
Tuesday, July 7, 2020


To the untrained eye, the two Masses below are in continuity with each other although one is and EF and the other is an OF. The third photo is in a clear breach with the tradition of continuity so desired by Pope Benedict and his historic 7/7/07!

July 7, 2007 is a turning point in the post-Vatican II new liturgical movement. Pope Benedict set in motion the processes necessary for authentic liturgical renewal that veered off course dramatically beginning about 1966.

Sacrosanctum Concilium's general guidelines for liturgical renewal were very conservative and with clear parameters. But Pope Paul VI's concilium committee with a rogue bishop in charge with an agenda and ideology that went far beyond what Vatican II mandated, thwarted what Vatican II asked and the liturgy wars and the alienation resulting from this prevented the new springtime for the Church and ended up creating a long, harsh and ongoing liturgical winter which is the foundation of the malaise in the Church in 2020 where only 12 to 20 % of Catholic actually attend the reformed Mass envisioned not by Vatican II but a rogue bishop in charge of concilium.

As everyone knows, I celebrate both forms of the one Latin Rite. Actually, I have also and only once celebrated the third form of the one Latin Rite, the Ordinariate's Roman Missal, Divine Worship.

Divine Worship, apart from archaic English and wordy Anglican accretions, could easily become the template for a new Ordinary Form Missal. Pray this comes about, a true reform of the reform in continuity.

But the processes set in motion by Pope Benedict on 7/7/07 will continue even if priests my age slightly young and much older have an antipathy towards the EF Mass.

But think about this. The EF Mass has led to better celebrations of the OF Mass in terms of attention to detail, more ad orientem, kneeling for Holy Communion and more Gregorian Chant.

Anything to improve the celebration of the Ordinary Form of the Mass must be welcome as this form of the Mass will be the Mass that the majority of the 12% of Catholics who attend Mass will experience

Thank you Pope Benedict, Emeritus or otherwise. 


Anonymous said...

IMHO your middle photograph should be the way that Mass is most commonly experienced today. The extraordinary form , IMHO , becomes today’s version(s) of the high Mass. That third photograph and it’s form, the one most commonly seen today, should be limited to grade school Mass as a tool of teaching. It really shouldn’t be experienced by any Catholics post confirmation.

Paul McCarthy said...

Father honestly why should we respect a mass created by Bugnini and his fellow Mason’s. No reforming a Protestant mass.

Remember his first draft of the Novus Ordo was only 15 minutes long. Have you not read any of Cardinal Ottaviani writings from that period. Also his writings about the highjacking of Vatican II in the early days and the replacement of the drafted schemas.