Anyone else publicly declaring to blow up the White House and thus assassinate the president would be arrested and thrown into jail like Squeeky Fromn! Will Madonna or will she be treated like a virgin unlike other terrorists?
Madonna performs during the Women's March on Washington Getty Images
You do not have the secret decoder ring, father, or you would know how to excuse some speech as art and therefore more free than other speech. The unholy alliance between entertainment industry, information media, and the political class in this country is exactly what the new administration is attempting to destroy in a peaceful revolution.
I hope it can be done peacefully. The next target needs to be the so called higher education centers that have failed the entire world by frustrating productivity and weaponizing politics and public service.
Pulling the plug on the funding of these institutions will straighten things out in 2 ~ 4 years.
This is, by the way, how we should deal with the bishops that attempt to subvert sacraments of marriage, ad orientem worship, and Latin Mass.
Just listen to what the "actress" Ashley Judd daughter of Naomi Judd and sister Wynonna Judd said about President Trump and his daughter Ivanka absolutely the most vile and filthy comment that I cannot even say here. These women are not marching for other women they are Marxist Leninist's, terrorists, anti-men, anti-family, anti-Christian, anti-military, anti-police, anti-American full of rage and hate, they worship the religion of ABORTION ON DEMAND plain and simple my friends. If they cared about women why not protect the 50% of babies that are female from abortion, they are utter frauds and full of demonic spirits. Just look at them, the usual mean faced, butch cut hair, tattoos, obese, dirty, unkempt, and the so called men with them are total CUCKS, look up the phrase if you need to that is what LIBERAL men are.
I think she finally realizes she's way to old for pop music, and so she's planning to start a demolition business. She's just offering to help her president build a Trump Tower to replace the aging executive mansion, the very name of which evokes historic racism.
Ex- Catholics such as the old performer Madonna are the MOST anti-Catholics around, they seem to suffer from so much hatred and hurt, one must feel somewhat sorry and pity for them, for they don't have Jesus Christ in the their hearts and that is the reason for their anger and hate. She is 60 years old how much longer can one go around in bras, stilettos, or wearing nothing at all on stage and not feel like a complete and utter fool? Grow up Madonna ask Christ and Our Lady for their forgiveness they love you and will forgive you if you ask them.
Let the name of Obama be stricken from every book and tablet. Stricken from every pylon and obelisk of America. Let the name of Obama be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of man, for all time. So let it be written, so let it be done!!! God bless our Christian President Donald John Trump may he guide our Great Nation to its former glory!!!
The Left hates Trump just like they hated Christ!
Trump just bombed ISIS in Syria and Iraq
Trump just reinstated the Mexico City policy, forbidding all federal promotion of abortion in foreign policy
Trump just announced intention to withdraw from the TPP and warned companies of tariffs - thus driving even more corporations to repatriate wealth to the USA and create manufacturing jobs - precisely the sorts of jobs the poor, highschool educated, and lower middle class NEEDS to get OUT of poverty with dignity!
The wall will force Mexico to have a long overdue POLITICAL upheaval of their own right inasmuch as tens of millions of Mexicans are forced to leave their country in search of jobs because of corruption in Mexico (which is far more socialist than the USA).
Within a year we'll see all the talking points of the Democrats about "love for the poor and minorities" being proven wrong. It's their policies and ideology that ensures the poor and minorities never leave the welfare plantation. It's their policies that ensure conflict between the ethnicities and genders.
If not for their divide and conquer pigeon holing of people along class, gender and ethnic lines, we'd be a far more socially cohesive country.
The modern Democratic Party is a reincarnation of the old Communist Party which was tossed on the ashbin of history long ago. The similarities are outstounding: top down economics, loss of individual freedom, and rule by your "betters" where the peasants (voters dependent on government) have what little the government allows them and largesse for the Politburo (Democratic ruling class). Just look at how government has enriched politicians like the Clintoons!
As the sentient amongst us say "the Dems so LOVE the poor, they've created millions more of them!"
