It’s time for the Catholic Church to stop the canonization of popes
A Pope John Paul II statue stands at the Sanctuary of Mother of God in Wardegowo village, Poland, on Feb. 17. (Kacper Pempel/Reuters)
If the Catholic Church wants to see the growth in discernment that Pope Francis has called for in response to the sex abuse crisis, the institution must stop canonizing popes.
Knowing Faggioli's views on the Church, he is probably worried about Benedict XVI being canonised a saint.
Nevertheless, this recent spree of canonising recent popes is clericalism in action.
The canonisation of both JPII, Paul VI, and John XXIII was way too early to even pretend to be objective about them, In general, the process of Canonisation needs to slow down.
1. God has granted unto us a Saint who is Pope.
2. In turn, the Church, led by the Holy Ghost, in Her awesome, God-give wisdom and infallibility, canonizes said Saint.
3. But Holy Mother, despite having been informed by the Holy Ghost, should instead heed Faggioli, and refrain from declaring said Pope a Saint?
I don't believe so.
Mark Thomas
Sorry, Pope Venerable Pius XII.
Faggioli has determined that should Holy Mother Church recognize you as a Saint, that that would contribute adversely to the sex abuse crisis.
That is preposterous.
Faggioli's article is ridiculous. The article is very worldly.
Faggioli's approach is devoid of faith in God and His One True Holy Catholic Church.
His article is filled with nonsense.
Faggioli, by the third paragraph of his article, attacked the First Vatican Council.
Faggioli linked Vatican I to the sex abuse crisis.
Good luck to those who wish to defend Faggioli's anti-Catholic response to Holy Mother Church's canonization of Her holy Popes.
Mark Thomas
He is signaling that Pope Benedict’s time is near and he wants to put that legacy behind him.
Personally Pope Benedict deserves sainthood for not throttling PF
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