Movies have been made here since before the War Between the States. Georgia’s film industry survived Sherman as did Savannah. It survived the Carpetbaggers and reconstruction and Jimmy Carter. It will survive Italy’s calls to destroy our ancient film industry!
Alyssa Milano wants to destroy Georgia’s film industry to preserve sacrament of abortion
A lot of Hollywood productions have moved to Georgia for the tax breaks (we thought liberals loved paying their fair share), but Hollywood’s conscience hasn’t fully taken root in Georgia, where some people still consider a fetus with a beating heart a baby.
On Friday, Georgia’s Senate passed a “heartbeat bill” that would roll back the period in which a woman could seek an abortion to six weeks, when a heartbeat is detectable. The bill makes exceptions for rape and incest, allowing abortion up to 20 weeks. And that has actress Alyssa Milano calling for Hollywood to pull its business out of the state.
Did Alyssa have all her clothes on when she said this?
No, she was consulting with her midwife to decide if her new born full term baby should live or be killed.
Meanwhile, Anonymous 2 and Kavanaugh's "tolerant and inclusive" Democrat Party is doing this in San Antonio:
LOL - yes, soooooooooooooooooooooo tolerant and inclusive. One of my friends, a Harvard MBA who is gay, LOVES Chick-Fil-A. He is also a Democrat. Should I report him to the DNC so they can get him proper re-indoctrination?
So the movie industry will lock-step acquiesce as good liberals do?
I’m good with that...
Bee here:
There was an insert in the church bulletin today; a letter from Cardinal Cupich that called for us to write our legislators in Illinois. It seems a couple of new bills have been introduced that implement the same kind of wide-open abortion laws that have recently been signed into law in New York: abortion on demand up to birth, no questions asked; revoke the law that protects the religious conscience rights of health care workers - all would be mandated to participate regardless of their religious beliefs (I can't imagine what Catholic hospitals and clinics will do!); revoke the law that gives parents right to be informed of a minor daughter's attempt to get an abortion.
This overwhelms me. The Left has taken over Chicago and our government in the state capital, Springfield. I know most people in the state outside Chicago are conservatives, but it seems the seats of power have been taken by the Left, and that's all that matters.
Our priest at Mass this morning gave his homily on this topic, and told us to first of all pray, and to understand our fight against abortion, as well as other social ills, is and always will be against principalities and powers; and that just as in the Gospel today (TLM) Jesus cast out a demon from a man who was mute (which presumes the man was deaf). Father likened the deaf man to the deafness of those who don't know Jesus...they just do not hear God's call to their conscience, they've made themselves deaf by turning away from Him, they ignore Him, like kids do when they want to keep playing but are being called in to supper. So first of all to cast out this sort of demon we need to fast and pray, so that our society may hear God's call to their hearts, and they be converted and begin to act rightly. He recommended that if we did not already have an intention for this morning's Mass to make an end to abortion our intention.
So please, primarily pray for an end to abortion. I see what the Left is doing. They fear an overturning of Roe, so they are trying to enact very liberal abortion laws in each state. Please pray for God to stop them.
God bless.
Hollyweird types always exhort us to be more like the "sophisticated" Europeans. Well then they should be flocking to support this bill which is pretty much the law in almost all European countries where an abortion cannot be legally accessed generally after 20-24 weeks.
Why are we concerned with this anyway? In 8 out of 10 cases, any films that would be shot here for mass release would include lots of profane language, sexual situations and likely explicit nudity. Go ahead and let them subsidize their decadence elsewhere.
And there are plenty of fake catholics, some who post here, that will continue to support the Party of Moloch. Sick
ps: Cupich is just going through the motions. If he wants action he should threaten all catholics legislators who do not vote down these bills with excommunication and refuse them the sacraments, including a Catholic burial. Unfortunately the Church has become so weak, that they really have not much leverage left over these evil people
For the umpteenth time, the Democratic Part is not “my” party. Moreover, as I have repeatedly stated, TJM will have more credibility with me when he answers my question about voting and abortion that he continues to refuse to do. Here it is again:
Would you vote for the Democratic Party if they were the ones opposed to abortion and the Republicans were in favor of it (as they used to be) but everything else about their respective policies stayed the same?
This was the question I asked on the Blog over a year ago and that many answered sincerely but TJM refused to answer because it was “hypothetical.”
The film industry can go hang themselves.
Thanks to the all-pervasive influence of electronics, mass media and the "artistic" entertainment industry, my children grow up in a world where sex before marriage has no shame, is considered normal and in our faces every moment. Perversion of every type is lauded and if you so much as raise any moral objection, you are an intolerant hater. The "F" word has been normalized while the "n" word (not a nice word either, but not as explicit) is considered anathema.
I've had it. Take your movie industry to hell with you.
