The German cardinal criticized the virtue signaling by some in the Catholic hierarchy who try to appear “open” and “liberal” and the simultaneous lack of sound Catholic doctrine in the decision-making process of these clergymen.

“All the time is the same; there are made decisions without the logical and dogmatic fundament, only for looking good and looking ‘open,’ and ‘I am so liberal,’ and ‘you can make what you want,’ but if you are not obedient in secondary questions [like the Traditional Latin Mass] they are coming with the authority and with penalties and with all these things.”

Other than the braindead, I am not sure any sentient Catholic cares what PF has to say anymore.

Unknown said...

Did you catch this over on Breitbart: