This was today's Wednesday General Audience in Rome. My comments embedded in red:
Pope Francis speaks at the general audience Oct. 23. (Daniel Ibanez/CNA)
Vatican | Oct. 23, 2019
Pope Francis: The Church Is Called to Be ‘a Church With Open Doors’
The Pope said the Acts of the
Apostles ‘offers us an important light on how to deal with differences
and seek the truth in love.’
VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis said Wednesday that the first Christian evangelization of the pagans opened up “a very lively controversy” as the early Church discerned how to absorb new members from outside the people of Israel.
In the Acts of the Apostles, “a very delicate theological, spiritual and discipline issue is addressed,” Pope Francis said Oct. 23, “that is, the relationship between faith in Christ and the observance of the Law of Moses.”
“They proposed not to impose circumcision on the pagans, but only to ask them to reject idolatry and all its expressions,” Pope Francis said in his weekly catechesis in St. Peter’s Square.
The Pope said that the assembly of Jerusalem, as described in the Acts of the Apostles 15:7-21, “offers us an important light on how to deal with differences and seek the truth in love.”
“It reminds us that the ecclesial method for conflict resolution is based on a dialogue made of attentive and patient listening and on the discernment carried out in the light of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit, in fact, that helps to overcome closures and tensions and works in hearts so that, in truth and in goodness, they may reach unity,” he said.
“This text helps us to understand synodality,” he said, adding that “the presence of the Holy Spirit is precisely synodality.”
“We ask the Lord to strengthen the desire and responsibility of communion in all Christians, especially bishops and presbyters,” the Pope prayed.
Francis said that the Acts of the Apostles describes “the long journey of the word of God,” which he said must be “announced everywhere.”
“The nature of the Church emerges from the Book of Acts, which is not a fortress, but a tent, capable of widening its space and giving access to all,” he said.
Francis said that the Church is called to be “a Church with open doors” and commented that it presents a sign contrary to what he often sees: church buildings in Rome or in other dioceses with their doors closed. (Is he honestly speaking about locked doors? It would be great to keep the doors open at all times, but everyone knows what will happen especially in the inner city with vandals and those setting up shop and home. If he is speaking symbolically, just who closes doors to anyone who wants to attend Mass or pray in an opened church?????)
“The Church is called to always be the open house of the Father. Thus, if someone wants to follow a movement of the Holy Spirit and approach, seeking God, he will not meet with the coldness of a closed door,” he said. (Is he actually talking about locked churches here??????)
“But the novelty is: For whom are the doors open? To the pagans, because the apostles preached to the Jews, but the pagans also came to knock on the door of the Church; and this newness of the doors open to the pagans triggers a very lively controversy,” Pope Francis said. (The RCIA, beautiful liturgies, Latin, incense, Holy Water cause curiosity from those who attend a Mass be it on Sunday or a wedding or a funeral, who turns people away seeking to learn more about us?????)
Francis’ meditation on the theme “God Has Opened the Door of Faith to the Pagans” was part of his series of weekly reflections on the Acts of the Apostles. (And when pagans convert by God's grace and our welcome of them, should they not give up pagan practices? Should they not stop offering sacrifice and veneration to pagan idols? In the south, should they not stop belonging to the KKK or a white supremacy group? If they work in an abortion clinic, shouldn't they quit? And the list goes on, or do we confirm them in their paganesss? )
The Pope said that the journey of the early Christians’ proclamation of the Gospel begins after a strong persecution, which “instead of provoking a setback for evangelization, becomes an opportunity to widen the field, where to spread the good seed of the word.”
“Christians are not afraid. They must flee, but they flee with the word and spread the word a little everywhere,” he said.
In his greeting to Italian pilgrims at the general audience, Pope Francis recalled the feast of St. John Paul II, celebrated Oct. 22: “Yesterday we celebrated the liturgical memory of St. John Paul II; let us imitate this master of faith and evangelical life, an example of love for Christ and for man.”
Yeah sure. I guess Francis is trying to make us believe that somehow the First Commandment was also thrown out in order to 'evangelize but never proselytize' the gentiles.
Sure, try to make us believe that.
I am not confused by Pope Francis in the least. I think his modus operandi is quite transparent.
Jesus said, "I am the bread of life." (Now, is that pumpernickel or white, raisin or whole wheat? Is He saying that he is banana bread or a nice, French boule, or just a breadstick?)
Jesus said, "I came to bring a sword." (Now, was it a broad sword, a rapier, or a katana? Maybe He means he is a scimitar or maybe a Roman gladius...)
Jesus said, "Renounce all your possessions." (Now, does "all" mean "all," or can I at least keep my underwear, my recipe books, and my Bob Ross "Joy of Painting" DVD collection?)
Why must Jesus be so confusing?
DJR said "I am not confused by Pope Francis in the least. I think his modus operandi is quite transparent."
He is absolutely right in this statement....Francis knows exactly what he is doing and saying.
He is insulting!
Was he being witty referring to tossing the Idols into the river? Of was he claiming that allowing the idols on to an ALTAR was some sort of evangelization? The man does not lack for confidence.
Anonymous I can tell that Jesus confuses you. You don't have to capitalize your admission.
I am old enough to remember when the initials “SJ” after a man’s name carried the same respect as “Ph D.” Unfortunately after witnessing what is occurring in the Society of Jesus and Academia over recent decades, neither commands the respect they once did.
TJM, unfortunately, when I See SJ...I think society of Judas
At this point HH gets no benefit of the doubt, he means what he says.
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