I understand the left-wing's massive frustration at having watched Donald Trump become President Trump. They trounced him in the popular vote. They are stunned beyond comprehension that the likes of Donald Trump could possibly have been elected president.
America has sunk to such a depth that we actually have Donald Trump as president.
However, as some left-wingers have acknowledged, that also signifies as to how profound is the collapse of the democratic party. The democrat party is so bad, so horrific, that they were unable to defeat Donald Trump. Had they a halfway decent presidential candidate, the democrats would have trounced Trump in the popular vote as well.
Nevertheless, America elected her president via Electoral College votes. President Trump is America's legitimate president. The left-wing needs to accept that.
However, had they presented a halfway decent presidential candidate, the democrats, along with having won the popular vote, would also have trounced Trump via electoral votes.
But we have reached the point in American politics where presidential candidates who are not qualified remotely to serve as presidents win the White House.
The republicans run horrific candidates, Bush 41, Bush 43, Donald Trump...but the democrats are so pathetic themselves, that they are unable to defeat republican candidates who don't have any business winning the White House.
The democrats are so pathetic, that the best that they had to offer was Barrack Obama, who was not qualified remotely to have served as president. But the republicans were even more pathetic in that they failed twice to have defeated Barrack Obama.
America is in such shambles that the likes of Donald Trump, Barrack Obama, Bush 43, and Bush 41 have won presidential elections.
The left-wing should be enraged that they lost the White House to the likes of Donald Trump. However, President Trump is America's legitimate president.
It is imperative that the left-wing accept that President Trump won the election in lawful fashion. Otherwise, the left-wing risks whipping itself into such an unhealthy, sick, anti-President Trump frenzy that it's frightening to contemplate that which the left-wing may unleash in our streets.
Mark Thomas
To add please to my prior comments...
There is parallel to the secular left-wing's hatred of President Trump and the Catholic right-wing's hatred of the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis. The secular left-wing is prepared to go to extremes in the streets of America to unleash its hatred of President Trump. The Catholic right-wing is prepared to go to extremes within the Church to unleash its hatred of Pope Francis.
The Catholic right-wing must get a grip. They are about to graduate from their dehumanizing, name-calling phase (The Evil Clown...Frank The Hippie, etc.), which they employed to, in their minds, justify the venom that they have spat at Pope Francis. The notion is that Pope Francis is so wicked that he doesn't deserve to be referred to by his titles or even proper name.
From that phase, the right-wing is prepared to participate in a "Civil War within the Church"...separation from the Roman Pontiff. Many Catholic right-wingers have announced with glee that they look forward to the schism that they believe is about to occur within the Church.
To remain attached to Pope Francis and NewRome, NewChurch, Modernist Rome is to become an apostate, according to certain "Catholics."
The good news is that 99.9999 percent of Catholics will refuse to join the right-wing's schism. The bad news is that even the tiniest wound upon the Body of Christ is, in a sense, a gaping wound that hurts each of us.
May the secular left-wing and Catholic right-wing, each in its way, calm down. Let us opt for peace, not verbal and/or physical Civil War in America's streets and our Holy Catholic Church.
Mark Thomas
P.S. Perhaps the left-and-right-wings should chomp on some buffalo wings...they'd feel better. That is, the left-and-right-wings would feel better. The buffalo wings...not so much. They probably wouldn't feel better as they wish only to be reattached to buffaloes. It's a terrible thing...all those buffaloes that roam wingless, unable to fly.
Rumor has it the Kellyann Conway a devout Roman Catholic and daily communicant is leading President Trump into the Holy Roman Catholic Church by way of Father George Rutler of New York City.
Well, Mark Thomas, I wasn't too wild about either President Bush either, but better them than Michael Dukakis (1988) or Al Gore (2000). McCain was the only serious opposition in the GOP primary to Bush in 2000, no other viable ones who could have been elected. Sometimes the lesser of evils as they say.
