For about two months now, we have be substituted the Latin responses at all our Sunday and daily Masses. Dominus vobiscum. Et cum spiritu tuo, Sursum corda...etc and Pax Domini. Occasionally, I'll sing or say "Oremus" and offer the final blessing and dismissal in Latin. We also sing the Greek Kyrie, the Latin Sanctus and Agnus Dei.
I think it is actually becoming a part of the people. By accident I said "The Lord be with you" at one of the Masses and everyone looked perplexed! Some responded, "Et cum spiritu tuo, even with the English priestly greeting!
A week ago Saturday, I had a meeting with parents and their second graders preparing for their First Penance. I began the opening prayer by greeting everyone "Dominus vobiscum. All the the second graders responded, "Et cum spiritu tuo" and quite enthusiastically. They did so louder and better than their moms and dads! But mom and dad were blown away by their children's automatic response to Dominus Vobiscum and the energy of their response. May it always be that way!
Makes me miss you all the more.
What wonderful news. You are a great Priest Father and have a wonderful supportive parish. We should all be so lucky. I hope you share your experiences with your fellow Priests and hope they will come to mimic you and give us lay faithful a chance to go the way of the Church and Rome. Just teach us, we can and do learn !!
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