
Friday, July 17, 2020


UPDATE!   UPDATE! UPDATE! The Archbishop evidently has done his job and stopped the sacrilegious practice in the manner in which Communion was distributed after Mass. It is priests and parishes like this that give Vatican II such a bad name where many are now asking if this Council can be rescinded. Even looking at the interior of Pax Christi, one can see this is a Protestant inspired interior with a Protestant attitude about Sacraments and good works. One wonders if they actually believe that making the Catholic Church into a Protestant sect is what Vatican II taught?

This video from Pax Christi Church in St. Paul/Minneapolis is absolutely unreal. This is what happens when the phobias associated with contagion affect people's brains and the need to control everything goes bizzerk.  It's well meaning, but control freaks won't rest until they suppress us all!

Talk about trying to control every aspect of going to Mass. But I could forgive that part of the video, but watch toward the end and how Holy Communion is distributed and where Holy Communion is to be received. Control freaks do these sorts of things and self-righteously declare it is because they love you and want you to remain healthy. If you don't agree with them, you are an evil person.

Watch how Holy Communion is to be received. Absolutely stunning and if the archbishop doesn't intervene and publicly so, He is the problem not the solution:

They took the above video down, hopefully because the Archbishop ordered the pastor to do. But the internet doesn’t forget:


DJR said...

More sacrilege.

Father Tommy Conway of Saint Fabian Church in Hattiesburg, Biloxi Diocese, Mississippi.

Every family will be provided with a ziplock ‘Mass bag’ which contains “everything you need for Mass except Holy Communion.”

“Every family will be issued a sacred vessel, and a husband and wife will be designated as Eucharistic ministers for your family.”

“When you come to church, you bring your sacred vessel and your Mass bag, and then you’ll pick up the appropriate number of hosts for your family, 2, 3, 4, so on.”

“When it’s time for the offertory, you will take your hosts, unconsecrated, from your zip lock bag and place them into your sacred vessel.”

“An adult member of your family will hold the sacred vessel for the consecration, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Lamb of God.”

“At communion time, you will then as adults give communion to each other and one of the adults will give communion to your children, and then you place your sacred vessel back into your Mass bag and you’ll have it ready for next week.”

Anonymous said...

Is anyone suprised what goes on in a church which has both a Justice Board and Justice Council and has recently enlarged their projection screens and is installing a bike path on their "campus" for more inclusivity to their "worship space"?

It seems first requirement for membership is a home office electronic suite.

ByzRus said...

Way too much to remember. The following opinions are mine perhaps being shared by others.

Their "worship space" lacks so much relative to a traditional Catholic church.

The priest celebrant's ars celebrandi is about non-existent.

The consecrated hosts....where does one begin. The pastor is charged with safeguarding the eucharist. How possibly that can happen with these procedures I do not know. Particles of our Lord will now be in attendees cup holders, on seats and the carpeting in their cars. I do not believe I am being scrupulous here. Hosts can fall into the hands of evil-doers, be put up for sale on ebay etc. Consecrated hosts are just on cafeteria tables in the vestibule - not on a corporal. I suppose it doesn't matter given what's going to happen to them in the cars of attendees. I could go on but, in sum, this seems like gross negligence relative to our beliefs and hopefully, will be elevated to whomever is based able to address. We either believe in the true presence or, we don't. In our current day and age, I gather that is a significant problem in many NO parishes.

Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to do something about this....for all the reasons BYZ mentioned and then some. What utter disrespect and disregard for the Eucharist. That pastor should be defrocked.

Anonymous said...

The new parish in Hattiesburg's first phase of building was not a church. It was the meeting hall with walk-in freezers and fridges, and multiple commercial stoves and buffet dining. Rather a large clue WE ARE CHURCH dominates thinking there over having an actual church. Please note the interior, at home in a secluded estate in the Rockies on a 50,000 acre ranch.

Pierre said...

The interior of the Church tells you this is a left-wing loony bin. Run, don't walk, away. We will know shortly if the Archbishop is a wimp or not

Pierre said...

Well, I am here to eat crow. The Archbishop shut this practice down. See report over at Father Z

ByzRus said...

It's reassuring when leadership does its job. Hopefully, a learning experience and turning point for what appears to be a misguided parish. Perhaps they will re-orient themselves as a result. Probably not.

Anonymous said...

Bee here:

I was horrified at the sight of the Eucharist laid out on a table for someone to take away in a little packet.

Is it any wonder, if this is an acceptable action by the priest, that fewer and fewer Catholics believe in the Real Presence? What Our Lord suffers in this day!

God bless.

Paul McCarthy said...

Father I’m confused wasn’t turning the Holy Mother church into just another Protestant sect the goal of Vatican II. 55 years later sure looks like the reformers won.

rcg said...

I think the priest is a mama’s boy who was kautau’d into sacrilege by one or all of the mother figures in the video. How can anyone the age of those women treat a consecrated host like a party favor?

Anonymous said...

A Traditional Latin Mass with plenty of incense, holy water, beeswax candles, and where only the Priest consumes the Eucharist ( to make the Mass valid), would put an end to this nonsense.

rcg said...

It is interesting that these sorts of parishes have managed to avoid fire and vandalism.

Anonymous said...

Don't each too much crow Pierre. Regardless of what the bishop did (and thank God he DID) that parish IS a left-wing looney bin, run by, predictably, a bunch of graying hippies. The Church Nauseous.

Pierre said...


The mobs only go for the real deal

Pierre said...


I did not have the stomach to peruse their website. Thanks for your update