Like the old Stones song, "you can't always get what you want..."
Madonna, another Vatican II "success story!" Another fake Catholic, Governor Cuomo of New Yawk is mandating that insurance companies operating in that State MUST provide for contraception and abortions. What is Big Yucker Up, Cardinal Dolan doing about that?
I just watched/listened via Youtube to Madonna's "blowing up the White House" speech, which ran for 5:43.
I won't link the address as Madonna resorted to foul, disgraceful language three times. I wouldn't want to expose somebody to Madonna's actual words.
Madonna insisted during her address that she was there to offer love and peace.
At the 1:06 mark, Madonna said of President Trump's victory, "it took us this moment of horrific darkness to wake us the...(bleep) up." Applause and cheers from the crowd followed.
Madonna, 3:04 mark: "And to our detractors that insist that this march will never add up to anything...(bleep) you!"
The crowd, for about 10 seconds, applauded and cheered.
Madonna, smiled, laughed a bit, then repeated..."(bleep) you!"
From the 3:29 mark to the 3:50 mark, Madonna said that the people present were embarking upon "much needed change...change that will require sacrifice, people...change that will require many of us to make difficult choices in our lives...but this is the hallmark of revolution."
At the 4;26 mark, Madonna said, "...I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. But I know this won't change anything."
As Madonna's address near its conclusion, she said, "I choose love. We choose love."
Mark Thomas
Anonymous said..."Well, Mark Thomas, I wasn't too wild about either President Bush either, but better them than Michael Dukakis..."
Yeah, well...a few million of our brother and sister Catholics and Eastern Orthodox in the Middle East, whose lives were extinguished via genocide, or uprooted in horrific fashion as the result of Bush administration decisions, might disagree with you.
By the way, how did that Project For The New American Century concocted by Bush's buddies, ten of whom played key roles in his administration, work out for Americans and Middle Eastern Christians?
Let us find out:
Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas, who says President Trump isn't qualified for the office? Sure, he has no political experience but his business experience is no doubt exactly what the US and other countries need. He certainly is wasting no time in implementing his plans, which is a lot more than can be said for any former president in recent times.
The only reason Hillary Clinton got the popular vote (which means nothing in the States anyway) is because of the California vote - and that is questionable because of the illegal voting that takes place. Trump absolutely creamed Clinton in winning the counties he won - she didn't get within shouting distance.
I also doubt that the Democrats would have won, no matter what candidate they put forward, because Obamacare was a major sticking point for many of the voters, as was lack of jobs and the TTP. Trump campaigned on jobs and many people were outraged by the Obama administration - including Democrats. I have been surprised at the large swathe of Trump supporters who are pro-life and that so, although he campaigned on that, it had no effect.
Minnesota during the recount in counties that Hillary won by a large margin, voting machines were said to have stuck which resulted in votes being counted they said four or five times and as a result the total votes counted didn't match those on the register, so the votes could not be recounted. The Democrats ran a very dirty campaign. They have continued on since the election and have tried every means to get the election overturned. Not to mention the fact that they have the MSM in their pockets. This is not going to be forgotten. I believe if he stands again in four years President Trump or any Republican candidate for that matter will win. VP Pence is also a great asset and President Trump certainly has made some very good choices.
Mark Thomas, I was asked by my cousin today, a cradle Catholic who has been faithful to the Church all her life, who doesn't use rude or abusive language, doesn't have a computer and so is unaware of all the stuff you refer to, ask me is there any way that lay Catholics can write and request the removal of the Pope. I told her, no, that we have to wait on Divine providence, but it shows you that it is very ordinary Catholics who are concerned about the Pope - I think you are completely out of touch with what the average Catholic in the pew thinks. From what I have heard, the Church is in the deep confusion that Cardinal Burke has warned about. After all he says he travels a lot and is constantly being asked for reassurance by Catholics. I am afraid you are on the minority liberal side of the Church and you will be on the liberal side of the schism if it does occur. Although Bishop Schneider says that we already are in de facto schism.
