Macon’s Cherry Bloosom Festival always falls during this time of year. Everyone wears Cherry Blossom 🌸 pink and most Macon Men have pink blazers. I was in the parade that follows our Sunday Mass wearing a borrowed pink blazer!
The year this photo was taken, the Cherry Blossom Festival happen to fall by happy coincidence on Laetarae Sunday where not only was I in pink but most of the congregation. Many Cherry Blossom dignitaries and politicians attended this Laetarae Sunday Mass at St. Joseph Church in Macon.
The year this photo was taken, the Cherry Blossom Festival happen to fall by happy coincidence on Laetarae Sunday where not only was I in pink but most of the congregation. Many Cherry Blossom dignitaries and politicians attended this Laetarae Sunday Mass at St. Joseph Church in Macon.
I’m confused (not unusual these days)—where is the Church Militant article featuring you? I just went to the site, but no reference seen..
The last photo in my post of St. Joseph in Macon, with me at the altar, is the very same photo that Church Militant uses. Did you see the photo at the top of their post which I link from my post?????? That's me. But they got the photo from the public domain of the internet and did not violate any copyright laws.
Abortion loving "catholics" hardest hit. But, the Minimum Wage!!!!! (newsflash: you won't get it if you are aborted)
There is also a new group for Jewish people exiting the Democrat party, it is called "Jexodus."
Going viral.
If only that were true (Catholics leaving the Democratic party)---if that were happening in large numbers, we would not see states like Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island voting for Obama and Clinton. But if there is ray of hope, it was in Trump victories in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin last time, all by less than a percentage point each---Catholics probably a bit more conservative in those states than in New York, New Jersey or New England. Usually whichever presidential candidate wins the Catholic vote gets elected president---Catholics tend to go with the winner.
There are fake catholics in the South who vote for the Abortion Party. Fortunately, their votes are cancelled out by genuine Catholics and others who aren't fooled by Satan's soothing words. Oh, but we are for the "minimum wage" (which you don't get if you are aborted)
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