
Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Georgia produces more movies and television shows than California. There are major movie studios in the Atlanta area. African-American Tyler Perry purchased the shuttered Fort MacPherson and is turning it into a mega movie studio. In fact many scenes of The Walking Dead are shot around the old Post Theater there and even interior shots of the theater have been used as recently as this past Sunday! I went to the movies there in the late 1950's with my mom never dreaming that the last time I went there around 1960 and the next time I would see the inside of it would be on the Walking Dead in 2018/19! But I digress.

Alyssa Milano wants movie stars to boycott the movie industry in Georgia and put it out of business because our new Governor is about to sign the Baby Heartbeat Bill that would prevent legal abortions once a heartbeat is detected. She says this bill is evil and that her twisted/godless religious belief that abortion is sacrosanct and a "sacrament" should not be called into question or made illegal.

She cares little about those in this industry in Georgia, most of whom work behind the scenes, would have their livelihood destroyed and minorities, like Tyler Perry, would be bankrupt over her silly boycott.

It is sad, because in one way, Alyssa gets it about saving the lives of children, but is all in favor of murdering babies in the womb. I would suspect she would also agree with infanticide if the mother and her midwife agree to kill a baby who survives a full term abortion or any abortion.

Is there a disconnect here?


Anonymous said...

Slight correction---the bill would prohibit MOST abortions. There would be exceptions for rape, incest, life of mother and "medically futile" pregnancies. Interestingly, some of the opposition to the bill has come from the right, which opposed the exceptions. But in the legislative business, better to settle for half a loaf than none at all. As one legislator more or less put it, would you not go into a burning building and try to rescue people trapped there unless you could save everyone? Besides, there was no way the bill would get thru the Georgia House without those exceptions---as it was, the bill only passed the House with a single vote to spare, and a lot of Republicans in increasingly liberal metro Atlanta had "heartburn" on this vote.

As for the interference from Hollywood in our state, well, we don't try to impose our values on California (though most anyone reading this blog would prefer to Georgia values to that of increasingly atheistic California), so why should they be able to impose their hedonistic values on us?

Ironically, Kemp is Episcopalian---not the religion you typically associate with pro-life measures, while his two immediate precedessors (Nathan Deal and Sonny Perdue), who are Southern Baptists, never attempted to move this legislation.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Yes, it is only a partial step but a major one, in the right direction of acknowledging the person-hood of a fetus from the moment of conception. And Pope Francis apologetic about a child conceived in rape in the post above this is a powerful apologetic to say the least!

rcg said...

If the high pay actors stay away it might open opportunity for less well known folks.

Anonymous said...


Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe under this bill the woman if raped, has to have filed a police report and been examined in order to secure an abortion. There has to be evidence that she was raped. True?False?
As far as incest and life of the mother, aren't there requirements for those cases also?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 921, that is correct---woman has to file a police report under the bill (which makes sense, as otherwise who knows how many would lie to get an abortion). I am not sure about the details on incest and life of the mother, but it really does not matter---as soon as Kemp signs it, litigation will be filed and some federal judge will enjoin its enforcement. I think the idea is to use this as a "test case" for the Supreme Court to overturn ROE, but I don't think Chief Justice John Roberts wants a 5-4 vote doing that. Perhaps more likely, the court will "whittle away" at Roe slowly. Georgia current prohibits abortions (mostly) after 20 weeks and while that is being enforced, I am not sure the legal challenges to that are yet over.

I am not sure what the Rev AJM means by the bill being a "partial step". If he means a total ban on abortions---no exceptions---that will not happen here in Georgia, or probably any other state. If he means a "partial step" aiming at abortion state by state or one by one, he is correct.

Ironically in Georgia, almost every black Democrat in the Georgia House opposed the legislation, even though blacks are by far the largest number of abortion victims in Georgia. It is no contest. Blacks accounted for somewhere close to a third of the state's population, but over half (maybe 55 percent) of the total abortions in Georgia. Only one black Democrat voted for the measure, and he is already being targeted in next year's state primary.