Jan said that Trump creamed Clinton in a lot of counties---yeah, like many that probably have more snakes than people in them. If you look at a map of Georgia, for instance, you would say Trump won in a landslide (128 counties). Well yes, that would be a landslide under the old country unit system in the days of the Talmadges, but of course Georgia has more counties than any other state but Texas, and 9 of the state's 12 largest voting counties went for Clinton, who won metro Atlanta by nearly 200,000 votes---the largest margin any Democratic presidential candidate since probably Jimmy Carter. Clinton won Cobb and Gwinnett, two traditionally GOP counties that had not backed a Democratic presidential candidate in 40 years. Fulton County, my home base, gave Clinton 69 percent---the highest Democratic performance here since maybe the 1940s.
As for the "lack of jobs,", well, Georgia under Governor Deal is adding lots of them every year---if you ever come through here, drive through midtown Atlanta on 75-85 and notice all the construction cranes---or drive down Peachtree Road in Buckhead and see the same. Looks at all the auto plants that have located in Dixie the last 30 or so years. What Trump doesn't address is the combination of unions, high taxes and regulations that discourage job creation in the Rust Belt. And a lot of job loss is due to technology---for instance, trains no longer have cabooses on them, and more often than not we go to an ATM than a bank teller to withdraw cash. Georgia has seen a lot of foreign investment since the 1970s and Trump isn't exactly what we need to keep that going.
Still, better him than Clinton when it comes to court appointments and social issues; my gripe with him is mainly economic.
Jan, some people prefer another political hack for president. Well, we've done that to our peril, so let's give a businessman, a doer, who has provided hundreds of thousands of people with jobs through his businesses, a chance. But loons will be loons.
I hope we are entering a season of optimism and accountabily. This is where meditating on forgiveness will help. We can't get even so that is a waste of time.
One hopes that Divine Providence keeps Pope Francis in office for a long, long time.
Full in the panting heart of Rome
Beneath the apostle’s crowning dome.
From pilgrim’s lips that kiss the ground,
Breathes in all tongues one only sound:
The golden roof, the marble walls,
The Vatican’s majestic halls,
The note redoubles, till it fills
With echoes sweet the seven hills
Then surging through each hallowed gate,
Where martyrs glory, in peace await
It sweeps beyond the solemn plain,
Peals over Alps, across the main.
From torrid south to frozen north,
The wave harmonious stretches forth,
Yet strikes no chord more true to Rome’s,
Than rings within our hearts and homes.
– Nicholas Cardinal Wiseman, Archbishop of Westminster (1802 – 1865)
Jan said..."The only reason Hillary Clinton got the popular vote (which means nothing in the States anyway) is because of the California vote - and that is questionable because of the illegal voting that takes place."
1. I have noted on this blog that America elects presidents via electoral votes, not popular votes. But the popular vote very much signals important realities.
2. Nobody has produced evidence to demonstrate that Mrs. Clinton trounced President Trump via voter fraud. In fact, True The Vote, which favors President Trump, said that it will require months of tedious research before they can even think to release a detailed report in regard to voter fraud and the 2016 A.D. presidential election.
From: RedState
"This Single Tweet Spurred Trump’s Claim Of Losing Popular Vote Due To Illegal Votes
"Donald Trump made a very specious claim about the election. It is one that has no supporting evidence at all and originated with a single tweet from a conservative activist named Gregg (Or Greg) Phillips."
Mark Thomas
Jan said..."I am afraid you are on the minority liberal side of the Church and you will be on the liberal side of the schism if it does occur. Although Bishop Schneider says that we already are in de facto schism."
There is only one side for a Catholic...the side where one finds the Pope. Given that you mentioned Bishop Athanasius Schneider...
Bishop Schneider reiterated recently that Catholics must be subject to the Pope. Bishop Schneider and I are in communion with His Holiness Pope Francis.
