
Saturday, January 6, 2024


Most European countries, including the Vatican City-state, celebrate the Epiphany on the correct date, January 6th. What a novel idea! Epiphany, though, in Italy and elsewhere, is a national holiday with some secular aspects that are quite quaint, like my favorite witch, La Strega, or La Befana who brings goodies to good boys and girls, or whatever way in which they or others identify them. She can also bring coal to the bad regazzi e regazze!

But, Crux is reporting something the pope said in his homily with the whole of it quite good if not for this Twilight Zone-ish aspect that I highlight below. 

But before I post it, let me elaborate as a psychiatrist might. It seems to me that every minor and major moral thing that the pope condemns, His Holiness is equally if not more guilty of it. It is a wild case of “projection” which I think a true psychiatrist could have a field day analyzing. 

He complains about people talking and gossiping too much, but then that is what he does with his too numerous off-the-cuff remarks and interviews, many of them at high altitude which exacerbates this compulsion. He also gossips in public ways with things people have said and done that annoy him and they know who they are!

He calls people ideological and rigid, backwards and not with it. Yet, he promotes ideologies often not compatible with what his predecessors taught or even with what Vatican II teaches and he has brought us backwards to the 1970’s. I know, because I was there in the prime of my theological education! 

And now he condemns those who are splintering off into their own ecclesial groups as though he isn’t the cause of it.

Pope Francis names a narcissistic archbishop as a cardinal and then names him the Prefect for the DDC and he loves being in the vortex of controversy because it gives him international recognition and attention he craves. But he is an ideologue, a second-class theologian, and promotes novel ideas where God isn’t at the center but the LGBTQ+++ lobby is placed at the center. Fr. James Martin, S.J. glories in it. 

And thus Pope Francis says this (as reported by Crux) in a rather good homily, but Freud would have a field day with this portion of the homily if he knew Pope Francis. I will embed my own comments into the text in RED:

The pontiff’s comments came amid a burgeoning controversy over a recent Vatican declaration permitting non-liturgical blessings of same-sex unions, which has revealed strong divisions within Catholicism. (Pope Francis has polarized in a mega way divisions in the Church that came forth because of erroneous interpretations of Vatican II in the late 60’s and 70’s under Pope Paul VI who was  weak and wishy-washy in addressing these heretical interpretations which caused a breach between the pre-Vatican II Church and the Post-Vatican II Church, a hermeneutic of rupture!)

Speaking to attendees of his Jan. 6 Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, the pope said that as members of the church, “instead of splitting into groups based on our own ideas, we are called to put God back at the center. The Lord, not our own ideas or our own projects.” (The Crux reporter should know better than to call the faithful who celebrate Mass “attendees”! And who has placed at the center of the Church, thus replacing God, Vatican II, synodality, blessing couples in same sex unions and other immoral unions and thus causing the immediate post-Vatican II divisions to grow and become more radical?)

“Let us set out anew from God; let us seek from him the courage not to lose heart in the face of difficulties, the strength to surmount all obstacles, the joy to live in harmonious communion,” he said
.(Is Pope Francis speaking about himself here, going forward with his agenda to place Vatican II, synodality and LGBTQ+++ ideologies at the center of his papacy rather than God, seeking courage not to lose heart in the face of difficulties, strength to surmount all obstacles and joy to live in harmonious communion with the novel new way of being Church?)


Fr. David Evans said...

Don't fret, Father, ET's brother M will soon answer all your questions and more. Happy Epiphany!

rcg said...

This is all good for the Church because we are seeing the logical conclusion of bad theology and doctrine. The problem is that so much of the Church hierarchy and administration is corrupted that a just getting a new pope won’t solve it. Lots of bad branches on this tree.