More than any laws or social opprobrium, isn’t it really much more a matter of changing hearts and minds? Why don’t we let the biological facts about embryonic and fetal development speak for themselves?:
I realize that everyone here has likely seen all this before. But how many of those seeking or supporting abortions are actually aware of this process of embryonic and fetal development? Yet without this knowledge how can there be a truly informed “choice”?
One more thing...Alyssa Milano--like most actresses of her generation--is a shameless slut who would drop her drawers in front of the camera for a $2 bill. Just the kind of people we need "teaching" us about morality.
Anonymous 2,
If the Republicans adopted Abortion as their sacrament, I would not vote for them. I don't support intrinsic evil. I cannot understand why a sentient and practicing Catholic would. If the Democratic Party opposed abortion I would likely vote for them as long as they weren't continuing to confiscate my money to do their "charity" work.
Yes, and Stacey Abrams, who narrowly lost the race for governor of Georgia last year, is asking businesses to take a stand against HB 481. Granted, opinion is divided on the issue---metro Atlanta is certainly more liberal on abortion than the rest of Georgia---but it raises the question, to what extent (if any) should we conform Georgia values with those of far-out California and New York. I mean, are we going to those states telling them what sort of values they should have?
And the irony, pro-abortion Kamala Harris was speaking in Atlanta at the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, getting praise from their pastor (whom I'm not aware has ever preached against abortion, which in Georgia results in far more deaths of black babies than whites). Nope, instead the theme of the day is probably going after "voter suppression", whatever that is.
Stacey and Kamala are both dim bulbs.
Well, TJM, both would easily win metro Atlanta next year if on the ballot. Abrams got overwhelming margins in DeKalb and Fulton Counties up here last November, over a 400,000-vote margin combined in Georgia's first and third-most populated county respectively. The reason Kemp is our governor is he got just enough of the rural vote to prevail. 8 of the state's 10 largest counties voted for Abrams last year, and almost half the state's total votes come from those 10 counties. That helps Richmond Hill---as Chatham County (Savannah) inevitably gets more Democratic, more conservatives head out to Richmond Hill (Bryan County) or Effingham County.
Thank you for finally answering my question. I infer from your answer that in the hypothetical situation I described, you would not vote for the Democrats because of the continuing “confiscation” you mention, and also that you would not vote for the Republicans (and Trump) despite your support for their other policies, for example, on immigration, trade, environment, foreign policy, etc. I further infer from this that you would either not vote at all or would vote for another candidate altogether.
I reiterate that on those occasions when I have voted Democratic rather than Republican (and I have done both), it was not because I supported their position on abortion but in spite of it. This is permitted by the USCCB guidance in “Faithful Citizenship.” If I were a Democrat (which I am not), I would be affiliated with the Democrats for Life.
Anonymous 2,
Well the Dems are almost universally wrong on any key issue. Their policies are designed to infantalize the American people and keep them dependent on government and the goody givers. The USCCB Guidance is contrary to the Vatican's guidance and is non-binding. The USCCB "guidance" was designed to give cover to faithless catholic politicians. I recall McCarrick, a prime water carrier for the Democratic Party, had a hand in this oily document and even flat out lied on the Vatican's position on giving communion to pro-abortion catholic politicians. Cardinal Ratzinger said you could not vote for pro-abortion politicians while he was head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Here is what Ratzinger actually said:
5. Regarding the grave sin of abortion or euthanasia, when a person’s formal cooperation becomes manifest (understood, in the case of a Catholic politician, as his consistently campaigning and voting for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws), his Pastor should meet with him, instructing him about the Church’s teaching, informing him that he is not to present himself for Holy Communion until he brings to an end the objective situation of sin, and warning him that he will otherwise be denied the Eucharist.
That old Liar McCarrick twisted this statement to make it sound that this was optional.
"The USCCB Guidance is contrary to the Vatican's guidance and is non-binding."
No, it is not contrary to the Vatican's guidance.
Cite your source if you think it is.
#5 above is NOT about voting.
Thank you for bringing this document to my attention. I have since accessed it at:
Perhaps you are unaware of the Nota Bene at the end of this document:
“[N.B. A Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil, and so unworthy to present himself for Holy Communion, if he were to deliberately vote for a candidate precisely because of the candidate’s permissive stand on abortion and/or euthanasia. When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favour of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.]”
I have never, nor would I ever, “deliberately vote for a candidate precisely because of the candidate’s permissive stand on abortion” but I have voted for such a candidate “for other . . . proportionate reasons” in accordance with the guidelines in the USCCB document “Faithful Citizenship.”
I did some further research on this document and found a source that talks about McCarrick’s alleged distortions that you mention:
Sadly, however, this source itself distorts in describing the Nota Bene by omitting the critical language qualifying the reasons for voting:
“In a 'Nota bene,' Cardinal Ratzinger's memorandum warns the bishops against allowing any Catholic to deliberately vote for candidates who were pro-abortion and/or pro-euthanasia.”
Why, oh why, dear God why, do so many, even Catholics, have such a problem with facts and the truth?
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