Jan, be sure to remain "on the liberal side of the schism" with Bishop Schneider as he is subject to Pope Francis. Again, as Bishop Schneider declared, a Catholic must be subject to the Pope.
In fact, Bishop Schneider has warned the SSPX that they must erase their irregular status and enter into regularized status with Pope Francis. Bishop Schneider insisted that remaining in any sense "autonomous" too long from the Pope is dangerous. He said that the SSPX is in danger in regard to their irregular status.
Bishop Schneider:
"If you remain canonically autonomous for too long, you run the risk of losing a characteristic of the Catholic Church, that is, to be subject to the pope. This is a danger for the SSPX."
Mark Thomas
Jan said..."Mark Thomas, I was asked by my cousin today, a cradle Catholic who has been faithful to the Church all her life, who doesn't use rude or abusive language, doesn't have a computer and so is unaware of all the stuff you refer to, ask me is there any way that lay Catholics can write and request the removal of the Pope. I told her, no, that we have to wait on Divine providence..."
Jan, your reply to your cousin is very's very Catholic. Unfortunately, your cousin lacks obviously your understanding of faith.
Interestingly, Bishop Schneider spoke recently about they type of mindset that pertains to your cousin. I am not saying that your cousin goes as far as to refuse to submit to His Holiness Pope Francis, but at least some of the following applies to your cousin's wish to remove Pope Francis from the Throne of Saint Peter.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider:
"We cannot make our subjection to the Vicar of Christ dependent upon the person of the pope; this would not be faith. You cannot say that “I don’t believe in this pope, I don’t submit, I am going to wait until one comes along that I like.”
"This is not Catholic, it is not supernatural; it is human.
"It is a lack of supernaturality and trust in Divine Providence, that God is the one who guides the Church."
Mark Thomas
My experience is opposite of your experience in question. In my family, there are cradle Catholics who have been faithful to the Church all their lives, who don't use rude or abusive language, don't have a computer and so are unaware of all the stuff you refer to...
...and they love His Holiness Pope Francis. The idea of requesting his "removal" is bizarre to them.
At each parish familiar to me my area, I encountered total love, respect, and appreciation for Pope Francis. They love him.
That corresponds to one survey after another that has recorded overwhelming love and approval among Catholics for Pope Francis.
Mark Thomas
Jan said..."Mark Thomas, I was asked by my cousin today, a cradle Catholic who has been faithful to the Church all her life, who doesn't use rude or abusive language, doesn't have a computer and so is unaware of all the stuff you refer to, ask me is there any way that lay Catholics can write and request the removal of the Pope. I told her, no, that we have to wait on Divine providence, but it shows you that it is very ordinary Catholics who are concerned about the Pope - I think you are completely out of touch with what the average Catholic in the pew thinks. From what I have heard, the Church is in the deep confusion that Cardinal Burke has warned about."
Jan, assuage your cousin's concerns via the recent words of Cardinal Burke:
CWR: Just to clarify again, are you saying that Pope Francis is in heresy or is close to it?
Cardinal Burke: "No, I am not saying that Pope Francis is in heresy. I have never said that. Neither have I stated that he is close to being in heresy."
Jan, you may wish also to pass along the following beautiful and inspirational Church teaching to your cousin:
Pope Pius IX, Apostolic Letter Per Tristissima:
"But you, dearly beloved Sons, remember that in all that concerns the faith, morals, and government of the Church, the words which Christ said of Himself: “he that gathereth not with me scattereth” [Mt 12:30], can be applied to the Roman Pontiff who holds the place of God on earth.
"Ground your whole wisdom therefore, in an absolute obedience and a joyous and constant adherence to this Chair of Peter."
Mark Thomas
The Francis Effect: Less Catholics going to Mass, less giving, and less vocations. What a success story!
Pop singers, actors and actresses, so-called celebs (definition of a celebrity - someone who has appeared on television); who gives a tuppenny damn about their opinions about anything, or regards their virtue-signalling on social media with anything but contempt?
These people don't live in the real world.
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